
sǎn shè ɡuānɡ
  • Scattered light;diffused light
  1. 散射光输入的联合变换相关方式研究

    Joint Transform Correlation Using Diffused Light as Input Illumination

  2. 在利用激光多普勒效应对旋转体表面轮廓损伤进行测量时,其散射光的多普勒信号强度及质量是影响测量精度的极其重要的参数。

    When the outline injury measurement of revolving object surface is carried out utilizing laser Doppler effect , intensity and quality of Doppler signals of the diffused light are essential parameters affecting measurement and its accuracy .

  3. 如果没有太多组织来散射光,它就可以被轻易看穿。

    Without much tissue to scatter light , it is easier to be see — through .

  4. 但透明物体不会吸收或散射光,至少吸收或散射的程度不高。光线可以在不弯曲或无障碍的情况下穿过它们。

    But a transparent object doesn 't absorb or scatter light , at least not very much , Light can pass through it without bending or stopping .

  5. X射线荧光层析成像中消除散射光的方法

    A Method of Eliminating Scattered Light in X-Ray Fluorescent Tomography

  6. 电荷转移(CT)给Raman散射光强度及其光谱带来的影响。

    ( 2 ) influence of CT ( charge transfer ) on the intensity and the spectrum of Raman scattered light .

  7. 分布式光纤温度传感器所探测到的含有温度信息的Raman后向散射光十分微弱,甚至完全淹没在噪声中。

    The back scattering Raman signal with the information of temperature is weak or completely submerged in noise .

  8. 散射光下铁(III)-丙酮酸盐配合物还原铬(VI)的研究

    Reduction of Cr ( VI ) by Fe ( III ) - Pyruvate Complexes Under Scattered Light

  9. 采用半导体激光器作为光源,并使用一维CCD器件来探测散射光分布。

    A laser-diode is used as the sour - ce and a linear CCD is employed in detecting the scattered light distribu - tion .

  10. 提出了一种PIV(particleimagevelocimetry)测量误差的实验评价方法:利用匀速转动圆盘上粒子的反射光模拟流场中示踪粒子散射光解决基准速度场。

    This paper presents an experimental method to evaluate the error of measurement results by means of Particle Image Velocimetry ( PIV ) .

  11. 光滑表面散射光的角度分布包含了表面的粗糙度信息,即散射光的分布与粗糙度的均方根值Rq和自相关长度1值有关。

    The angular distribution of the scattering light from a surface contains infor-mation of the surface roughness , namely the rms value and the autocorrelation length .

  12. 表面增强拉曼光谱技术(SERS)可以有效的抑制荧光,极大的提高拉曼散射光的强度。

    Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy ( SERS ) technique can restrain fluorescence , increase the intensity of Raman scattering light greatly .

  13. 本文中着重从理论上分析讨论了光纤拉伸应变与由此引起的Brillouin散射光相对于入射光频移量的变化关系。

    This paper studies the Brillouin frequency shift caused by optic fiber strain in the sensor and analysed the relationship between them .

  14. 粒径的大小可由散射光强度确定,而颗粒的形状可通过对非对称因子Af的分析获得。

    The particle size can be determined according to the scattering intensity , while shape information can be obtained through asymmetry factor ( AF ) .

  15. 对现有的多重前向散射光照模型进行了简化和改进,使用纹理映射和OpenGL函数进行加速。

    The exiting multiple forward scattering illumination models were simplified and improved , and the texture mapping and the OpenGL were used to enhance the operation speed .

  16. 在微乳液为介质中,锰(II)与1-(2-吡啶偶氮)-2-萘酚形成稳定的络合物,使散射光强度急剧增强。

    In microemulsion medium , 1 - ( 2 - pyridylazo ) - 2-naphthol can react with manganese ( II ) and form stable complex . It can enhance the light scattering intensity sharply .

  17. 本文利用遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm)和蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)方法研究由准直激光束通过均匀生物组织时所形成的多重散射光分布重构生物组织的光学特性参数。

    Optical parameters of tissue was reconstructed by Genetic Algorithm and Monte Carlo method according to the multiple scattering photon distribution , which emerged when a collimated laser beam normally incident upon and propagated through the tissue .

