
  • 网络improving memory;memory improvement
  1. 研究人员越来越确信荷尔蒙雌激素在维持、甚至可能在改善记忆方面所起的重要作用。

    But researchers are increasingly convinced that the hormone estrogen could play a key role in maintaining and perhaps even improving memory .

  2. 蛋黄卵磷脂的制备、检测及其改善记忆功能实验研究

    Research on Preparation and Determination of Egg Yolk Lecithin and Memory Improvement

  3. 结论雌激素可能是通过提高PKC的表达水平,使淀粉样前体的代谢生成Aβ1-40减少来保护海马部位胆碱能神经元,从而改善记忆功能。

    Conclusions Estradiol can improve the memory function maybe by increasing the expression of PKC to reduce the production of A β 1-40 protein .

  4. 摘要目的探讨脑缺血复灌后连续应用GM1对改善记忆障碍的疗效。

    Objective To study the improvement effects of GM1 on brain ischemia reperfusion ( BIR ) induced memory impairment in mice .

  5. 雌激素受体(ER)在中枢神经系统中分布广泛,与雌激素作用后,不仅具有改善记忆和神经保护的作用,还能够介导抗炎、抗氧化等多方面功能。

    Estrogen receptor is widely distributed in central nervous system . Recent study shows that besides improve learning and memory via the combination with estrogen , estrogen receptor can also mediate the process of anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation effect .

  6. 结论:益智丹是治疗CHS的有效药物,其作用机制可能与改善记忆、提高脑组织DA含量有关。

    Conclusion : YZD is an effective drug in treating CHS , its mechanism might be probably related to the improvement of the memory and the enhancement of DA receptor in cerebral tissue .

  7. 结论Hup-ATDDS督脉穴位给药的改善记忆作用优于一般部位给药;

    Conclusion Hup-A TDDS administration at GV acu-point shows a better improvement of memory disorders in comparison with general place .

  8. 目的:探讨石菖蒲改善记忆作用的有效部位及其作用机理。方法:灌胃给药10天,每天2次,观察学习记忆行为实验以及脑乙酰胆碱脂酶、c-jun基因表达的变化。

    Methods : The drug was given by op for 10 days , two times a day , ethological tests of learning and memory , Acetylcholinesterase activity and c-jun gene expression were observed .

  9. 结论:VD所致痴呆在某些功能上是可逆的,应用脑神经生长素治疗可以延缓病情恶化,减轻症状,改善记忆和提高患者日常生活能力。

    Conclusion : Some function of the patients with VD are reversible . CNG can postpone the deterioration of patient 's condition , alleviate symptoms and signs , improve memory and raise the ADL of the VD patients .

  10. 白藜芦醇具有良好的辐射防护作用:能够延长60Coγ射线照射后的秀丽线虫寿命;增强其运动能力;改善记忆能力;有效的保护生殖系统。

    Resveratrol has the good protective function to the 60Co γ - irradiated , such as extended the lifespan of wild-type C. elegans , enhanced its locomotion , improved the memory and protected the reproductive system .

  11. 巧克力可以改善记忆,还可以帮助孩子们通过考试。

    Chocolate improves the memory and helps children to pass exams .

  12. 结论:孕酮和孕烯醇酮硫酸盐可改善记忆损伤。

    CONCLUSION : Progesterone and pregnenolone sulfate can ameliorate the memory deficit .

  13. 蛋黄卵磷脂改善记忆作用的实验研究

    Feed with Egg Yolk Lecithin Can Improve the Memory Function in Mice

  14. 鳗鱼油胶囊改善记忆作用的研究

    Study on the memory improvement of fish oils capsules made from Eels

  15. 结论调智口服液可促进智能发育,改善记忆。

    Conclusion Intelligence-improving Oral Liquid can enhance the intelligence development , improve memory .

  16. 结论大豆卵磷脂具有改善记忆的功能。

    Conclusion The memory of mice fed with soybean lecithin has been improved .

  17. 对健康也有增加创造力、减少抑郁、改善记忆的益处。

    The health benefits range from increased creativity , less depression and improved memory .

  18. 目的观察大豆卵磷脂改善记忆的作用。

    Objective To observe the effect of soybean lecithin on improving the memory of mice .

  19. 因此,研究人员推论改善记忆能力可以能够提高流动智能。

    So the researchers reasoned that improving it might lead to improvements in fluid intelligence .

  20. 结果氯氮平和维思通能显著改善记忆、注意及执行功能。

    Results : Both clozapine and risperidone can significantly improve memory , attention and executive function .

  21. [结论]初乳具有促进生长发育、改善记忆、免疫调节等保健功能。

    [ Conclusion ] Colostrum has certain effect of growth-promoting , intelligence - enhancing and immuno-adjusting .

  22. 现代药理研究发现生慧汤能够改善记忆获得障碍小鼠的学习记忆能力。

    Modem pharmacological studies found that it can improve the ability of learning and memory in mice .

  23. 灵芝和天麻等复配产品辅助改善记忆功能研究

    Study on Complex Products of Ganoderma lucidum and Gastrodia elata so on to Improve the Memory Function in Mice

  24. 食品添加剂新品种&神经酸对改善记忆的影响及在益智食品方面的应用研究进展

    The Development of the Research and Application of the new food addiitive of Nervonic Aicd 's Influence on Memory Improving

  25. 结论利培酮能有效治疗首发精神分裂症患者的阳性和阴性症状,改善记忆及注意功能。

    Conclusion Risperidoneis is effective in negative and positive symptoms and can improve memory and cognitive function of first-episode schizophrenics .

  26. 结论:通过对拟痴呆大鼠的记忆力、皮层M-受体结合容量及胆碱酯酶活性的观察,证明针灸有防治脑功能减退、改善记忆的功能。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture and moxibustion could improve memory and are helpful in the prevention and treatment of brain dysfunction .

  27. 人为地采用特殊的方式进行识记,以改善记忆效果的技巧和方法称之为记忆术。

    Mnemonics is the technique and method which person used for memorizing by special ways to improve his memory effects artificially .

  28. 除了改善记忆外,有意识呼吸还带来多种好处,包括减轻压力和延长注意力集中时间。

    There are many other benefits ascribed to breathe awareness besides improved memory , including stress relief and increased attention span .

  29. 对酒精暴露抑制记忆形成具体过程的认识可能为改善记忆功能方面提供新的策略。

    Better understanding of what occurs when memory formation is inhibited by alcohol exposure could lead to strategies to improve memory .

  30. 结论:石杉碱甲胺囊及石杉碱甲片剂均系安全有效的改善记忆(及认知)功能的药物。

    CONCLUSION : Huperzine capsule and tablet are both safe and effective drug to improve memory and cognitive function in the elderly .