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  • data replication
  1. 一种新的集群Web服务器体系结构及其数据复制算法

    A New Architecture of Clustered Web Server and its Data Replication Algorithm

  2. 集群Web服务器的几种数据复制解决方案

    Several Solutions of Data Replication in Clustered Web Server

  3. Windows数据复制容灾系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Data Replication Disaster Tolerance System on Windows

  4. SqlServer数据复制在自来水数据库系统中的实现

    Implementation of SQL Server Data Replication in Tap-water Database System

  5. 在PB中实现SqlServer间数据复制的多种方法

    Multi - methods of copying data between SQL server s in PB

  6. SqlServer数据复制技术研究

    A Research on SQL Server Data Replication Technology

  7. 本文探讨了在网格环境下,如何利用Agent技术,进行有效的数据复制管理。

    This paper discusses how to apply agent technique on data replication management on Grid associated with Globus technology .

  8. 数据复制技术是数据网格中一个重要的组成部分,被广泛应用于分布式数据库、移动数据库和Internet等分布式环境之中。

    It has been widely applied in the areas of distributed database , mobile database , Internet and other distributed environments .

  9. 可以设置DB2冗余节点来进行数据复制。

    A DB2 redundant node can be set up with data replication .

  10. 如果您使用数据复制服务(DataReplicationService,DRS),那么必须让现有的配置继续有效。

    If you are using Data Replication Service ( DRS ), your existing configurations should continue to work .

  11. 这些参与数据复制的IDS服务器可以安排为各种拓扑。

    The participating IDS servers can be arranged in various topologies .

  12. 使用tar和cp将数据复制到新的文件系统

    Using tar and cp to copy data to a new filesystem

  13. 使用tar将数据复制到远程文件系统

    Using tar to copy data to a remote filesystem

  14. 例如,备份和恢复设施(包括用于故障恢复的高可用性数据复制)都支持XML列中存储的文档。

    For example , backup and restore facilities including high availability data replication for failover situations all support documents stored in XML columns .

  15. 注:通常仅当为了数据复制而设置数据库时,才使用Capture设置。

    NOTE : The Capture setting is normally used only if you are setting up your database for data replication .

  16. 当EnterpriseReplication在运行,并且正在进行数据复制时,对复制表的以下alter操作是受支持的

    When Enterprise Replication is active and data replication is in progress , the following alter operations are supported for replicated tables

  17. 高可用性数据复制(即HDR)是IDS中最老的复制技术。

    High-Availability Data Replication or HDR is the oldest replication technology in IDS .

  18. 数据复制系统的主端IO策略研究

    Research of the primary IO strategy in data-replication system

  19. Informix高可用性数据复制技术

    Informix High - availability Data Replication Technology

  20. 此外,如果您使用数据复制,CAPTURE程序可以将日志中所记录的更新写到更改表。

    In addition , if you are using data replication , the CAPTURE program can write the updates recorded in the logs to the change table .

  21. JDBC数据复制网关可灵活地同时存取几乎所有不同类型的关系型数据库中的数据。

    JDBC data replication gateway can flexibly access almost all kinds of relational databases at the same time .

  22. AdvancedCopyServices(ACS)使您能够利用受支持的存储设备的快速复制技术,该技术可用于执行备份和恢复操作的数据复制部分。

    DB2 Advanced Copy Services ( ACS ) enables you to leverage the fast copying technology of supported storage devices to perform the data copying part of backup and restore operations .

  23. 可以使用标准的ON-Bar或者ontape命令为外部备份和恢复建立High-AvailabilityDataReplication(高可靠性数据复制)。

    You can set up High-Availability Data Replication using standard ON-Bar or ontape commands for external backup and restore .

  24. 与ER形成对比的是,在一个集群中,无法控制数据复制的粒度;而是始终复制整个服务器的数据。

    In contrast to ER , in a cluster , you cannot control the granularity of data replication ; the entire server 's data is always replicated .

  25. 虽然CCD目标表不能自动将数据复制到不受支持的目标数据库中,但是它通过用户应用程序暴露数据。

    While the CCD target table does not automate the replication of data to unsupported target databases , it does expose the data for consumption by a user application .

  26. HDR:高可用性数据复制辅助服务器

    HDR : High availability data replication secondary

  27. 所有quorum通过相交节点把数据复制到其它quorum的节点中,以增加数据冗余性。

    All quorums duplicate its data to the all points of other quorums , which increase data redundancy .

  28. 本文以目前最流行的大型商业数据库Oracle和SqlServer为主,详细研究了同种数据库以及异类数据库之间的动态数据复制技术以及它的各种实现方法;

    Present study investigated particularly dynamic data replication technique and its realization between analogous database and heterogeneous database mainly based on the most popular large commercial database Oracle and SQL Server .

  29. 这种数据复制通过rsh完成。

    This data copy is done via rsh .

  30. 数据复制要解决的问题就是能用一个统一的数据库接口API访问目前系统中所有的数据库以及将来可能会有的数据库。

    The problem needing to be solved of data replication is that a unified database interface API to access all of the current system database and the database in the future .