
  • 网络Quality;Data quality
  1. 数据质量是系统使用的功能,不是可预料的设计。

    Data quality is a function of systematic usage , not anticipatory design .

  2. 基于数据质量的机电系统BIT虚警研究

    Research of Mechatronic Built-in Test System Based on Data Quality

  3. GIS空间数据质量控制与模糊信息处理

    Spatial Data Quality Control of GIS and Fuzzy Information Processing

  4. 基于一般抽样原理的GIS属性数据质量评定方法

    Quality Assessment for Attribute Data in GIS Based on Simple Random Sampling

  5. GPS数据质量直接影响模糊度搜索的正确与否。

    The quality of GPS data directly influence the rightness of the ambiguity search .

  6. GIS建库中对空间数据质量控制的一些方法与措施

    Some Method and Measure of the Quality Control of Spatial Data in Building Database of GIS

  7. GPS测量野外观测数据质量检测系统

    GPS Raw Data Quality Detection System

  8. 目前研究GIS数据质量的理论很多,都是在某一方面有研究优势。

    There are many theory researching for GIS data quality , but have advantage in one respect .

  9. GIS数据质量及标志

    Guarantee of GIS data quality

  10. 从而,这些产品可以利用WebSphereInformationIntegration的集成、转换和数据质量等能力。

    In turn , these products can leverage the integration , transformation , and data quality capabilities of WebSphere Information Integration .

  11. 近年来,空间数据质量研究成为GIS理论研究的热点。

    Recent years , quality control of spatial data has becoming a research issue of GIS theory research .

  12. 为此,需要研究在建立GIS数据库时,如何确定质量模型,确保GIS数据质量的一些方法。

    So , some GIS data guarantee measures should be studied when setting GIS database or determine quality models .

  13. 因此,研究GIS数据质量控制的理论与方法具有重要的现实意义。

    So it has important practical significance to study the theory and method of data quality control in GIS .

  14. GIS建设中空间基准的统一是GIS数据质量、数据共享、数据使用的基础。

    Spatial datum is the base of GIS data quality , data sharing , data using in GIS Project .

  15. 就SA而言,数据质量是个重要问题。

    When it comes to SAs , data quality is a key issue .

  16. 然后用面向对象语言C设计开发了陕西省自动气象站实时数据质量控制系统,实现了对陕西省所属的自动气象站实时观测数据的质量控制。

    We developed the real-time data quality control system of Shaanxi AWS by using C # object-oriented language , and realized the quality control of AWS real-time data .

  17. 本文还存在着很多的不足,我相信未来会有更好的研究方法进一步完善对ERP数据质量的管理。

    In this paper , there are still many deficiencies , future studies using different research methods can be further improved .

  18. ETL实施的数据质量问题研究

    Research on Problem of Data Quality During the Course of ETL Implement

  19. 本系列之前的文章已经解释了在SOA服务设计期间分析数据质量的重要性,以及实现方法。

    Previous articles in this series have explained the importance of analyzing data quality during SOA service design and approaches to doing so .

  20. 之后,我们将学习使用SOA来验证数据质量的案例,并在最后列出用于各种服务的工具清单。

    We then present a case study that uses SOA to validate data quality , and end with a list of tools for various services .

  21. 论如何保证TOTALS编目系统的数据质量

    How to Improve the Quality of Data in the TOTALS Cataloguing System

  22. 实现一套数据质量分析系统并无缝连接到GomezStreaming系统中。

    Implement a data quality analysis system and seamless connection to Gomez Streaming system . 4 .

  23. 数据质量问题中的一种常见情况是一个现实实体可能由多个不完全相同的记录来表示,这样的记录被称作相似重复记录(approximatelyduplicatedrecords)。

    One situation of data quality issue is a realistic entity being represented by several not complete same records , called approximately duplicated records .

  24. ARGO剖面浮标数据质量控制过程剖析

    Analysis of data Quality Control Process of the ARGO Profiling Buoy

  25. 业务用户还希望进一步了解BI报告的底层数据库表,包括表的内容和数据质量。

    He is also interested in more information about the database table on which the BI report is based and on its content and quality .

  26. 数字签名的使用改善了UDDI中的数据质量并为用户提供了在电子商务和其他应用程序中使用的Web服务所需的信任和保护。

    The use of digital signatures improves both the quality of data in UDDI and provides users with the trust and protection needed for Web services used in e-business and other applications .

  27. 即便你正在运行一个维护良好的CRM,你也会发现一些数据质量方面的问题,这些问题将为用户留下恶劣印象,并将系统的整体可信性产生不良影响。

    Even if you 're doing a greenfield implementation of CRM , you will discover data quality problems that are irritants to every user and poisonous to the system 's overall credibility .

  28. 该方法有效地解决了GIS数据质量优劣的客观定性问题,使矢量化数据产品的评判简便、直观,保证了数据质量。

    This method can solve the impersonal evaluation of the quality of GIS data effectively , and lead the evaluation of the products of vector data become easier and intuitively when using this method . The quality of data is guaranteed .

  29. 使用定量分析方法评价了中巴地球资源卫星CCD相机遥感数据质量,在此基础上利用LANDSAT7ETM+对CCD的对应波段进行交叉定标计算,得到了一组CCD的参考定标系数。

    This paper evaluates the image data quality for CBRS-1 's CCD by quantitative method , and provide a group of reference calibration coefficients for its CCD data by cross calibrating method using LANDSAT 7 ETM + data .

  30. Adler说,但是不要就此止步,因为数据质量问题不仅仅是数据记录不准确。

    But don 't stop there , Adler says , because data quality problems are not just a matter of factual inaccuracies in data records .