
jiào tài
  • Teaching attitude;teaching manner;teacher's bearing
  1. 教态美与中学语文课堂教学

    Beauty of Teacher 's Posture and Classroom Instruction in Chinese of Middle School

  2. 有利于体育教师形成自己的教学风格;影响体育教师的教态;

    Help to from teaching style and influence teachers ' manners in class .

  3. 影响体育教师的教态。教师学识漫议

    Teachers . On Teachers ' Learning

  4. 备课艺术、导课艺术、教态艺术、应变艺术及结课艺术方面来谈了一些自己的思考和总结。

    This paper gives some ideas about art in preparing lessons , guiding class , adopting teaching attitude , taking adjustment and ending class .

  5. 从教师的素质、教师的形象和教师的教态谈健美操课中教师因素对大学生心理素质的影响。

    This article discusses the teacher ' impact on the students ' psychological quality in calisthenics class in terms of teacher 's quality and teacher 's image .

  6. 第三部分是根据学生对教师教态的视觉主次印象深入探讨各类教态的内涵及运用。

    Third part makes a further discussion to vision 's primary and secondary impression of teacher 's posture according to students , and all kinds of intention and application of teacher 's posture .

  7. 舞蹈教师是训练整个舞蹈教育的执行者、诱导者和贯彻者,他们通过舞蹈中的肢体美、教学中的教态美和生活中的自然美表现出特殊的美育功能。

    Dance teacher is the executor of the entire dance training , education and implement , induced by the body beauty , dance teaching of natural beauty and life itself shows special aesthetic function .

  8. 从备课、教法、语言表达、板书、仪表、教态、课后总结、知识更新等方面,就如何提高教师讲课的科学性和艺术性进行了阐述

    The paper discusses ways of improving teaching science and teaching art in terms of lesson preparation , teaching methods , teaching language , blackboard handwriting , teachers ′ appearance , lesson summary and knowledge updating

  9. 根据构建好的培训方案,通过微格教学的方式对本校06级生物科学师范生进行课堂教学技能的培训,内容包括教学语言技能、板书技能和教态变化技能。

    According to the training program , I arrange a classroom teaching skills training for normal students of Biological Sciences by Micro-teaching , including teaching language skills , writing on the blackboard skills , and teaching behavior change skills .

  10. 师范生在教育实习过程中一般存在着教材把握不准、教法不适应学生、教态不自然、演示实验有缺陷、应急能力差、盲目相信教学资料等等缺点。

    In teaching practice of students in normal universities , such problems are rife as inaccurate understanding of the textbook , inappropriate teaching methods , unnatural teaching appearance , inability to meet an emergency and unrealistic trust in teaching materials .

  11. 本论文就教师体态语言的美学内涵和审美标准进行研究,旨在探讨教师教态美在中学语文课堂教学中的运用问题。

    This thesis makes a research on the aesthetic intention of teacher 's figure language and aesthetic standard , aim at probing into application problem of beauty of teacher 's posture in the classroom instruction of Chinese of middle school .

  12. 以教师的教法、教态、学生的兴趣与爱好、场地器材、教学环境及教材等方面为切入点,阐述了其对学生在体育课中练习积极性的影响,并提出了相应的对策。

    From the point of teaching method , teaching attitude , students ' interests , physical equipments , teaching environment and teaching materials , this paper describes some influence on students ' physical training enthusiasm and gives some corresponding countermeasures .

  13. 审美化教学课前的美学施工,包括教师对受教者审美经验和心理承受力的深切把握,从审美角度对教材的深研与领悟,以及对教态美的精心设计。

    " the aesthetic designing " before class includes the teachers ' deep understanding of the students ' aesthetical experiences and psychological bearing , the thorough study of textbooks as well as the careful designing of the beauty of teaching postures from the aesthetic angle .

  14. 结果表明,一些实习生主要遇到了以下9方面的困扰专业知识、教学效果反馈技能、时间控制、计算机多媒体技术运用、洞察能力、教学组织技能、教学语言技能、板书技能、教态变化技能。

    The findings suggest that some pre-service students are concerned about nine issues , such as professional knowledge , feed backing skills , time control , the use of computer multimedia , insights , organization skills , language skills , writing skills and body language skills .

  15. 阐述了在篮球教育的过程中,教学内容方法教态等因素会影响到同学的学习技能以及影响到健全人格的形成,论证了篮球教育是对学生们的人格形式是有较大的影响。

    Expounds the process of education in basketball , and the content of teaching methods such as itself things affect students study skills and influence to the formation of the sound personality , demonstrates the basketball education is on student personality form is a major influence .

  16. 在体育教学中为了更好地对学生进行审美教育,教师要讲究讲解语言美和动作示范美,力求教态美,注意教学方法美和场地器材布置美。

    In order to give students better aesthetic education in the process of teaching , the teachers should pay attention to their way of speaking , acting , and performing , and meanwhile should never ignore the choices of teaching method and the beauty of the appliance in classes .