
  • 网络The Cultural School;culture school
  1. 翻译文化学派形成于20世纪末。

    The cultural school for translation studies emerged in the late 20th century .

  2. 文化学派将研究重心从原文转向译文,从作者转向译者,从具体翻译过程转向文本的接受。

    The cultural school shifts the research focus from the original to the target text , from the author to the translator , and from the translating process to the reception of the text .

  3. 詹姆斯·W.凯瑞作为美国传播学文化学派的代表人物之一,他提出的传播仪式观是文化取向传播理论研究中的关键理论。

    As one of the prominent representatives of American communicational culture study , James W. Carey puts forward the ritual view of communication , which is the key theory in communication theory of cultural orientation .

  4. 从文化学派翻译观看林语堂英译作品的翻译策略

    On Translation Strategies Adopted in Lin Yutang 's Translated Works-From the Perspective of Cultural Translation Theory

  5. 第三章评述翻译文化学派实证性描述性方法的价值和局限。

    Chapter Three discusses values and limitations of positivist descriptive study of translation by cultural school .

  6. 霍妮是一位杰出的心理学家,是精神分析社会文化学派的领袖人物。

    Karen Horney was an outstanding psychologist and the chief character of social culture of the inspirit analysis .

  7. 作为文化学派领军人物,安德烈·勒弗维尔提出了从全新的文化角度进行翻译研究的观点。

    Andre Lefevere , leading scholar of Cultural School , offers a new cultural perspective for translation studies .

  8. 从语言学角度进行的翻译研究逐渐被翻译文化学派所取代。

    The traditional translation study from the perspective of linguistics has been gradually replaced by the translation cultural school .

  9. 文化学派翻译理论为我们研究中国近代文学翻译提供了一个全新的视角。

    The cultural turn in translation studies provides a new perspective in the study of modern China ′ s literary translation .

  10. 据笔者所知,这两位学者代表了翻译中的文化学派和操纵学派。

    The two scholars , to the best of my knowledge , represent the culture studies in translation and School of Manipulation .

  11. 在其学术生涯中,他都坚定地捍卫和发展了马克思主义,彰显了英国文化学派的理论倾向。

    In their academic career , he firmly defended and developed Marxism , and highlighted the theoretical tendencies of the British Culture School .

  12. 翻译文化学派研究的特点是重视史料的搜集、描述和分析,其研究方法属于实证性描述性研究。

    Characteristic of collection , description and analysis of historical data , study of translation by cultural school belongs to positivist and descriptive study .

  13. 在理论上借鉴当代翻译研究文化学派的视角,研究方法上采用总体描述和个案研究相结合。

    It draws on the theories of the contemporary cultural school of translation studies and adopts an approach combining holistic description and case study .

  14. 始于霍尔姆斯的文化学派研究者们,以对翻译研究的独特视角和阐释揭开了当代西方翻译研究的另一个层面。

    Opened with James S. Holmes , the researchers of cultural school promote the contemporary translation studies in the West to a new level with unique perspectives and particular hermeneutics .

  15. 翻译文化学派代表人物安德烈勒菲弗尔通过对一系列翻译作品的研究,指出翻译是改写文本的一种形式,是创造另一个文本形象的一种形式。

    Andre Lefevere , one of the representatives of the Cultural School , puts forward that translation is a form of rewriting and a form that can create a new text .

  16. 在翻译标准方面,语言学派追求一元性的等值转换规则;文化学派倾向于多元化。

    In terms of translation criteria , the linguistic school pursues the rule of " equivalent transposition " featuring " unification ", while the cultural school squints towards " diversification " .

  17. 上世纪九十年代,翻译理论界的文化学派明确提出了翻译研究的“文化转向”,这一研究新方向极大地拓展了译者和理论家的研究视野。

    In the last two decades of the twentieth century , there was a " cultural turn " in Translation Studies , which has greatly widened the theoretical scope of this discipline .

  18. 文化学派的重要学者在讨论诗歌翻译时突出了社会文化因素对诗歌之美的影响,对永恒的或内在的诗歌之美提出了质疑。

    Major scholars from the field of cultural studies have highlighted the influence of socio-cultural elements on the beauty of poetry and questioned the validity of universal or intrinsic beauty of poetry .

  19. 随着文化学派的兴起,研究者的目光不再局限于此,文本生产与外部世界的关系受到越来越多的关注。

    With the rise of the culture school , researchers ' eyes are no longer as limited as before ; the relations between the text production and the outside world are paid more and more attention to .

  20. 传统的翻译研究注重语言层面的转换,如文本对比和翻译标准等,而文化学派的兴起,使得翻译研究的视角不再局限于此,文本与外部世界的关系受到重视。

    Traditional translation studies focused on the linguistic perspective , such as source and target text comparison and translation standards . The uprising of the culture school puts more stress on the relationship between translation and the exterior world .

  21. 自20世纪90年代翻译文化学派提出文化转向后,翻译研究便冲破传统语言学等效论的藩篱,开始关注影响翻译过程的外部因素。

    Since the 1990s when the cultural school of translation studies put forward the idea of " cultural turn ", translation studies have broken free from the trammels of traditional linguistic equivalence theory , focusing upon external factors involved in translation .

  22. 因此,本论文不仅为独白与内心独白翻译质量的评估提供了一个可操作的框架,而且,其中译者主体性的要素的考虑,也是对文化学派的改写理论三要素的补充和发展。

    Therefore , this present study not only proves to be an effective framework for the translation quality assessment of monologues and interior monologues , but also has revised and developed the Rewriting theory in regard to the involvement of translator subjectivity .

  23. 美国翻译理论家安德烈·勒菲弗尔提出的操控理论为翻译研究文化学派提供了重要的理论依据,他认为翻译是一种意识形态操纵下的改写,必将受到后者的影响和制约。

    Andre Lefevere , an American translation theorist , brought forward manipulation theory , which could be considered as the theoretic basis for cultural school of translation studies . He argued that translation was an ideology-manipulated rewriting of original texts . Translation would inevitably be influenced and constrained by ideology .

  24. 文化研究学派的传播理论及其对中国的影响

    Communication Theory of Cultural Studies and the Effect on China

  25. 文化研究学派元析

    A Basic Analysis of the School of Culture Studies

  26. 英国文化研究学派的兴起为传媒研究提供了一条新路径。

    Rise of the cultural study school in Britain provides a new way for media research .

  27. 维果茨基是苏俄心理科学的主要奠基者,社会文化历史学派的创始人。

    Vykotsky is one of the founders of SovietRussian mental science and an initiator of the socioculturalhistorical school .

  28. 米德是美国著名的女性人类学家之一,她与本尼迪克特一起创立了美国的文化心理学学派。

    Margaret Mead , one of the most well-known women anthropologists in USA , established with Benedict the School of Cultural Psychology .

  29. 英国文化研究学派以及本雅明、费斯克等在大众文化的辩护上不谋而合。

    The British school of culture studies and the theory of postmodernism happen to coincide with Walter Benjamin and John Fiske about the defence of mass culture .

  30. 维果茨基是苏联早期一位才华横溢的杰出心理学家,社会文化历史学派的创始人。

    Vygotsky was a gifted and outstanding psychologist of the former Soviet Union in the early times , and was also a founder of the socio-culture history school .