
gǎn sǐ duì
  • dare-to-die corps;suicide squad;forlorn hope
敢死队 [gǎn sǐ duì]
  • [suicide spuad;dare-to-die corps] 战争中担负最艰巨的战斗任务由志愿牺牲的人组成的战斗队

敢死队[gǎn sǐ duì]
  1. 《敢死队3》(TheExpendables3)和《安妮:纽约奇缘》(Annie)上映前就有盗版流出。

    The pirating of " The Expendables 3 " and " Annie " before their release .

  2. 今年夏天,狮门娱乐(LionsGateEntertainment)出品的《敢死队3》(Expendables3)也曾在院线上映前被人泄露到网上,盗版拷贝的下载总计达到了2百万次。

    This summer Lions Gate Entertainment 's Expendables 3 was leaked online before its theatrical release , with the pirated copy downloaded up to 2m times .

  3. 索尼影视娱乐已重启了《捉鬼敢死队》(Ghostbusters),全部阵容为女演员的新片正在拍摄中。

    It has a reboot of Ghostbusters in the works , featuring an all-female cast .

  4. 还有她女儿一边看《捉鬼敢死队》(Ghostbusters)一边大嚼咸味爆米花让她没法儿踏实睡觉。

    And when her daughter ate lots of salty popcorn and watched Ghostbusters she didn 't sleep so well .

  5. 费格曾执导电影《伴娘》(Bridesmaids),及即将上映的《超能敢死队》(Ghostbusters),阿帕图曾执导《生活残骸》(Trainwreck)和《一夜大肚》(KnockedUp),两人目前都是好莱坞喜剧界的中流砥柱。

    Mr. Feig ( " Bridesmaids , " the coming " Ghostbusters " reboot ) and Mr. Apatow ( " Trainwreck , " " Knocked Up " ) are now kingpins of Hollywood comedy .

  6. 目前,施瓦辛格已拍了三部新片,包括8月中旬上映的《敢死队2》(TheExpendables2),这是他自2003年以来第一次出演主角。

    He has already shot three films , including the ensemble piece ' The Expendables 2 , ' which opens next week and is the first movie since 2003 to feature him in any role beyond a cameo .

  7. 长期饰演动作电影中的英雄也有不利的一面,西尔维斯特·史泰龙(SylvesterStallone)就深有体会:他做过四次背部手术、两次肩部手术和一次脊柱融合术——那是在他拍摄《敢死队》(TheExpendables)把脖子弄折之后。

    There are downsides to being a longtime action-movie hero , as Sylvester Stallone has found out : He 's had four back operations , two shoulder surgeries and a spinal fusion , that one after he fractured his neck filming " The Expendables . " Over the years ,

  8. 这些袭击甚至可以睥睨世界上最棒的敢死队。

    The attacks would have challenged the world 's finest commandos .

  9. 哦你说的没错是“追鬼敢死队2”的

    Oh , you 're right . It 's Ghostbusters 2 .

  10. 《捉鬼敢死队》我都看7遍了

    I 've seen Ghostbusters , like , seven times .

  11. 真的非常棒“抓鬼敢死队?”

    It was really great . " Ghostbusters " ?

  12. 买2张捉鬼敢死队的票

    Um , two tickets for Ghostbusters , please ?

  13. 她的父亲和你一起在敢死队吗?

    Her father served with you in Bravo company ?

  14. 连比尔·默里在拍摄《捉鬼敢死队》第一个镜头时都犯了这个错。(比尔·默里:美国著名演员。《周六夜现场》节目创办人)

    Even Bill Murray makes that mistake in the first scene of Ghostbusters .

  15. 他还被指控运行针对什叶派人物的敢死队。

    He was also accused of running death squads in targeting Shiite figures .

  16. 但有一份沾满泥渍的“追鬼敢死队”的原版最终手稿!

    But there is an original final draft Ghostbusters script with actual slime stains !

  17. 我的敢死队在哪里?

    Where the hell is my infantry ?

  18. 他们还在讨论“捉鬼敢死队”吗?

    Are they still talking about ghostbusters ?

  19. 为什么「风敢死队」飞行员还要戴头盔?

    Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets ?

  20. 乘划艇去救他们,希望不大。敢死队派往完成危险任务的一支先遣部队。

    Going to there rescue in a rowing-boat is a bit of a forlorn hope .

  21. 嘿,敢死队的电影已经狂砍全世界近6亿美元的票房。

    Hey , up to two Expandable movies have taken in almost $ 600 million worldwide .

  22. 这取决于你采取的作用,整个捉鬼敢死队队。

    It 's up to you to take on the role of the entire Ghostbusters team .

  23. 梅尔·吉布森——《敢死队3》

    Mel Gibson , The Expendables 3

  24. 《捉鬼敢死队:死后世界》和《比尔和泰德寻歌记》也将在2020年上映。

    Ghostbusters : Afterlife and Bill and Ted Face the Music are also due in 2020 .

  25. 敢死队的进攻[冲锋]

    Banzai attack [ charge ]

  26. 埃里克·罗伯茨饰演门罗,腐化的中情局特工,负责阻止敢死队杀死加尔扎将军。

    Eric Roberts as Monroe , a corrupt C.I.A.agent who is preventing the Expendables from killing General Garza .

  27. 敢死队〉这部电影集结了作者全部的偶像,实在是动作片史上的巅峰之作。

    Up to now , this film was the most successful film among all of the action movie .

  28. 《捉鬼敢死队》的一些粉丝化身键盘侠,对新启用的女星恶言相向。

    Old-school Ghostbusters fans spoke viciously from behind their keyboards about the new * reboot 's female stars .

  29. 阿明·约瑟夫与森尼沃·阿莫库饰演与敢死队交锋的索马里海盗小队队长。

    Amin Joseph and Senyo Amoaku as the leaders of a group of Somali pirates that challenge the Expendables .

  30. 除了所有这些之外,在敢死队和客座明星之间,我们还有了一个全新的,全然不同种类的冲突。

    Besides all this we have a brand-new , wholly different kind of conflict between the Gorillas and the guest star .