
  • 网络Digital recording;digital record
  1. CSJ延时触发数字记录地震仪

    CSJ delay trigger digital recording seismograph

  2. 利用这种方式在武昌固体潮台作为DZW微伽重力仪的数字记录历时近一年,获得较好的固体潮观测资料。

    Nearly one year a better data of earth tide observation was got by this method for digital recording of DZW μ gal gravimeter in Wu Chang earth tide station .

  3. 不同点:数模ML震级有差异,数字记录在确定地震参数方面有很大优势,但个别地震数字记录存在缺陷。

    The differences are that ML earthquake magnitude is differences and digital recordings have an advantage in determining earthquake parameter , but some times individual earthquake has fault .

  4. 本文使用北京台网微机数字记录,通过波谱分析研究了大同地震前后介质Q值和小震应力降的变化。

    Through spectral analysis , we studied variations of Q-value in the crust and stress-drop of small shocks using the digital records of the Beijing network in this paper .

  5. 利用兰州临时微震台网的数字记录对2006年4月19日兰州MS2.5地震进行了定位和震源机制反演,用P波初动和矩张量反演方法得出的震源机制具有较好的一致性。

    Locating and source mechanism inverting of Lanzhou M_S2.5 earthquake on April 19,2006 are done using the records of Lanzhou temporary digital microquake network . The source mechanism solutions obtained by using two methods ( the initial motion of P wave and moment tensor inverting ) show identically .

  6. 2002年对兰州观象台FSQ与SSY-II两套仪器同时进行模拟与数字记录发现,模拟记录与数字记录有着较为明显的差异。

    Both of FSQ and SSY-II instruments were set to record the digital and analog data simultaneously in Lanzhou Observatory in2002.The apparent difference between two kinds of data was found .

  7. 这是流行国家有史以来的最低数字记录。

    This is the lowest number of endemic countries in history .

  8. 2005年-2008年亚洲东部沙尘暴的定期数字记录监测

    Camera Records of Asian Dust Events in Eastern Asia during 2005-2008

  9. 用数字记录资料测定腾冲火山区的微震参数

    Measuring parameters of microseisms in Tengchong volcano areas by digital data

  10. 发动机瞬变参数的数字记录系统

    A Digital Recording System for Engine Performance Parameters at Transient Conditions

  11. 实验动态过程数字记录系统的合理配置方案

    A Reasonable Assemblage of Digital Recorder System for Dynamic Experiment Process

  12. JSC&1型数字记录式电子秤研制报告

    Report on the development of the jsc-1 digital recording electronic scale

  13. 红外/紫外扫描仪实时数字记录装置的研制

    Development of Real-time Digital Recording Appliance for IR / UV Scanner

  14. 医学曲线转换为数字记录的自动处理方法

    An automatic method for searching the medical curve in the plotting paper

  15. 分离式数字记录装置的台阶增减算法

    Plus / minus Step Algorithm for Separated Digital Recording Devices

  16. 分离式数字记录装置的双级时隔记录算法

    Recording on Two Time Intervals for Separated Digital Recording Devices

  17. 数字记录地磁脉动仪资料在地震预报中的应用前景

    Application prospect of data of digital geomagnetic pulsation meter in earthquake prediction

  18. 数字记录式水面蒸发器的研究与应用

    The Study of The Digital Record Water Surface Evaporation Meter

  19. 潮汐数字记录应用软件

    Applicating software of digital recording system for tidal observation

  20. 兰州台数字记录速报震级偏差的分析

    The analysis about the deviation of magnitude of earthquake from digital recording of Lanzhou

  21. 新一代数字记录系统在电力调度中的应用

    The Application Research of a New Generation Digital Record System in Power System Dispatching

  22. 中、强震数字记录波形及震相特征分析

    Characteristics Analysis on the digital recording waveform and the seismic phases of moderate earthquakes

  23. 狮心王的声音是一种混合式的模拟和数字记录。

    Biff : The sound on Lionheart is a hybrid of analogue and digital recording .

  24. 用宽频带数字记录计算长周期地震动反应谱

    Calculation of long - period ground motion response spectrum by using digital broad - band record

  25. 北京遥测地震台网数字记录与模拟记录在波形对比和震级对比方面的研究

    The waveform and magnitude comparison study between digital and analogue data in Beijing Telemetered Seismograph Network

  26. 自动数字记录和控制

    Automatic digital recording and contro

  27. 数字记录信号发生器

    Digital recorder signal generator

  28. 介绍了一种声呐信号处理机与数字记录设备间数据传输的解决方案。

    We give a method to deal with the problem of data transmission between sonar signal processing computer .

  29. 大连台地磁数字记录与模拟记录的对比分析

    A Comparative Analysis of the Digital Record and the Analog Record of the Geomagnetism at Dalian Seismic Station

  30. 与在他们的青春时期相比更慢跨步的是他们用数字记录保龄球,瓦纳供求和高尔夫球。

    A step slower than in their youth , they are using digital recreations of bowling , tennis and golf .