
sǎn yǎng
  • raise (poultry, etc.) in free range
  1. 在过去的五年里,我注意到父母又回归到青少年需要长辈的引导这一信条,而非20世纪下半叶流行起来的自由的“散养教育模式。

    Within just the past five years , I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal , " anything goes " mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century .

  2. 半散养条件下塞加羚羊(saigatatarica)在主要繁殖季节的行为研究

    Behavioral Study on the Saiga Antelope , Saiga Tatarica , in Its Main Reproductive Seasons under Semi-Natural Conditions

  3. 采集四川省农村散养的鸡、鸭、鹅、鹌鹑、鸽和野外麻雀的血液,分离血清,应用微量血凝抑制(HI)试验检测减蛋综合征(EDS-76)病毒感染情况。

    A serological survey of chicken , duck , goose , quail , pigeon and sparrow for the prevalence of antibodies to Egg Drop Syndrome 1976 ( EDS 76 ) has been carried out in Sichuan province .

  4. 平养组和散养组步态评分、羽毛评分差异不显著(P0.05)。两处理组间的pH1、pH2、粗脂肪、粗蛋白、烹饪损失差异均不显著(P0.05)。

    In Floor-reared group and free-range group gait score , feather score were not significant ( P 0.05 ) . Between the two treatment groups pH1 , pH2 , crude fat , crude protein , cooking loss were not significantly different ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测了西宁市8个规模养殖场和部分散养户的161份猪血清样品的猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)抗体。

    161 swine serum specimens collected from 8 large-scale pig farms and sporadic breeding ones in Xining Prefecture , Qinghai Province , were examined for the presence of antibodies against porcine circovirus type 2 ( PCV2 ) by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) .

  6. 湘黄鸡散养与舍养的效益比较研究

    The Research of Benefit Comparison Scatter-Feed and Henhouse-Feed on Xiang-Huang Chicken

  7. 散养状态下大天鹅繁殖习性的观察

    Observation on the Breeding Habit of Whooper Swan in the Semi-natural Environment

  8. 湘黄鸡散养的场地选择与合理利用

    The Rational Use and the Field Choice for Xianghuang Scatter-feeding

  9. 他的其他同类现在被散养在不同动物园保护着

    The remaining individuals of its species are currently kept in seperate zoos

  10. 散养湘黄鸡的营养需要与日粮配合技术

    The demand of nutrition and the technique of daily

  11. 英国诺森伯兰郡的奇灵厄姆牛在历史上曾经广泛圈养,如今已经重新散养。

    Northumberland 's Chillingham cattle were once domesticated , but now roam free .

  12. 半散养雌性东北虎繁殖期粪样中雌二醇和孕酮含量的变化

    Concentrations of Fecal Estradiol and Progesterone in Semi-free-ranging Amur Tigers during Reproductive Period

  13. 很自然地,当地官员们担心,这些散养的动物会制造危险。

    Unsurprisingly , officials are concerned about the dangers posed by freely-roaming animals .

  14. 散养0.5岁龄东北虎体重及体尺相关性研究

    The Regression Analysis Between Body Weight and Body Measurement of 0.5 year Amur Tiger

  15. 狗狗是和我一起住,散养。

    Dogs are with me live , free-range .

  16. 散养湘黄鸡常见病的临床表现特点及其防制

    The Characteristic at Clinic Representation and Prevention and Cure of Xiang-huang Chick when Scatter-Feed

  17. 我国农户生猪散养与生猪及猪肉市场价格波动

    Hogs Raised by Peasant Households and the Market Price Fluctuation for Hog and Pork

  18. 农村散养户哺乳仔猪死亡原因分析与防制

    Analysis on Death Causes of Scatter-feed Suckling Piglets in Rural Areas and Prevention Measures

  19. 我都能闻到散养家畜的味道了。

    I can smell the cage-free body odor .

  20. 不阉割,是散养或流浪猫死亡的高危因素。

    Being un-castrated is one of the highest risk factors for mortality in free-roaming cats .

  21. 不要再谈什么吃草的肉牛和散养的家禽了。

    Forget grass-fed beef and free-range poultry .

  22. 徐州市郊散养奶牛消化系统寄生虫初步调查

    Preliminary Investigation of Parasites in Digestive System of Scattered-Feeding Milk Cow in the Suburb of Xuzhou

  23. 散养死亡损失费波动与出栏量波动只存在单向的格兰杰因果关系。

    Fluctuation of backyard death damages and fluctuation of slaughter have only a one-way Grainger causal relationship .

  24. 散养塞加羚羊两个主要繁殖时段的昼间时间分配

    Daytime Budget of Semi-free Ranging Saiga Antelopes ( Saiga tatarica ) in Two Major Periods of Reproduction

  25. 上述结果暗示,对此类散养动物,应在其能量需求高峰期增加投食量,以提高繁殖成功率。

    These results implied that supplementary food should increase in the two seasons for the animals better reproduction .

  26. 全净膛重与胸肌率:散养组低于笼养组,差异显著(P<0.05)。

    Eviscerated carcass weight and breast muscle rate : the grazing group was lower than the cage group .

  27. 半散养和圈养东北虎群狮弓蛔虫感染调查及综合防治

    Infection Survey and Integrated Controlling of Toxascaris Leonina of Siberia Tigers Half-bred in Scatter and Raised in Sties

  28. 只买散养鸡肉看上去是在为鸡的权利着想,并且是十分道德的。

    Only buying free range chickens looks like to be in consideration of chickens'rights , and very ethical .

  29. 笼养鸡和散养鸡蛋产品理化成分的比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Physical and Chemical Components of Eggs between Cage - rearing and Randomly - rearing Chicken

  30. 夏季舍饲散养环境下三个发育期小尾寒羊的行为差异

    Behavioral Differences of the Chinese Little Fat-tailed Sheep in Three Growth Phases in the Loose Housing System in Summer