
  • 网络digital technology
  1. 通过应用数字化技术,利用三维的CT数据合成了较为清晰的二维颧弓位X线影像。

    Through the application of digital technology , the use of three-dimensional CT data synthesis clear two-dimensional submentovertex radiographs image .

  2. 随着Internet和数字化技术的迅速发展,产品数字化,交易网络化是大势所趋。

    With the rapid development of the Internet and digital technology , the product digitalizing and online transaction will be an inevitable trend .

  3. 以反求工程中的三维数字化技术和表面重建技术为基础,建立智能化的机械零件建模系统,构建产品CAD模型是本平台系统的核心。

    The core of the platform is an intelligent and rapid RE-based CAD modeling system for mechanical parts .

  4. 本论文研究内容主要是建立保定市房屋抗震防灾GIS系统涉及到的城区平面地图的处理与数字化技术和抗震防灾CIS系统的集成开发等研究工作。

    The study mainly involves in the technology of digitalization and integrated development of VB GIS .

  5. 用数字化技术摄取头颅侧位片,应用NIHimage软件测定骨性结构、软组织结构、舌骨位置、咽部口径参数等23项。

    Cephalometric measurements were taken by computer software ( NIH Image ), 23 variables were used concerning bone structure , soft tissue structure , hyoid bone position and upper airway dimension .

  6. 探讨了将瞬态波形数字化技术应用于粒子飞行时间(TOF)测量中的可行性,并介绍了为了进行这一研究而设计的一个测试系统。

    The possibility of using transient waveform digitizer in TOF measurement is discussed , and a test system designed for the research is introduced .

  7. 本文综述了数字化技术在地震工程领域的研究现状及其发展前景,提出了利用3S技术进行数字震害评估的设想。

    The present situation and prospect of study on digitalization technology will be summed up . An idea of digital earthquake damage evaluation built by " 3S " technique is proposed .

  8. 作为连接模拟领域和数字领域之间的桥梁&模数转换器(ADC)伴随着数字化技术的发展也同样成为研究的热点。

    As the connection between the fields of analog areas and digital areas - Analog to Digital Converter ( ADC ) has also become a hot research along with the development of digital technology .

  9. 本论文所研究的课题是TDRSS用户应答机中频数字化技术,是应答机新技术研究的一部分。

    The main tasks in this thesis focus on intermediate frequency digitized technology for TDRSS User Transponders , which is a part of the novel technology research of transponders .

  10. 结合图像数字化技术用悬滴法测动态界面张力&动态界面张力与表面活性剂浓度的关系三种WPS对不同区块油水动态界面张力研究

    Determination of dynamic interfacial tension by computer-aided pendant drop digitization & effect of surfactant concentration on DIT study on dynamic interfacial tensions between oil and water by using three types of WPS

  11. 该电路具有基于全数字化技术、输出电压与电网电压n倍频(分频)同步、THD小、幅值可调但不受电网电压波动的影响、简单实用、价格低廉等优点。

    The reference circuit has the advantages such as base on digital technique , synchrony with the signal of n or 1 / n times line voltage frequency , low THD , adjustable maximum voltage free from the fluctuation of the line voltage , simplicity and utility , low cost .

  12. 本文针对产品形象系统(PIS)研究的现状,分析了数字化技术研究的热点,提出了PIS数字化构架可行性的理论,进行了新媒体和PIS完美融合的有效尝试。

    Targeting at the current situation of research on Products Identity System ( PIS ), this article analyzed the hot issues of digitalized technological research . It also proposed a feasible theory of PIS digitalized construction so as to realize the effective combination between the new media and PIS .

  13. 基于微流体数字化技术的微化学反应器

    Micro Chemical Reactor Based on the Digitalization Technology of Micro fluid

  14. 中文教育新闻信息及其数字化技术

    Information of Chinese Educational News and Digitalization Techniques for them

  15. 机载激光遥感成像的激光回波波形数字化技术

    The Waveform Digitization of Laser Return in Airborne Laser Remote Sensing Imaging

  16. 应用网络数字化技术实现实体馆藏向虚拟馆藏转换

    Applying network digital technology to converse from material collections to virtual collection

  17. 医学牙颌石膏模型数字化技术研究

    Study on digitizing technology of dental cast Gypsum block

  18. 光带法激光三维彩色数字化技术

    Laser Color 3D Digitization Technique by Light Stripe Method

  19. 基于图像数字化技术的裂隙岩体非稳态渗流分析

    Analysis of transient fluid flow in fractured rock masses with digital image-based method

  20. 周至深井流量观测数字化技术改造及应用

    Application and technical reconstruction for digitalized monitoring of flow rate at Zhouzhi deep-well

  21. 全面引入数字化技术,推进基础物理教学的现代化

    Advance modernization of fundamental physics teaching by numerical technology

  22. 病案管理中数字化技术的系统应用

    Systematic Application of Digitized Technology in Medical Record Management

  23. 数字化技术在波音737飞机尾段制造中的应用

    Application of Digital Technology in Manufacture of the Tail Section of Boeing 737 Aircraft

  24. 气味数字化技术的发展是一个科技进步的一个必然。

    The smell of digital technology is an inevitable progress of science and technology .

  25. 大比例尺地形图的数字化技术

    Digital Technique of Large - scale Topographic Drawing

  26. 中短波通信数字化技术的研究

    The Research of Digital Communication Technology Over HF

  27. 历史纸质气象档案数字化技术策略初步分析

    Preliminary Researches on Digitizing Paper Meteorological History Archives

  28. 运用数字化技术进行《电子技术基础》课程教改

    Conducting Educational Reform on the Course of Foundation of Electronic Technology with Digitalized Technique

  29. 心脏起搏数字化技术的临床意义

    Clinical significance of digital technology for cardiac pacing

  30. 无线电引信的中频数字化技术

    Intermediate Frequency Digital Technology in Radio Fuze