
  • 网络equations of mathematical physics;mathematical physics equation
  1. 典型数学物理方程的Excel数值解法

    Excel numerical solution of the typical mathematical physics equation

  2. 这种方法还能用来求解更多的非线性数学物理方程或方程组。

    The method can also be applied to solve more nonlinear mathematical physics equation or equations .

  3. 数学物理方程的MATLAB数值解法与可视化

    MATLAB Numerical Value Solution and Visualization to Equation of Mathematical Physics

  4. 运用Galerkin方法求解数学物理方程,可方便地进行理论分析。

    The Galerkin solution is an important approach to the equation of mathematical physics .

  5. Sobolev型方程是数学物理方程中重要的一类,现实应用十分广泛。

    The equation of Sobolev type is an important type of mathematical physics equations , which has an extensive application .

  6. 一类非线性数学物理方程的格子BGK模型

    Lattice BGK Model for Solving KdV Equation

  7. 用F展开法,不需计算Jacobi椭圆函数,就可得到非线性数学物理方程的一些以Jacobi椭圆函数表示的精确解。

    By using the F-expansion method , without calculating Jacobi elliptic functions , we obtain simultaneously many periodic wave solutions expressed by various Jacobi elliptic functions for the considered equation ( s ) .

  8. 非线性物理方程的映射关系和精确求解Sobolev型方程是数学物理方程中重要的一类。

    The mapping relations and exact solutions among the some nonlinear physics equations The equation of Sobolev type is an important type of mathematical physics equations .

  9. 旨在利用数学物理方程解的积分公式,去解决平面角形区域内Laplace方程和Poisson方程的边值问题,而其关键在于构造相应域内的格林函数。

    The paper aimed at resolving the question of side value of Laplace equation and Poisson equation in plane angular domain by using integral equation of the solution of mathematic physics equation . The key problem was to construct the Green function in the corresponding domain .

  10. 数学物理方程模型在水文预报中的应用

    Use of Mathematical and Physical Formula Model for Hydrology Forecasting

  11. 边界单元法是求解数学物理方程的一种数值计算方法。

    Boundary Element Method is a numerical method for solving the mathematic and physics equations .

  12. 利用数学物理方程,分析并讨论了高频传输线中分布参数电路的特性及过渡过程。

    It focused on the transition of distributing parameter circuit in the high frequent transmission line .

  13. 数学物理方程的反问题(Ⅰ)

    Inverse problem in mathematical physics (ⅰ)

  14. 有关数学物理方程的反问题

    Inverse problem of Mathematical Physics

  15. 它是量子力学、数学物理方程及其它技术领域的有力的数学工具。

    It is also a forceful tool in modern quantum mechanic , mathematics-physics equations and other technology fields .

  16. 对称方法及达布变换是求解非线性数学物理方程精确解的强有力工具。

    The symmetry method and Darboux transformation are the powerful tools to solve the equations in nonlinear mathematical physics .

  17. 本文论述一种运用数学物理方程推算地下通道中全年自然气温的方法。

    This article describes a method of predicting air temperature throughout the year in subterraneous tunnel by solving some equations in mathematical physics .

  18. 雅可比多项式及其特例都是重要的正交多项式,它们在求解数学物理方程中有重要应用。

    Jacobi polynomials and its special forms are all fundamental orthogonal polynomials , these polynomial all have important application in the mathematics-physics question .

  19. 用波的反射原理求解有限区间上的波动方程是数学物理方程中的基本内容,也是教学中的难点内容。

    It is a difficult point to teach the students solving the wave equation on finite interval by the reflection law of the wave .

  20. 本文利用数学物理方程中齐次化原理的思想方法,给出了线性常微分方程初值问题的一种较为方便的求解方法;

    Guided by the principle of homogenization in mathematical physics equations , the author presents a simple way to find the initial values of linear ordinary differential equations .

  21. 引入差分方程研究布朗运动,会发现极限情况下的布朗运动所遵循的偏微分方程就是数学物理方程中的扩散方程。

    Studying brownian motion by the difference equation , We can find that the partial differential equation describing the brownian particle motion is a diffusion equation in mathematical physics .

  22. 从解的形式和约束条件两个方面对求解非线性数学物理方程的F-展开法进行了改进,得到广义扩展的F-展开法。

    By using extended F-expansion method , a number of exact solutions , which are expressed by Jacobi elliptic functions to nonlinear evolutional equations with variable coefficients were found .

  23. 这一学科的发展受到了数学物理方程和量子力学的推动,它把具体的分析问题抽象到更加纯粹的代数、拓扑结构中进行研究。

    The Development of functional analysis has been promoted by equations of mathematical physics and quantum mechanics . It changes specific analytical problems into purer ones of algebra and topology .

  24. 对方程组进行拉氏变换,在拉氏空间上求解,再运用数学物理方程的理论进行反演,得到井筒温度和地层温度的解析解表达式,进一步得到了温度试井所需要的图版。

    Laplace transform is used to solve the equations , after inversion , an analytical solution of temperature in wellbore and formation is obtained and further , typical temperature well testing curves are obtained .

  25. 非线性数学物理方程在现代科学研究中具有重要的理论和实践价值,其精确解的求出已经成为数学物理工作者极为关注的对象之一。

    The nonlinear mathematical physics equations have an important value of theoretic and practice in modern scientific research , and to obtain their exact solutions has been one of the most interests of mathematicians and physicists .

  26. 奇异摄动理论及方法是一门应用非常广泛的学科,它是用来求解非线性、高阶或变系数的数学物理方程解析近似解的一种方法,目前的研究非常活跃且在不断拓展。

    The theory and method of application for singular perturbation is a very broad range of subject . The singular perturbation is a method to find approximate analytical solutions of nonlinear , high order , or a mathematical equation with variable coefficients .

  27. 两类非线性数学物理模型方程的初边值问题

    Initial Boundary Value Problems to Two Classes of Nonlinear Model Equations in Mathematical Physics

  28. 确定了该类问题的数学-物理方程,对几何建模、网格生成、边界条件等问题进行了详尽的描述,给出了适合的计算模型。

    It gave the homologous mathematics-physics equations , described the relevant geometrical model , grid and boundary condition in details and then offered a appropriate calculating model .

  29. 关于构造数学物理中非线性发展方程组孤波解的一种新算法

    On a New Algorithm of Constructing Solitary Wave Solutions for Systems of Nonlinear Evolution Equations in mathematical Physics

  30. 时滞差分方程和偏差分方程出现在许多重要的应用领域,包括种群动力学,化学反应,电子网络,数学物理问题以及微分方程数值方法。

    The delay difference and partial difference equations arise in numbers of important applications including problems in population dynamics , chemical reactions , electrical network , mathematical physics problems , as well as finite difference schemes .