
ɡù dào
  • old course;old way;beaten track
故道 [gù dào]
  • (1) [old way]∶旧有的道路;老路

  • 长史欣恐还走其军,不敢出故道。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  • (2) [old river course]∶水流已经改道的旧河道

  • 黄河故道

  1. 豫东黄河故道湿地生态旅游开发探析

    East of Henan province Yellow River old course wetland eco-tourism development probing

  2. 上海苏州河故道砂质粉土液化综合判别

    Comprehensive Assessment for Liquefaction of Sandy Silt in the Old Course of Suzhou River

  3. 据19911994年的调查,该故道具有以下优良性状:(1)水质好,溶解氧为5.710.5mg/ml,透明度为0.31.75m。

    Based on the study from 1991 to 1994 , the following advantages have been found : ( 1 ) good water quality , no solution , DO2 5.7 10.5mg / ml , transparency 0.3 1.75m .

  4. 对河流故道区砂质土壤水分运移规律及灌溉制度研究结果表明,不同灌水量处理灌水后7d内土壤蒸发量差异较小。

    The moisture migration regularity and the new irrigation method in the sandy soil of river ancient channel were studied . The results indicate that the soil water evaporation capacity in 7 days with different treatments of irrigating water quota is not significantly different .

  5. 黄河故道区域土地资源开发利用研究

    Development and Utilization of Land Resources in Ancient Yellow River Area

  6. 黄河故道一带也是发病率较高的地区。

    Also the incidence in the former Yellow River vally was high .

  7. 黄河故道资源的开发利用

    Resources Development and Utilization of Ancient Canal of Yellow River

  8. 长江天鹅州故道鱼类群落种类多样性

    Species diversity of fish community in ? Swan Oxbow of Changjiang River

  9. 第七章论述粮油故道的衰落。

    Chapter Seven is about the decline of the former trade route .

  10. 河流故道区立体农业种植模式研究

    Study on Three-dimensional Agricultural Planting Patterns in River Ancient Channel

  11. 河流故道区梨树根系分布规律研究

    Study on the Law of Pear Root Distribution in River Ancient Channel

  12. 黄河故道地区葡萄园果草牧组合增效研究

    Research on Increasing Effect about Combining Fruit Grass with Stock Raising in Grape Orchard

  13. 黄河故道的环境特征与整体开发

    The environmental characteristics and the development of the ancient course of the Yellow River

  14. 湖北天鹅洲故道江豚的活动与行为

    Movement and behavior of finless porpoise ( neophocaena phocaenoidescuvier ) atswan oxbow , Hubei Province

  15. 第八章分析了晋蒙粮油故道的影响与历史地位。

    Chapter Eight analyses the influences and significance of the Jin-Meng Former Grain-Oil Trade Route .

  16. 河流故道区不同施肥处理对土壤养分及其酶活性的影响

    Effect of Different Fertilizer Treatments on Nutrient and Enzymatic Activity of Soil in River Ancient Channel

  17. 黄河故道农业设施补助项目的实践与思考

    The Practice and Reflection of the Farming Facilities Subsidizing Program for the Ancient Yellow River Valley

  18. 黄河故道地区苹果气候适应性的调查研究

    Studies on the adaptability of apple to the climate in the old Yellow River Basin Area

  19. 沿着帝王故道慢慢走来,鼓楼苍然,钟声依旧。

    Following the imperial road leisurely , the drum-tower seems deserted yet the bell still sounds .

  20. 豫北黄河古道区风沙地貌特征豫北黄河故道湿地鸟类自然保护区鸟类区系调查

    The characteristics of Aeolian Sandy landform in ancient Yellow River course area at Northern Henan Province

  21. 黄河故道沙地杨树人工林不同间作方式的比较

    Comparison of different intercropping ways of Poplar Plantation in sand land of the Yellow River original course

  22. 天鹅洲长江故道近代环境变化的有壳变形虫记录

    Recent Environmental Changes in the Swan Oxbow of the Yangtze River : Evidence from Testate Amoebae Records

  23. 第五章集中介绍粮油故道上的码头与口岸城镇的发展过程。

    Then Chapter Five concentrates on the development of ports and their nearby towns along the route .

  24. 黄河故道地区苹果树体冻害的调查研究

    The Investigation on the Freeze Injury of the Apple Tree Trunk in the Region of yellow River Course

  25. 徐州黄河故道地区农业综合开发利用初步研究

    The Tentative Study About the Comprehensive Development of Agriculture in the Old Yellow River Course Region in Xuzhou

  26. 黄河故道冲积沙地农田防护林网防护效应的研究

    Study on the Protective Effects of Farm-shelter Forest Network in Alluvial Sandy Area of the Old Yellow River

  27. 沙质沉积物主要来源于现代流水作用、干涸湖泊和河流故道。

    The sandy materials mainly originate from modern fluvial action , dry lake deflation and older river courses .

  28. 黄河故道地区桃树黄叶病发病原因及防治措施

    Cause and Control Measure of the Chlorotic Disorder of Peach Tree in the Old Course of Yellow River

  29. 黄河故道地区苹果幼树提早结果研究

    Studies on summer pruning to hasten fruit-bearing of young apple trees in the old Yellow River Basin Area

  30. 黄河故道生态旅游资源的开发利用&以商丘市为例

    Exploiting and Utilizing Wetland Eco-tourism Resources of Yellow River 's Old Course ── Taking Shangqiu City as An Example