
  • 网络Digital Movies;digital film
  1. 数码电影可以解码一个看不见的水印,这个水印装载了版权和存取权的信息。

    Digital movies could be encoded with an invisible " watermark " which would carry copyright and access rights information .

  2. 电影专家称数码技术是电影业的真正前途。

    Movie experts say digital technology is the real future of the motion picture industry .

  3. 数码科技与电影

    Digital Technology and Movie

  4. 正是基于此种思考,撰写了《数码科技与电影&重论电影的真实性》。

    The more and more use of digital technology in movies makes the discussion of the proposition into a new stage .

  5. 不管你对塔伦蒂诺有何看法,你都应该去影院看《八恶人》,这样你就可以自己看看,这个行业被迫转向数码,对电影究竟产生了多大的影响。

    Whatever you think of Mr. Tarantino , try to catch " The Hateful Eight " on film so you can see for yourself how the industry-enforced switch to digital has radically changed movies .

  6. 几年前,先涛数码为本港电影《人间有情》制作特效。

    A few years ago , Centro did the special effects for a local film , The Umbrella Story .

  7. 数字剪辑、数码特效以及数码摄像机改变了电影摄制方式。

    Filmmaking was transformed by digital editing , digital f / x , and digicams .