
sǎn liè zhí
  • hashed value
  1. 在使用DPF时,根据表的分布键(这在创建表时定义)的散列值,把表的每一行放在特定的数据库分区中。

    With DPF , each row of a given table is placed in a specific database partition based on the hashed value of the table 's distribution key , which is defined when the table is created .

  2. 我们需要根据日志标记名使用的散列值对具有链表(linkedlist)的散列表进行查询。

    We look up a hash table with linked list based upon the hash key for the logging token name .

  3. String类规定类似的算法用于计算String的散列值。

    The String class specifies a similar algorithm to be used for computing the hash value of a String .

  4. 不仅仅散列值取决于list的内容,而且还规定了结合各个Element的散列值的特殊算法。

    Not only is the hash value dependent on the contents of the list , but the specific algorithm for combining the hash values of the individual elements is specified as well .

  5. 只有一个特定的SHA-1散列值是不够的。

    Just requiring a special SHA-1 hash value is not enough .

  6. 对于每个从共享内存或初次调用使用的配置文件中读取的日志标记,OPENLOG都会使用标记名和散列表的大小来生成一个散列值。

    For each logging token read from the shared memory or configuration file on its first invocation , OPEN_LOG builds a hash key using the name of the token and the size of the hash table .

  7. 存在名为内容寻址存储(content-addressablestorage,CAS)的类似技术,其使用数据散列值以便标识其名称和地址。

    A similar technology exists called content-addressable storage ( CAS ) that uses a hash of the data to identify its name and address .

  8. 每个pccb根据文件描述符散列值放在poll缓存中。

    Each pccb can be located in the pollcache based on a file descriptor hash .

  9. 将代表点的标识作为Chord系统中的节点散列值,就构造出一种改进的Chord系统。

    Thus , a suitably modified Chord system is formed by treating the identifier of each reference point as the node hash value for Chord system .

  10. 接下来,它计算接口uuid的散列值,检查uuid的格式是否有效。

    Next , it computes hash value for the interface uuid and checks if uuid has a valid format .

  11. 散列值是根据条目的RDN计算出来的。

    Hash value is calculated on the basis of the RDN of the entry .

  12. 现在对于这同一个二进制,将提取TSD中存储的散列值并与运行时计算的散列值进行匹配。

    Now for this same binary , the hash value stored in TSD is extracted and matched with the run-time calculated hash value .

  13. 对于这样的可信实体,对应的散列值和签名是作为其AIX可安装文件的一部分进行计算和分发的,并存储在目标系统上的TSD中。

    For such a trusted entity , the hash value and signature are calculated and shipped as part of the their AIX installables and stored in TSD on the destination system .

  14. TUSERS表存储用户ID(唯一的名称)、密码、(MD5散列值)、密码过期日期、帐户是否已被锁定以及失败登录次数。

    The USERS table stores the user ID ( unique name ), the password ( MD5 hash ), the password expiration date , whether the account is locked , and the number of failed login attempts .

  15. MD5算法将一段明文转化为128位的散列值,并且不同的明文形成的散列值不同,防止了信息的伪造和抵赖,从而实现了数字签名的功能。

    MD5 algorithm transforms a section of information to 128 bits hash , and different information has different hash , to prevent the fabricating and denying information and realized the function of digital signature .

  16. 关键字散列值通常这样计算:将关键字的keysig关联值和关键字长度结合。

    A keyword 's hash value is typically computed by combining the associated values of its keysig with its length .

  17. 将这些同时产生的多个不同的散列值输入GPU的不同线程后,这些线程就可以对不同的口令进行并行计算,并与已知的散列值进行分析比较,最后输出比较结果。

    These , it produces many different hash value after you enter the different threads of the GPU , these threads can proceed parallel computing for different passwords , compares with the known hash value , and final output of the comparison is obtained .

  18. 介绍了Agrawal算法,针对其容易破坏数据的使用价值和具有属性顺序敏感性等不足之处,提出了引入百分比约束和按属性名的散列值对属性进行排序的改进策略,并给出了改进算法。

    Agrawal algorithm was introduced , which was easy to destroy data usability and sensitive to attributes ordering , an improved algorithm based on the improvement strategies of introducing percentage constraint and sorting attributes according to their cryptographic keyed hash values was presented .

  19. 用于无线传感网络中的一种基于散列值的以数据为中心路由协议

    Data-Centric Routing Mechanism Using Hash-value in Wireless Sensor Network

  20. 如果散列值是相同的,数据块已经被正确的复制了。

    If the hashes are the same , the blocks are properly replicated .

  21. 此散列值的格式无法辨认。

    This hash value is in an unrecognized format .

  22. 收条的散列值与原始邮件的散列值不吻合。

    Hash value in receipt does not match hash value in original message .

  23. 提出了一种基于散列值的广域网服务发现方案。

    A hash-value based scheme for wide area service discovery is presented in this paper .

  24. 基于散列值的广域网服务发现

    Wide Area Service Discovery Using Hash-Value

  25. 签发机构在证书上“签名”,用的是通过一种密码算法产生的散列值。

    The signing authority " signs " a certificate using one of several cryptographic algorithms to generate a hash .

  26. 另外,文中还提出了一种更安全的散列值计算方式&多重散列值,并将它应用于上述方案之中。

    Additionally , a more reliable scheme on hash value called multi-ply hash value is proposed and applied into the solution above .

  27. 当存储一个值时,客户机会从这个键确定出散列值以及它原来存储在哪个服务器上。

    When you store a value , the client determines the hash value from the key and the server used to store it .

  28. 利用散列值判断资源的相似性,散列值差异越小,则资源越相似。

    The similarity of resources can be judged by their hash values , the smaller the differential , the more similar they are .

  29. 该索引包含实际字符串的散列值,只能用于等式谓词,不能用于范围谓词。

    This index contains hash values of the actual strings and can be used for equality predicates only , not for range predicates .

  30. 在分布目录时,这个散列值映射到特定后端目录服务器中的特定条目。

    When the directories are distributed , this hash value maps to a specific entry in a specific directory server in the back end .