
  • 网络digital data transmission;DDN
  1. 数字数据传输与DDN网

    Digital Data Transmission and DDN Data Network

  2. 本文在简要地讨论了数字数据传输原理和方法之后,对数字数据传输系统、DDN网和CHINADDN作了概要的介绍。

    This paper discusses the principles and methods of digital data transmission . and gives a brief introduction of the digital data transmission system , DDN AND CHINADDN .

  3. 然后经过一级可变增益放大器,在经过A/D变换,通过单片机串口将数字数据传输到ARM主控制板内进行处理。

    Then after a variable gain amplifier 、 After A / D conversion and through the microcontroller serial digital data to the ARM within the main control panel for processing .

  4. ARINC429规范是航空电子设备数字数据传输标准。

    ARINC Specification 429 is a digital data transfer standard of aeronautical electronic devices .

  5. 20世纪晚期,在发达国家中,电报的大部分应用已被用计算机技术的数字数据传输系统取代。

    By the late 20th century the telegraph had been replaced in most applications in developed countries by digital data transmission systems Based on computer technology .

  6. 随着机载电子设备向标准化、综合化发展,航空数字数据传输系统的设计越来越受关注,目前广泛采用ARINC429总线作为航空电子系统间信息传输的标准。

    With the development of electronic devices towards standardization and synthesis , the design of the aeronautical digital data transfer system is paid more and more attention , ARINC 429 bus is adopted as a communication standard of avionics system .

  7. DDN在数字地震数据传输中的应用

    The application of DDN in digital seismic data transmission

  8. 高速数字图像数据传输的研究及实现

    Research and Implementation of a High-speed Digital Image Data Transmission

  9. 对数字测绘数据传输的网络安全与数据文件自动更新的思考

    The thinking on the network security of digital mapping data transmission and automatic renew of data document

  10. 最后,将三部分通讯方式集成到家庭控制器中,解决了数字社区数据传输的问题,并做了一个演示系统。

    In the last , I integrated the three communication patterns into the home controller , solved the problem of the data transmission and completed a demonstration system .

  11. 概述广州数字地震台数据传输的现状和IP传输技术的应用。

    The current situation of data transmission and the application of IP transfer technique for Guangzhou Digital Seismic Station have been reviewed .

  12. 数字水准仪数据传输转换和管理信息系统的建立

    Establishing the data transform and management information system of the electronic leveling

  13. 尤其是用户在进行数字图像的数据传输和处理时,大量的数据要求计算机和外设间具有高速的接口。

    Especially when the users transmit and deal with digital image data , much data require high interface between the computer and peripheral .

  14. 本文研究的内容就是如何实现远程监控技术,该技术的实现涉及以下三方面的内容:网络通信、数字图像、数据传输安全。

    This research of this thesis focuses on how to realize the technology of remote controlling , the realization of this technology is involved in three parts : net communication , digital graph , the security of data transmission .

  15. 分析了短波调制解调器的基本工作原理,并对两种标准的串行和并行短波调制解调器进行了性能测试和比较,对两种体制的短波调制解调器在数字话音和数据传输中的应用进行了分析。

    This paper analyzed the basic operating principle of HF Modem , and then the performance of two standard parallel and serial HF Modem are tested and compared , finally the applications of the two kind of HF Modem in the digital speech and data transmission are analyzed .

  16. GPRS强震无线数据传输系统自2005年6月测试运行以来,达到了预期效果,这一系统将被应用于十五广东省数字强震动台网数据传输和管理。

    The strong motion wireless data transmission system based on GPRS has been running since June 2005 . It has made expected achievement and will be applied to the data transmission and management of the digital strong motion network , which belongs to the 10th Five-Year Project in Guangdong Province .

  17. 一种基于数字电视系统的数据传输技术研究

    The Research on Data Transfer Technology Based on Digital TV System

  18. 福建数字遥测地震台网数据传输与防雷技术措施

    Data transfer and lightning protection technique of Fujian Digital Telemetry Seismograph Network

  19. 山西数字遥测地震台网数据传输系统

    Data Transmission System of the Telemetric Digital Seismic Network of Shanxi Province

  20. 青海省数字地震数据准实时传输研究

    Study on digital seismic data quasi - instantaneous transmission in Qinghai Province

  21. 通用型数字测图系统数据传输与转换模块设计

    Design of General Data Communication and Converting Parts to Digital Surveying and Mapping System

  22. 其发射机采用脉冲编码和数字调频技术进行数据传输。

    The transmitter 's data transmission applies the technology of pulse-code and digital frequency modulation .

  23. 介绍了一种声呐信号处理机与数字记录设备间数据传输的解决方案。

    We give a method to deal with the problem of data transmission between sonar signal processing computer .

  24. 由原来的单纯语音服务发展到今天支持数字语音通信,数据传输业务,宽带上网业务,移动多媒体业务,可视电话服务等。

    By original pure voice service development today support digital voice communication , data transmission business , broadband Internet access business , mobile multimedia business , visual telephone services .

  25. 本课题提出了数字地震数据采集与传输系统的设计构想,并对设计方案、关键技术、系统功能等方面进行了研究和分析。

    This proposed research is aimed to investigate the design of the digital earthquake data acquisition and transmission system , to research and develop the design scheme , key technology , system functions and so on .

  26. 该数字处理平台不仅实现了数字话通信、数据传输以及跳频控制等功能,而且还可以实现多种数字调制解调制度,具有很大的灵活性和通用性。

    The platform realizes not only the function of digital voice communication , data transmission and the control of frequency hopping , but also the multi-mode digital modulation and demodulation . It has great flexibility and universality .

  27. 随着数字通信和数据通信的发展,也随着实际应用的需求发展,复用传输技术向着统一数字传输和数据传输的方向发展。

    With the development of the digital communication and the data communication , also with the need of the realistic application , the multiplexing technology directs to unifying the digital transmission and the data transmission .

  28. 文章在分析数字视频监控系统DVS架构的基础上,研究了实时传输协议RTP及其实时传输控制协议RTCP,提出了基于RTP/RTCP协议的实时数字视频数据传输模型;

    This paper studies RTP / RTCP protocol on the base of the analysis of DVS structure . Then a model of real-time digital video data transport based on the protocols of RTP and RTCP is given .