
  • 网络Descriptives;Data Description;SVDD
  1. 基于XML的CAPP数据描述技术研究

    Research on Technology of CAPP Data Description Based on XML

  2. 基于XML的PLC数据描述

    PLC Data Description Based on XML

  3. 基于XML与STEP的产品数据描述及转换技术研究

    Research on description and transform technology of product data based on XML and STEP

  4. XML技术由于其良好的数据描述能力,在异构系统间的数据交换中得到广泛应用。

    XML technology is widely applied in data exchanging among heterogeneous systems , because of its excellent data description capability .

  5. 基于RBF的支持向量数据描述算法性能分析

    Analysis of Support Vector Data Description Performance Based on RBF

  6. 可扩展的标记语言XML由于其强大的数据描述能力及平台无关性,成为数据交换标准。

    The extensible markup language ( XML ) becomes the standard of data exchange for its strong data description capacity and platform-independent characteristics .

  7. 数据描述类允许Java程序通过对象来描述数据缓冲区的记录格式。

    The data description classes allow a Java program to describe the record format of a buffer of data with an object .

  8. 该策略首先构造基于XML标准的数据描述文件和业务数据库逻辑结构描述文件的接口层作为隔离层。

    The description files of data and the transaction database logic structure were built which was the interface constructed according to the XML standard .

  9. 语义元数据是有关Web内容语义信息的数据描述,它的有效表示及生成是构建语义Web的关键性技术。

    Semantic metadata is the representation of Web semantic information . The efficient description and production of semantic metadata is the key technology to the construction of semantic Web .

  10. Web服务的不透明性质与XML文档的数据描述能力相结合,对于集成任何数量的远程操作非常理想。

    The opaque nature of a Web service method combined with the descriptive power of XML documents for data are perfect for integrating any number of remote operations .

  11. XML是着重于数据描述的一个新的语言,易于对数据进行控制与操作,所以通过XML技术进行信息抽取具有很大的优势。

    XML is a new technology that focuses on operating the data , as a result , it has great advantages to extract data by XML technology .

  12. 然后讨论了使用与软硬件平台无关的数据描述语言XML作为描述软PLC的数据文件的方法。

    And then try to use XML data description language , which is unrelated with the hardware and software platform , as data management data files of Soft-PLC .

  13. 在鉴别器设计环节,首先介绍了一类分类器,随后对支持向量数据描述(Supportvectordatadescription,SVDD)进行了分析。

    And then in the phase of discriminator designing , one-class classifier was introduced , in which Support Vector Data Description ( SVDD ) was analyzed particularly .

  14. 可扩展标记语言(XML)是意义深远的简单数据描述语言,它影响着软件的构建和我们对分布式系统的思考。

    Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is a simple language with far-reaching meaning for data description , which is influencing the construction of software and the thoughts of distributed system .

  15. XML具有到目前为止其它方法所不具备的数据描述特点,控制信息不是采用应用软件的独有形式,而是采用谁都可以看得懂的标记形式来表现,所以XML最适合作为数据交换的标准。

    Because XML has becoming a standard and can describe data in markup language that everyone can understand , so XML is the best one to be the standard of data exchang .

  16. 目前,XML正在成为上述数据描述和交换的标准,并且将来会代替而成为以上数据保存的主要格式。

    Nowadays , XML has been becoming the standard of above data description and exchange , and in the future , will be the main format of data storage as the successor .

  17. 它具有象COBOL那样的数据描述功能,又有FORTRAN那样的使用简便性。

    It , as well as COBOL , contains the function of data description . Its facility likes FORTRAN .

  18. 数据描述的标准化为SOA社区提供了一种就数据的结构(语法)和含义(语义)的互操作性达成一致的途径。

    The standardization of describing data provides a means for an SOA community to agree to the interoperability of both the structure ( syntax ) and meaning ( semantics ) of the data .

  19. 其次阐述了表单设计的相关内容,包括表单设计目标、实现原理、数据描述模型及其存储方式,定义了表单的XMLSCHEMA。

    Secondly , the paper introduces the content of form design such as aim 、 realization principle 、 data described model and saved way , also , it gives out the XML Schema of form .

  20. 另外,本文还对这几种反馈技术的国内外的研究现状进行了整理综述。其次,本文在分析XML特点之后,针对XML文档设计了一种面向伪反馈的文档数据描述模型。

    In addition , the current research of these feedback techniques at home and abroad is presented . Secondly , this article analysis the features of XML and then design a pseudo-feedback-oriented data description model on XML document .

  21. 分析传统产品数据描述方法的不足,提出基于XML的产品数据信息的描述,阐述其描述机制和实现方法,并研究了XML文件中的数据信息的处理方法。

    Analyses the insufficiency of traditional description of product data information , brings forward the description of product data information base on XML , expounds its mechanism and implement , and researchs the operation of information in XML document .

  22. 虽然可扩展标记语言(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage,XML)诞生的时间并不长,但它作为数据描述和信息交换的标准,已经得到广泛应用。

    Extensible Markup Language ( eXtensible Markup Language , XML ) has come being not long ago , however , it has been the standard for data description and message exchange , and widely applied in the many emerging systems .

  23. 研究了网络环境下零件信息的可视化和共享技术;提出了基于XML的零件特性数据描述方法以及基于Hoops的零件可视化解决方案;

    Based on the study of the technologies of visualization and sharing of part information in network environment , XML-based representation method of part characteristic data and hoops-based visualization method of part information are put forward .

  24. 利用XML作为数据描述工具和转换工具,构造了数据集成的中间件,并在此中间件的基础上集成异构数据库,从而实现了基于XML的异构数据的查询方法。

    XML is considered as a tool of data description and transformation . A data integration middleware is constructed by using the tool . Heterogeneous database is integrated on the basis of the middleware and therefore a heterogeneous data query method based on XML is successfully realized .

  25. 随着XML逐渐成为互联网数据描述和数据交换的实际标准,互联网上交换和处理XML数据的需求在大幅度增加,因此对XML数据的高效管理的研究显得日益重要。

    With XML becoming the standard for data representation and exchange over the Internet , the need to exchange and process XML data over the Internet is dramatically increasing . Therefore , the research on the efficient storage management of XML data is becoming more and more important .

  26. 最后详细介绍了该方案的几个主要部件的实现,包括XDR数据描述的解析器、XDR数据文件的解码器、数据保存和数据校验等,并给出了进行实际性能分析的测试平台。

    It describes implementation of major parts of this solution : XDR parser , XDR decoder , Data saving and Data verifier and designs the test platform for performance analysis at the end .

  27. 分析了接口控制文档ICD的特点以及在航空总线测试系统中的作用,针对传统ICD设计方法的弊端,给出了通用航空总线数据描述的方法。

    Analyzed the characteristics of the Interface Control Document ICD and it 's function in the avionics test system . Aim at the abuse of traditional ICD design method , pointed out the data description design method of universal avionics bus .

  28. 为了解决机电设备早期故障难以正确识别及故障发展状态不易准确监测的问题,提出了一种基于模糊支持矢量数据描述(FSVDD)的早期故障智能监测诊断新方法。

    In order to solve the problems of correctly identifying incipient fault and accurately monitoring fault development for electromechanical equipment , a new method of incipient fault intelligent monitoring and diagnosis based on fuzzy support vector data description ( FSVDD ) is proposed .

  29. 基于小波和支持向量数据描述的故障智能诊断

    Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet and Support Vector Data Description

  30. 支持向量数据描述和经验模态分解相结合的故障诊断

    Fault diagnosis combined support vector data description and empirical mode decomposition