
fànɡ bù xià
  • can't let go;can't stop
  1. 不要放不下自尊而不求人帮忙。

    Don 't be too proud to ask for help .

  2. 如果文本太长,在显示屏放不下的话,会自动换行。

    The text wraps around if it is too long to fit the screen .

  3. 这部车太大了,我们的车库放不下。

    The car was too big to fit into our garage .

  4. 我的背包太大了,行李架上放不下。

    My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack

  5. 我心里老放不下这件事。

    I cannot get this thing off my mind .

  6. 连吃顿饭我们都放不下手机。

    We just cannot leave our mobiles for simply a meal .

  7. 如果你经常出差的话,你对这两款iPhone的续航表现应该会比较满意——如果你租来的车的杯托放不下这款新iPhone,你可别抗议就是了。

    If you 're a frequent traveler , you 'll be pleased with the phones " performance - just don 't cry foul when one doesn 't fit into the cup holder of your rental car .

  8. 播放机可以支持2160p图像和视频的播放,但碟子本身的容量放不下大多数4K电影以及常常被包含在蓝光光碟里面的花絮。

    The player can support playout of 2160p images and video , but the discs themselves don 't have the capacity to hold most 4K movies and the extras that are often included in Blu-ray .

  9. 但是,有时候标签包含许多字符,或者xtic的时间格式在图形上的tic之间放不下。

    However , there are occasions when supplying labels that contain many characters or indeed time formats for the xtics that will just not fit between the tics on the graph .

  10. 布拉德福德的主教NickBaines牧师说:“我认为这非常可笑。唯一一件让我放不下心的事情是,从他的腰围和裤子看,他的那身衣服不怎么合身。”

    Bishop of Bradford , the Rt Rev Nick Baines , said : ' I think it 's dead funny . The only thing that concerns me - judging from the waistline and tights - is that he doesn 't look that fit . "

  11. 这个电视柜太小,已经放不下这台新电视了。

    This television cabinet is too small for this new television .

  12. 我只是放不下比赛。

    I just didn 't want to leave the game behind .

  13. 但是发现出租车放不下他们的行李。

    And realized that the taxi would not accommodate all teams .

  14. 这架子上放不下四开本的书。

    Quarto volumes are too large to fit on this shelf .

  15. 问题在于,你总是拿得起放不下。

    The problem is you 're just not good at letting go .

  16. 之前总是放不下的,现在想想也没什么,其实。

    Why don 't you think it in my stand !

  17. 亲爱的你不会懂,其实我放不下。

    Dear you don 't understand , in fact , I resort .

  18. 不是我不愿意放弃你,只是放不下你了。

    I do not want to give you not only fit you .

  19. 教室里放不下三十张桌子。

    There isn 't enough space in the classroom for thirty desks .

  20. 贝蒂为什么还放不下马特

    Betty , why are you holding on so hard to Matt ?

  21. 因为女儿,我不再是那个什么事情都放不下的人。

    Because of Paula , I don 't cling to anything anymore .

  22. 行了,伙计,你难道还放不下吗?

    Come on , man , will you snap out of it ?

  23. 只是,我放不下我那卑微的爱情。

    I just can not let go my humble love .

  24. 对不起,这个演示文稿已经放不下更多的图片了。

    Sorry , this presentation cannot hold any more pictures .

  25. 我们的书架不够用,放不下这麽多书。

    We haven 't enough shelves to keep all our books on .

  26. 回家后仍放不下工作。

    Can 't lay down the job even off duty .

  27. 她只是放不下骄傲的架子。

    She 's just got that whole pride thing going .

  28. 我抽自己嘴巴,恨自己放不下。

    I pumped his mouth , his hate fit .

  29. 这件事长期以来一直使我放不下。

    I have had the matter on my mind for a long time .

  30. 但是对于我来说,我放不下星球大战。

    And for me , I couldn 't stop talking about star wars .