
  • 网络data disaster recovery
  1. 数据容灾问题是政府、企业等部门信息化建设过程中面临的一个具有重要理论和现实意义的研究课题。

    Research on data disaster recovery problem is an issue with importantly theoretical and practical significance in the field of information constructing for government and enterprise .

  2. 方法:分析药店医保计算机系统存在的不安全因素,确立数据容灾兼顾应用容灾原则,制定通信线路容灾、电源容灾、系统平台容灾、数据库容灾方案及灾难恢复方案。

    MET_ HODS : Analyze drugstore medical insurance unsafety factor that computer system exists ; establish data disaster recovery com-bining applied disaster recovery principle ; make communication line disaster recovery , power disaster recovery , system platform disaster recovery , database disaster recovery scheme and the scheme of disaster recovery .

  3. WCDMA归属位置寄存器大容量实时数据容灾

    Large-Capacity and Real-time Data Disaster Recovery of WCDMA Home Location Register

  4. 数据容灾系统RPR传输协议的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Transport Protocol in Disaster-tolerate System RPR

  5. 研究了基于磁盘系统的PPRC技术,并探讨了其在数据容灾中的运用,给出了其在灾难恢复上的具体实现方案。

    The author in this paper focuses on the PPRC technology of disk system , and probes into its application on data disaster tolerance and lists its realization on disaster recovery in the end .

  6. 论图书馆数据容灾城市综合减灾规划设计研究初步

    Preliminary research on planning design of urban comprehensive disaster alleviation

  7. 基于虚拟存储的数据容灾关键技术研究

    Research of key technologies for data disaster tolerance based on virtual storage

  8. 远程镜像是一种有效的数据容灾技术。

    Remote Mirroring is an effective technology for disaster tolerance .

  9. 远程数据容灾系统中数据一致性保持策略研究

    Research of Holding Data Consistency Strategy in Remote Data Disaster Tolerance System

  10. 校园网数据容灾备份系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Data Backup Disaster Recovery Systems for Campus Network

  11. 多平台数据容灾系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Data Disaster Tolerant System on Multi-platform

  12. 综合局域网中数据容灾研究及系统实现

    Research on Data Disaster-Tolerance and Realization of the System in an Integrated LAN

  13. 因此,数据容灾近年来受到了越来越广泛的关注。

    Therefore , data disaster tolerance received more and more attention in recent years .

  14. 理论和实验均证明,本数据容灾系统较好地保证了数据可靠性和可用性。

    It 's proved that this system increases reliability and availability of data highly .

  15. 网格技术的出现,为广域网中的海量数据容灾迁移备份的实现提供了可能。

    Grid technology makes the implementation of mass data migration backup in WAN after disaster possible .

  16. 数据容灾技术解析信息系统容灾技术的分析与研究

    The Analysis of Data Disaster - Tolerance Technology Researching and analyzing of information system disaster tolerance technology

  17. 然后,详细描述了数据容灾的相关理论及技术基础。

    Secondly , the theory and technical basis for data disaster tolerance system is described in detail .

  18. 本文的研究针对数据容灾领域的发展具有重要的研究意义和应用价值。

    The research of this paper will have an important research significance and application value on the development of data disaster recovery .

  19. 数据容灾近年来受到越来越广泛的关注,这主要是由于保护信息资源的重要性实际上远远大于保护计算机系统本身。

    As the data in the computer is more important than the computer system itself , disaster-tolerant has been put more attention in recent years .

  20. 本文将纠删码理论应用于数据容灾领域,提出了针对多数据节点环境的数据容灾模型,以很低的存储开销达到很高的数据可用性。

    A data disaster tolerance model based on erasure coding is presented , which aims at the environment with many data nodes . The model can achieve excellent data availability with lower storage overhead .

  21. 分析比较了现有几种主流数据容灾技术方案,针对海量数据库容灾的需求指出了它们的不足。

    The primary works of this thesis include : 1 . We analyzed and compared the mainstream remote disaster-tolerant technology and pointed out the deficiencies in such technology for the Massive Database remote heterogeneous disaster-tolerance requirement .

  22. 本文从原理上设计了一套远程数据容灾系统方案,以保证卫星测控应用中心在自然灾害或人为破坏后能够快速恢复其基本功能。

    This paper designs a remote disaster tolerance system scheme in principle to ensure satellite TT & C application center , and the center could quickly recover the basic functions from unexpected disasters or terror attack .

  23. 具体工作如下:1.分析比较了现有几种主流数据容灾技术方案,针对军队指挥信息系统容灾的需求指出了它们的不足。

    The concrete works are as follows . 1 . Analyze and compare the current main technologies on disaster recovery , and point out their deficiencies if they were applied in the military command information database system . 2 .

  24. 目前,企业数据容灾首选面向数据中心的共享存储服务模式,但由于管理域的差异使其在安全需求方面更加突出。

    At the moment , the shared storage service mode offered by Data Center ( IDC ) becomes the first choice for data tolerant in enterprises while its security requirements become more prominent due to the differences in management domain .

  25. 本文主要内容如下:1.分析比较了现有主流数据容灾技术方案,针对他们存在的不足,采用多层客户/服务体系结构,以高可用性为目标,提出了一个基于异构数据库容的灾体系结构。

    Several mainstream database-based data disaster-tolerant technologies are analyzed , and for their shortcomings , with the use of multi-layered client / server architecture , aiming at high availability , a disaster-tolerant framework based on heterogeneous databases is proposed . 2 .

  26. 目前很少看到把各种应用系统数据容灾整合在一起的资料,本文通过企业对各种应用系统的数据容灾需求分析,做出一些研究,得出了有意义的论证。

    IT rarely see a data disaster recovery of the various application systems integrate information , this paper analyzes and does some research about all kinds of enterprise ' application system of data disaster recovery needs , which concludes the significant demonstration .

  27. 数据容灾技术作为信息技术的重要组成部分也显得越来越重要,它可以保证数据在发生计算机系统故障、网络故障甚至于在发生火灾、地震、恐怖袭击和战争之后仍然能够使用。

    As an important part of information technology , data disaster tolerance system is becoming more and more important , because it can guarantee data safe in any condition such as hardware failure , network interruption , fire , earthquake and war .

  28. 胜利石油管理局总机械厂是石油机械行业的缩影,本文以该厂为例,从网络架构、应用系统建设、系统集成、信息安全和数据容灾等方面进行深入研究。

    General Machinery Plant of Shengli Petroleum Administration is the epitome of Oil Machinery Industry , the paper to the plant as an example , from the network infrastructure , application systems , systems integration , information security and disaster recovery data in areas such as in-depth study .

  29. Windows数据复制容灾系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Data Replication Disaster Tolerance System on Windows

  30. 基于Oracle数据库的国土资源空间数据异地容灾保护

    Oracle Database Based Land and Resources Data Protection