
  • 网络government information publicity system
  1. 我国政府信息公开制度实施中的完善性探析

    The Analysis to the Consummation of Chinese Government Information Publicity System

  2. 政府信息公开制度中的几个问题

    Some Issues in Government Information Publicity System

  3. 基于拉斯韦尔模式的政府信息公开制度研究

    The Study on Government Information Pubic System from the Lasswell Mode

  4. 其次深入分析了我国政府信息公开制度的困境及其成因。

    Secondly , analyzing the system dilemmas and the reasons about it .

  5. 强制性公积金管理局论我国政府信息公开制度的公开范围

    Research on the Scope of the Chinese Government Information Disclosure

  6. 论我国政府信息公开制度的完善&由非典危机引发的思考

    On Perfection of the System of Publicizing the Governmental Information

  7. 刍议我国政府信息公开制度化建设

    On construction of setting up a systematic procedure of our government information publicity

  8. 这让我们认识到政府信息公开制度完善的必要性。

    This allows us to recognize the government information openness system perfect necessity .

  9. 我国政府信息公开制度建设取得了一定的进展。

    The progress of Chinese Government Information Openness system construction can be seen .

  10. 论政府信息公开制度的构建

    On the Release System of Administrative Information PUBLICATION INFORMATION

  11. 我国政府信息公开制度的规范分析

    Standard Analysis of Governmental Information Publicity System in China

  12. 信息时代的到来,极大促进了世界各国政府信息公开制度的建立和发展。

    The coming of information time has promoted the open system of government information greatly .

  13. 政府信息公开制度实施中存在的问题与对策研究

    A Study of the Problems in Implementing the Government Information Disclosure System and the Countermeasures

  14. 第三部分,我国政府信息公开制度的现状、问题及完善。

    The third part of the open system of Government Information Status , Problems and Improvement .

  15. 第三部分对国外部分国家的政府信息公开制度与国内的政府信息公开制度进行了比较。

    The 3rd part compares the abroad to the internal of the government information publicity system .

  16. 本文主要研究政府信息公开制度中的司法救济制度。

    This paper concentrates on the system of open government information in the legal redressing system .

  17. 另外,我国公民知情权的保护为政府信息公开制度的确立奠定了法理基础。

    Therefore , to establish a system of letting government information public in our country is necessary .

  18. 政府信息公开制度初探政府信息公开的范围探讨

    Brief Discussion of System of Freedom of Governmental Information Exploration of the Scope of Publicizing Government Information

  19. 政府信息公开制度包括信息公开和信息控制两个方面,它们相互协调,相互制约。

    The system of open government information includes open information and information control , which are closely correlated .

  20. 严格来说,我国并未建立起规范的政府信息公开制度。

    In a word , the legal system of disclosure of government information has not been established yet .

  21. 政府信息公开制度建设也因此成为我国政府改革的核心内容。

    The construction of government information unfolding system has become the core of government reforms at all levels .

  22. 第二章是国外政府信息公开制度,第三章是我国政府信息公开制度。

    Chapter ⅱ is foreign government information disclosure system , the third chapter of our open system of government information .

  23. 国外主要国家政府信息公开制度发展较早,法律体系已经非常完善。

    Foreign countries on the disclosure of government information system development , the legal system of early has very perfect .

  24. 但随着实践的不断推进,我国政府信息公开制度建设中存在的问题也暴露出来。

    But with the continuous practice , the problems existing in the construction of the information publicity system also exposed .

  25. 在信息时代背景下,这种信息制度已经不适合时代发展的要求,政府信息公开制度已经成为必然的选择。

    In the time of information , this kind of information system already has not been suitable for the development .

  26. 第二部分,政府信息公开制度与知情权、国家秘密的关系。

    The second part , the government information disclosure system and the right to know the relationship between state secrets .

  27. 它的颁布与实施是我国建立政府信息公开制度进程中的一个重要里程碑。

    Its promulgation and implementation of China to establish a government information disclosure system in the process of an important milestone .

  28. 预期从四个方面来化解网络时代下对公众参与和政府信息公开制度所提出的挑战。

    Expected from four to resolve the challenges posed by public participation and open government information system in the Internet age .

  29. 世界上也已有50多个国家制定了信息公开法,采用了政府信息公开制度,使它成为该国信息资源开发利用领域中重要的法律保证。

    There were 50 countries have been drawn up the law of information publicity and use the publicity rule of government information .

  30. 针对目前我国政府信息公开制度的缺点,对我国的政府信息公开制度建设提出了改进和完善的意见与建议。

    On account of the weak point , I raise the views and the advices to improve our government information publicity system .