  18. 再由CCD探测器获得某次散射光的强度,利用菲尼尔公式并考虑光的吸收导出入射点光源的光强公式;

    Some certain scatter light intensity can be obtained by CCD camera , then , the incidence light intensity formulas of light source have been confirmed by Fresnel formula considering of the water absorbing .

  19. 天门冬酰胺(Asn)在散射光条件下,可促进黑木耳菌丝形成耳基,适宜浓度为0.05%~0.10%

    Asn can promote the formation of primordial under scattering light at the 0.05 % ~ 0.1 % concentration .

  20. 该结果能够合理解释HG相函数所不能描述的生物组织后向散射光增强的实验现象。

    These functions provide a sound explanation for the experimental phenomena about the increase of backscattering light from tissue , which can 't be well explained by HG phase function .

  21. 由表面粗糙度引起的散射光的‘全积分散射’(TIS)与PSD的零级矩有关。

    The " Total Integrated Scatter " ( TIS ) of the scattered light caused by surface roughness is found to be related to the zeroth moment of the PSD .

  22. 布里渊散射光时域反射计(BOTDR)是近年来才研发成功的分布式应变测量技术。

    Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer ( BOTDR ) is a newly developed distributed measuring technique for strains .

  23. 利用光学CCD相机和OMA光学多道分析仪,分别在金属箔背表面法线方向测量了光发射的积分成像光谱和散射光光谱。

    The integrated image spectrum and scattering light spectrum of optical emission at normal direction from rear-side of a metallic foil were measured , employing optical CCD camera and OMA optical multi-channel spectrometer .

  24. 在355nm处,其散射光增强强度与DNA质量浓度呈线性关系。

    The enhanced intensity of RLS at 355 nm was proportional to the concentration of deoxyribonucleic acid . So a method of RLS for the determination of deoxyribonucleic acid was established .

  25. 本实验研究了632.8nm的HeNe激光照射来自不同部位的人体皮肤组织的散射光能量场的空间分布情况。

    The distribution of energy field of scattered light in four different human skin tissues irradiated by 632.8 nm wavelength of He Ne laser was investigated .

  26. 在发送端,激光器产生小功率激光经EDFA放大后产生高功率窄脉冲注入到传感光纤中以激励.出拉曼散射光,散射光被波分复用器分离出来由接收端进行处理。

    A low power optical pulse is created by the transmitter and then amplified by an EDFA to generate a high power pulse which is launched into a sensing fiber and stimulates the Raman scattered light .

  27. 本文利用该模型研究了共焦系统的数值孔径对OCT系统成像深度的影响,估计了满足OCT相干条件的背向散射光的漫反射率。

    The effect of numerical aperture of confocal system for the image depth of OCT is studied with new model . The diffuse reflection of back scattering light satisfied with OCT coherence condition is also estimated with this model .

  28. 方法:以三种荧光抗体同时与待测细胞反应,比较单纯散射光参数与结合荧光参数CD45方法设定淋巴细胞门后的检测结果。

    Methods Three kinds of fluorescence monoclone antibody reacts with the whole blood sample at the same time . The result of the analysis of FSC-SSC parameter is compared with that of CD45 - SSC .

  29. 方法:采用免疫散射光比浊法检测了58例冠心病患者(14例急性心肌梗死,21例不稳定型心绞痛,23例稳定型心绞痛)及30例非冠心病对照组的CRP的水平。

    Methods : We examined the level of CRP of 58 cases with coronary heart disease ( 14 cases with acute myocardial infarction , 21 cases with unstable angina and 23 cases stable angina ) and 30 cases without coronary heart disease by immunodiffusion and turbidimetry method .

  30. 在体积分数1%的OP介质中,Cd2+与S2-反应形成憎液溶胶体系,可使体系共振散射光强度增强。

    In the presence of OP medium with 1 % volume fraction , Cd ~ ( 2 + ) reacts with S ~ ( 2 - ) to form the hydrophobic sol , which makes the resonance light scattering ( RLS ) intensity of the system increase .