
  1. 在权力的运行过程中,实现权利和责任的统一是引咎辞职的政治学基础。

    In the process of the power operation , the unification of rights and responsibility is the political foundation of taking the blame and resigning .

  2. 在这个意义上,文本原意说的哲学基础、解释学基础、政治学基础以及刑法学基础,与主观说没有实质的差别,面临着同样的困境。

    In this sense , the " text intent theory " and " subjective to theory " based on the same philosophy , hermeneutics , political science and criminal law theory , have no real difference and face the same dilemma .

  3. 外资银行风险控制及其法律问题具有丰富的内容,它包括外资银行风险控制的基本问题、外资银行风险控制的经济学基础和政治学基础,各国外资银行风险控制法律制度及立法实践。

    Foreign banks risks control and related legal issues have rich content consisting of basic issues of foreign-founded banks risks control , economic and political foundations for foreign-founded banks risks control , and the legal system and legislative practice on foreign-founded banks risks control in other countries as well .

  4. 行政学的核心理论来源于政治学,基础理论是经济学和管理学,再外一层是行政经验的理论研究,最外一层是行政经验。

    The core theory of Administration Science comes from political science , and the basic theory is from economics and management science , then the theoretical study of administrative experience , and the outermost layer is administrative experience .

  5. 他的道德教育思想有着深厚的哲学、政治学的理论基础。

    However , his moral education thought has profound philosophic , political theoretical basis .

  6. 随着马克思主义整体性问题研究的凸显,提出了以整体性马克思主义作为思想政治教育学理论基础的要求。

    With prominence of the research of Marxism 's integrity , the view of using an integrate Marxism as the theoretical basis of ideological and political pedagogy has been set forth .

  7. 试论当代政治哲学的学理基础

    Academic and Theoretical Basis of Contemporary Political Philosophy

  8. 思想政治教育价值论是思想政治教育学基础理论研究中的薄弱环节。

    Axiology of ideological education is a weak link for the research in fundamental theories of ideological pedagogy .

  9. 政治冲突是重要的政治现象,也是政治学的基础范畴。

    Political conflict is not only an important phenomenon in politics , but also the basic category of political science .

  10. 这部政治哲学著作结构严谨、论述雄辩,为西方政治学传统奠定了基础。

    This political book is structured and discourse eloquent , laid the Western political status for Aristotle .

  11. 政治哲学是政治学理论体系的最高层面,也是政治学研究的基础。

    Political philosophy locates at the top of theoretical system of politics , which forms also the base of politics .

  12. 我国在政治发展的过程中,要在坚持马克思主义政治学的前提和基础上,借鉴国外政治发展理论的有益成果,用于指导我国政治发展的实践。

    During the political development process , our country should maintain the base of Marxian political science , borrow the reasonable thought of western political development , and apply it to guide the political development practices .