
  • 网络Venturi scrubber
  1. 文丘里洗涤器除尘操作参数的优化设计与工程实践

    Optimizing the operating parameters of Venturi scrubber and its engineering practice

  2. 文丘里洗涤器轴向压力损失的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Axial Pressure Change of Venturi Scrubber

  3. 文丘里洗涤器氢氧化钠吸收二氧化硫的传质模型

    Mass Transfer Model for SO_2 Absorption by NaOH Solution in Venturi Scrubber

  4. 介绍旋风除尘与文丘里洗涤器的设计选型。

    The designs of cyclone and Venturi are presented .

  5. 准确预测文丘里洗涤器的压力损失并加以合理利用,是设备优化设计和节能的关键。

    Accurately predicting and rationally using pressure drop are very important in optimizing the design of a Venturi scrubbers and reducing energy consumption .

  6. 阐述沉降室、旋风除尘器、布袋除尘器、喷淋塔及文丘里洗涤器等除尘器的原理、构造及其在有机硅装置中的优化组合,并列举文丘里管除尘设备的工艺计算。

    , summarizes the optimized application of dust removal in organic silicon plant , enumerate the process calculation of Venturi tube dedust equipment .

  7. 文丘里洗涤器是效率最高的湿式洗涤器,但其对于细小粉尘的高捕集效率是以很高的气体压力损失为代价的。

    Venturi scrubber is the most efficient wet scrubbing device for the collection of fine particles , but it collects small particles at high pressure loss .

  8. 采用双碱法脱硫技术,在自行设计的多通道文丘里洗涤器(简称文氏栅洗涤器)进行模拟燃煤烟气的除尘脱硫试验。

    A new ' wet type'multi passage Venturi Scrubber ( Named as Venturi Grid Scrubber ) has been designed and tested with Dual Alkali method desulfurization as sorbent .

  9. 本义的研究工作可以改进文丘里洗涤器净化生物质燃气工艺、提高净化性能,为文丘里洗涤器设备的设计与工程应用提供技术支撑。

    The study could improve the purification performance of venturi scrubber purifying biomass gas and laid the foundation for the design and engineering application of venturi scrubber equipment .

  10. 模拟试验表明,优化操作条件下WX/U脱硫效率比单一文丘里洗涤器增加9.6%。

    And the experimental results show that the removal efficiency of WX / U , under the optimum operational parameters , is higher than that of venturi scrubber by 9.6 % .

  11. 由等动压与湍流动能分布云图得出:燃气流携带焦油颗粒冲击碰撞洗涤剂液滴形成强烈的湍流区,促进了焦油的净化,但也是造成文丘里洗涤器压力损耗的主要区域。

    The dynamic pressure and turbulent kinetic energy contours showed that a strong turbulent zone was formed by tar particles carrying with gas stream impacted detergent droplet , which promoted purification efficiency of tar .

  12. 对国内推荐使用的计算文丘里洗涤器压力损失两种方法进行了分析,并与本文所推导的理论模型的计算值进行了对比。

    An analysis was made of the two methods recommended in China of calculating the pressure loss of Venturi scrubbers , and the analysis was compared with the calculated value of the theoretical model derived from this paper .

  13. 结果表明:模型的理论预测值和试验值吻合良好,可以为工程设计或优化操作时文丘里洗涤器压力损失的预测方法。

    The results show that calculation data are in good agreement with that of test , which indicates that this model can be used as a computation method for practical design or optimizing the operation of a venturi scrubber .