
  • 网络refinement and simplicity
  1. 本论包括中国古代文学创作和文章写作理论中的三对基本范畴,即文与质、通与变、文与人。

    The part of text comprised content and form , heredity and innovation , literature and person , which are important composition in the writing theory in Chinese ancient literature .

  2. 就本质而言,文与质的概念内涵远远超出了后来经过翻译移入中国的直译与意译概念。

    As a part of translation theory , Wen and Zhi , going through the whole process of translatingBuddhist Sutra , are totally different from both literal and liberal western translation terms .

  3. 《周易》以其特有的辩证思维对婚礼习俗中的文饰现象进行了思考,让代表文饰的贲与重本身质地素雅的白贲互为补充,反映出古人对文与质的原初理解。

    Controlled by the dialectical thinking of the Book of Changes , the Bi representing decoration and the White Bi representing a simple but elegant beauty was required to be supplemented each other in the thinking of adorning custom in ancient wedding .