
  • 网络Brideshead Revisited;Revisited Brideshead
  1. 一个成年人走到哪里都带着泰迪熊的例子,我只能想到一个,那就是《故园风雨后》(BridesheadRevisited)中的塞巴斯蒂安弗莱特勋爵(LordSebastianFlyte)。

    The only example I can think of where a grown-up goes around with a teddy bear is Lord Sebastian Flyte in Brideshead Revisited .

  2. 二手无尾礼服长期以来一直是英国大学生的收藏,有一种浓郁的电影《故园风雨后》(bridesheadrevisited)的风格,它们是英国贵族子弟的主要服装。

    Second-hand dinner jackets have long been the preserve of British undergraduates with a penchant for Brideshead Revisited styling , to the extent that they are a staple part of the English Aristo version of preppy .

  3. 《皇冠上的宝石》和《故园风雨后》的时代,完美、忠诚、投巨资的文学改编体现着电视台的严谨,格拉纳达电视台打造的夏洛克·福尔摩斯也是这样。

    This is the era of " Jewel in the Crown " and " Brideshead Revisited " and those immaculate , faithful , expensive literary adaptations that prove the seriousness of television , and this is what you get with the Granada Adventures of Sherlock Holmes .