
shù zì zhuǎn huàn
  • digital conversion
  1. 基中FPGA作为前端控制芯片来控制信号的调理、模拟/数字转换、数据的存储和传输。

    The FPGA controls the signal conditioning , analog / digital conversion , data storage and transmission as the controller chip of the front-end .

  2. 针对医疗视频信号的特点,应用相关的数字转换芯片设计了一种转换装置,可以将医疗视频信号转换成VGA信号,从而实现用液晶显示器代替CRT监视器。

    This paper mainly aims at the peculiarities of iatrical video signal , applies the latest CMOS chip for digital conversion to design a special converter , and realizes the conversion of iatrical video signal into VGA signal , and thereby CRT monitor can be replaced by LCD .

  3. 基于FPGA的高精度时间数字转换电路设计

    The Design of High Resolution Time to Digit Converter Based on FPGA

  4. 用VB编写将数字转换为大写汉字的函数

    A Function Made By VB to Transform Number to Capital Chinese Characters

  5. GPS天线信号到射频前端变换后的中频信号,再经模拟数字转换,便可得捕获与跟踪的原始信号。

    The raw acquisition & tracking signal is extracted by down-conversion from RF to IF , through analog to digital conversion .

  6. FPGA中有着丰富的资源,目前已经有很多基于FPGA实现时间数字转换电路的研究工作。

    There are many resources in FPGA . There are many works about using the resources of FPGA to realize time-to-digital converter circuits .

  7. 基于ISA总线的轴角数字转换卡设计

    Design of Based-on ISA Bus SD Converting Card

  8. 基于DSP的CVSD与PCM编码全数字转换技术

    Technique for all-digital code conversion between CVSD and PCM based on the DSP

  9. 高分辨率时间数字转换电路的PLD实现

    PLD-Based Realization of High Resolution Time-to-Digit Converter

  10. 本论文在调研了以前时间-数字转换电路工作的基础上,对用FPGA来实现高速时间-数字转换电路的研究进行了全面详细的介绍。

    The present research papers in the previous time-to-digital converter circuit based on the use of the FPGA to achieve high-speed time-to-digital converter circuit of a comprehensive study of detail .

  11. 提出一种PCM和CVSD之间的数字转换算法。

    A digital code conversion algorithm between 64kb / sPCM and 16kb / CVSD is proposed .

  12. 精密时间数字转换电路有多种实现方法,本论文主要研究的是利用现场可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)中的专用进位连线来实现精密的时间数字转换电路。

    There are many methods to realize precise time-to-digital converter circuits . In this paper , we introduce our research work on realizing precise time-to-digital converter circuits by using the dedicated carry chain of FPGA .

  13. 结合作者的工作实践,阐述了将数字转换为大写汉字的重要性和必要性,给出了算法,并用VB实现了该算法。

    On the basis of author 's working experience , this paper elaborates the importance and necessity to transform number to capital chinese characters , gives the arithmetic , and realizes the arithmetic by VB .

  14. 对于无法在头脑中轻易将整型数字转换成二进制数字的人们来说,下列将整型转换成二进制的UDF也许对他们很有帮助。

    For people who cannot easily convert from integer to binary in their heads , the following UDF , which converts integer to binary , may be helpful .

  15. 目前国际国内高能物理方面时间数字转换的发展趋势是使用集成的、高精度、多次击中型TDC,数据驱动型TDC(DataDrivenTDC)是其中的热点。

    In the high energy physics domain there is a trend to use integrated , high resolution , multi-hit time-digital-converter for time measurement , of which the data driven TDC is an important direction .

  16. 在高性能时间测量系统中,高性能时间数字转换芯片只能通过JTAG进行初始化和控制,为此选择了TBC控制器来实现的方法。

    In the high-performance time measurement system , the high performance time-to-digital converter chip can only be initialized and controlled by JTAG . A test bus controller is used to realize functions of JTAG .

  17. 再用一个具有多次击中能力的时间&数字转换(time-to-digitalConverter,TDC)芯片测量放大后的时间间隔,并结合物理的方法反推出输入信号到达的时刻。

    The tagged time interval is expanded predicted time and read out by a multihit TDC ( time-to-digital converter ) chip , then the original arrival time of signal can be calculated by the data together with other physical methods .

  18. 为了验证该函数确实按照所设计的方式工作,我们需要再次将每个整型数字转换成二进制数字,对每一个位执行EXLUSIVEOR运算,然后将结果还原成INTEGER

    To verify that the function indeed works as designed , we , again , need to convert each integer to BINARY , perform EXLUSIVE OR for each bit , and then convert the result back to INTEGER

  19. 介绍了一种以ARM7单片机(选用LPC2292)作为核心处理器,以挠性陀螺为传感器的寻北仪方位角-数字转换系统设计及实现电路。

    This paper presents the design and actual circuit of a computer control system for the North-Seeker with ARM7 ( here LPC2292 is used ) as core microprocessor and the flexible gyro as sensor .

  20. 可以调用setlocale()来确定字符集、错误消息类别、货币值格式、数字转换、字符串校勘和字母排序。

    The setlocale () call determines the character set , error messages catalogs , monetary value formatting , numerical conventions , string collation , and alphabetic ordering .

  21. 基于时间-数字转换的精密时差测量系统设计

    Design of the Precise Time Difference Measurement System Based on TDC

  22. 在数字转换系统中,广泛采用了开关电容电路。

    Switch Capacitor circuits are widely used in digital conversion system .

  23. 基于PC/104总线的旋转变压器/数字转换电路设计

    Design of Resolver-Digit Transmitted Circuit Based on PC / 104 Bus

  24. 双速旋转变压器/数字转换模块及应用

    Dual - speed Rotary Transformer to Digit Converter Module and its Application

  25. 自适应直接数字转换角度位移变送器的设计

    Designing of self - adapted digital angle - displacement transmitter

  26. 将这些数字转换成图像,就会形成模式。

    If you graph the numbers of any system , patterns emerge .

  27. 高精度的数字转换技术保证了画质的完美与流畅。

    High precision digital coversion technique ensures high picture quality .

  28. 多极旋转变压器轴角&数字转换系统精度测试方法

    Accuracy Test Method of Multi-pole Resolver to Digital Conversion System

  29. 定位定向导航系统轴角/数字转换的设计

    Design of Angle-Digital Conversion in Orienting and Positioning Navigation System

  30. 高精度旋转变压器转角测量数字转换电路

    High accuracy measurement of angle resolver / digital converter circuit