
  1. 中唐柳宗元以散句单行的自由文体创作了大量的亭记堂记,为园记这种散文体裁的定型和流行做出了重要贡献。

    Liu Zongyuan in the middle of the Tang Dynasty created in free prose quite a few pieces about pavilions and gardening , an important contribution to the style and popularity of this literary genre .

  2. 孟文中虚词的运用具有调和音节的作用,而长句与短句、整句与散句的交错使用,使节奏显得快畅淋漓,抑扬顿挫。

    Meng in the use of Empty Words have to reconcile the role of syllables , and the long sentence with the phrase , sentence and sentence casual use of the staggered , so that seems fast-paced dripping Chang , cadence .

  3. 句式方面,鉴赏文多用四字句和短句,且整句与散句交错使用,使得鉴赏文既简洁明快又雍容典雅。

    In aspect of sentence , the article of appreciation uses too many sentences of four words and phrases , and sentence and scattered sentence interlaced , making the article of appreciation is simple and neat , but also grace and elegant .

  4. 文章主要从散句中的对偶、判断句中的对偶、对偶与其他辞格的综合运用三个方面入手,对《荀子》中对偶的运用进行了探讨。

    This article mainly discusses the use of antithesis from the following three perspectives : ( 1 ) its use in loose sentences ; ( 2 ) its use in declarative sentences and ( 3 ) its integrated use with other rhetorical devices .

  5. 收尾句和散尾句形成对照,本句就是一个散尾句的例子,它可以在句子中间的多处终止

    The periodical sentence is contrasted with the loose sentence , of which this is an example-a sentence that might be stopped as several points