
  • 网络Digital World
  1. 它将带有精灵、PokéStop和其他一些东西的数码世界叠加到现实世界之上。

    The game overlays a digital world of creatures , Pok é Stops and other features on the real world .

  2. 并且,我们还将推出WindowsXP,Xbox以及写字板电脑-所有这些产品将数码世界的精髓带入家庭与工作。

    And we 'll soon unveil Windows XP , Xbox , and Tablet PC & all products that bring the best of the digital world to home and work .

  3. 如果说谷歌(Google)把世界上所有的数字信息放到了电脑上,iPhone又使我们能随处查看这些信息,AppleWatch则直接把这个数码世界嵌入到你的皮肤里。

    If Google brought all of the world 's digital information to our computers , and the iPhone brought it to us everywhere , the Watch builds the digital world directly into your skin .

  4. 自我们几年前开始构思Vista以来,就一直在关注这个问题,我们称之为操作系统的基础,要让人们的数码世界更安全。

    Since we first conceived Vista some years ago , it 's always been about this , what we call the operating system fundamentals , making people 's digital world safer .

  5. 我觉得数码世界正在蚕食我们的下一代。

    I believe the digitalized world is eating up our next generation .

  6. 在数码世界里,一切数码精灵都有进化地本能。

    In digimon world , all digimon have the instinct of evolution .

  7. 数码世界提供了源源不断、即时、无限的娱乐活动。

    The digital world carries the promise of amusement that is constant , immediate and limitless .

  8. 我们所处的新数码世界

    Our New Digital World

  9. 而且如果你跟我一样,如此沉迷于数码世界里,那么你每天总离不开智能手机或网络摄像头。

    And if you 're plugged into the digital space like myself , you 're probably around a smartphone or webcam every day .

  10. 在成长过程中,他们沉浸于数码世界,习惯使用即时通讯,喜欢一边上网、一边听音乐、一边看电视。

    They grew up immersed in a digital world , accustomed to instant messaging , surfing the internet , listening to music and watching television simultaneously .

  11. 给自己确定一个“停火日”吧!也就是说,你要确定开始以及结束待在数码世界里的时间界限(由于云技术的出现,我知道这很难做到)。

    Establish an e-day , which means when you start and stop your immersion in the digital realm ( I know it 's hard , thanks to the cloud ) .

  12. 手机行业的分析人士和咨询师称这些只是小试牛刀,随着明星希望将自己的特许经营权拓展进数码世界,将会涌现大量名人代言和好莱坞冠名的应用。

    Mobile industry analysts and advisers say these are just the first in a coming flood of celebrity-endorsed and Hollywood-branded apps , as stars look to extend their franchises into the digital world .

  13. 对于我们的数码世界,我们已经有了很多数据和见解,但对于最重要的系统,也就是我们的身体,我们却没有足够的认识。

    What I think is crazy is we have so much data and insight into our digital world , but we have no insight into what 's actually going on inside the most important system of all , our bodies .

  14. 几天之后,我不需要看屏幕就可以获得来自数码世界的信息提醒了——或者,如果我需要看的话,也只需花上几秒钟扫一眼,而不是好几分钟。

    After a few days , I began to get snippets of information from the digital world without having to look at the screen - or , if I had to look , I glanced for a few seconds rather than minutes .

  15. 它的设计,面向的是被手机通知淹没的人,或是愿意去思考数码世界对生活的打扰,并试图去管理它的人。

    It is designed for people who are inundated with notifications coming in through their phones , and for those who care to think about , and want to try to manage , the way the digital world intrudes on their lives .

  16. 几天之后,我不需要看屏幕就可以获得来自数码世界的信息提醒了&或者,如果我需要看的话,也只需花上几秒钟扫一眼,而不是好几分钟。

    After a few days , I began to get snippets of information from the digital world without having to look at the screen & or , if I had to look , I glanced for a few seconds rather than minutes .

  17. 在互联网上创造、管理内容的业务瞬息万变,以至于在其他许多行业显得很短的任期,在数码媒体世界都算得上整个职业生涯了。

    The business of making and managing content on the Internet changes so quickly that a tenure that might be considered brief in many industries is par for the course in digital media .

  18. 这也在一方面证明了王院士反对高铁覆盖WiFi是有道理的,因为人们不应当活在高科技数码产品的虚拟世界里。

    That partly justifies Wang 's opposition to the offering of WiFi on high-speed trains , because they are not supposed to be dependent on high-tech gadgets .

  19. 她指出,在数码连接起来的世界中,只在某些市场公开身份是越来越难了。

    In the digitally connected world , she notes , it is increasingly difficult to be out in some markets and not in others .

  20. 如果全球的华人社会要在数码网络相连的世界互通讯息,这问题必须解决。

    If the Chinese communities all over the world are to participate fully in the digitally connected world , this issue will have to be resolved .