
  • 网络digital communication
  1. 但是对沉浸在数字通讯的人来说,很多社会规范根本没有意义。

    But many social norms just don 't make sense to people drowning in digital communication .

  2. 一种高效的无线数字通讯的SoC设计方法及其在无线局域网芯片设计中的应用

    An efficient methodology for the SoC design of wireless digital communication and its application in a WLAN IC design

  3. 用单片机技术、嵌入式Internet技术以及数字通讯技术研制了用于罐储自动计量的智能型数字化多参数传感器。

    An intelligent digital multi-parameter sensor for automatic tank gauging is developed taking advantage of SCM , Embedded Internet , and digital communication technique .

  4. 微型GPRS无线数字通讯管道泄漏检测系统

    A New Compact Pipeline Leak Detection and Location Monitoring System with the GPRS Wireless Communication Technology

  5. 基于VLAN技术的电子式互感器数字通讯的研究

    Study on Digital Interface of Electronic Instrument Transducers Based on VLAN

  6. 本文简述声表面波(SAW)技术在电视、广播系统和数据处理及数字通讯中的新应用领域,着重叙述它在电子识别系统中的应用。

    We outline new applications of SAW technology in television and broadcasting systems as well as data processing and digital communica-tions with the emphasis on the fields of electronic identification .

  7. 提出在单片机多机数字通讯技术以及单片机与PC微机间数字通讯技术的基础上,如何实现分布式控制的基本手段。

    The writer also suggests how does achieve the fundamental means of the distributed control that base on the multiple singlechip digital communication technique and the digital communication technique between singlechip and PC.

  8. 该系统综合利用了先进的信息技术、网络技术、无线数字通讯技术、嵌入式控制系统、GPS等,来提高机场加油服务的效率和安全性。

    The system integrates advanced information technology , network technology , wireless digital communication system , embedded control system , GPS technology , to improve the efficiency and safety of the refuelling service in airport .

  9. 着重阐述了HART协议在涡街流量计中的软硬件实现方法,并通过HART调制解调器实现了仪表与上位机之间的双向数字通讯。

    The design method of software and hardware is described for implementing HART protocol communication in vortex flowmeter . and intercommunication between instrument and computer with HART modems are realized .

  10. 而星站差分GPS定位新技术(RTG),采用Inmarsat卫星数字通讯网传输广域差分改正信号比较好地解决了这一难题。

    The new technique of satellite difference GPS ( RTG ) uses corrected general domain difference signal transmitted by Inmarsat digital satellite communication network can better solve the difficulty .

  11. HART通讯协议在4~20mA模拟信号上增强了双向数字通讯,并被广泛采用为现场仪表数字通讯标准。

    HART protocol enhances the two-way digital communication in 4 ~ 20mA analog signal and has been widely applied as the standard for digital communication .

  12. 随着数字通讯技术、多媒体数据压缩技术以及处理器技术的不断发展,集成视频播放,娱乐的便携式媒体播放器(PMP)必定成为未来媒体播放器的发展方向。

    With the technology and development of communication , compression and processor technology , the portable media player integrated with video audio playing and entertainment must be the direction of the PMP in the future .

  13. 数字通讯用于隧道施工有害气体的遥测浅析

    Digital Communication used for Telecontrol Survey of Poisonous Gas in Tunnel Construction

  14. 数字通讯与转换技术在焦化生产中的应用

    Application of Digital Communication and Transformation Technology in Coking Production

  15. 分布式控制语言学习系统的数字通讯技术

    Digital Serial Communication Technology of Distributed Control Language Laboratory System

  16. 宽频数字通讯线路,在标准的电话铜线上运作。

    Broadband digital communications connection that operates over standard copper telephone wires .

  17. 基于422串口的无损数字通讯方法

    Precise digital communication method based on 422 serial port

  18. 数字通讯在计量装车系统中的应用

    Application of Numerical Communication in the Load Measuring System

  19. 但在英国,数字通讯的作用与其说鼓舞人心,不如说令人震惊。

    But in Britain , the effect has been terrifying rather than inspiring .

  20. 这一趋势只有可能随着数字通讯的进步发展而持续下去。

    That trend is only likely to continue with the advances of digital communication .

  21. 无线数字通讯在耙料机控制系统中的应用

    Application of Wireless Digital Communication in Harrower

  22. 本文介绍数字通讯检测仿真仪的设计和研制。

    This article introduces the design and fabrication of the data communication test and simulate system .

  23. 在数字通讯的时代,说写具有说服力越来越重要。

    The ability to speak and write persuasively has gained importance in the age of digital communications .

  24. 变电站综合自动化系统最大的特点是基于数字通讯的分布式网络结构。

    The main feature of a substation integrated automation system is the distributed network based on digital communication .

  25. 是专用于照明系统控制的开放式异步串行数字通讯协议。

    DALI ( Digitally Addressable Lighting Interface ) is a protocol that is wholly designed for intelligence lighting control .

  26. 迅速发展的无线数字通讯网络和便携式计算设备引入了一种全新的移动计算范型。

    Recent advances in wireless data networking and portable computing devices haveengended a new pedigm of computing , called mobile computing .

  27. 近年来,嵌入式技术的发展突飞猛进,各式各样的嵌入式产品在工业控制、国防安全、数字通讯中发挥着重要的作用。

    A wide range of embedded products play an important role in industrial control , defense , security , and communications .

  28. 各变电站与主控站可进行双向数字通讯,不必在倒闸操作过程中,因修改操作或新增操作任务而往返站与站之间,方便快捷。

    The digital signals exchange between main station and substations , which is advantageous because it need not convert-knife switch operation .

  29. 它由远程终端处理器群、协调单板机和管理微型计算机组成计算机无线电数字通讯网。

    It is a computer radio digital communication network Consisting of tele-terminal processer groups , coprocessing single board computer and administrative microcomputer .

  30. 目前,全球绝大多数医学影像制造厂商都承诺采用这一标准,并提供符合DICOM3.0的数字通讯接口。

    Now , most medical imaging manufacturers have pledged to adopt the DICOM standard , and to provide DICOM 3.0 data communication interface .