
  • 网络Cultural Programme;cultural program
  1. 党在社会主义初级阶段的文化纲领释论

    The Cultural Programme of CPC on the Initial Stage in Socialism

  2. 作为其思想文化纲领的重要部分,如何对待科学是他们在新情势下不可回避的问题。

    As its important part of ideological system , science is the question which they cannot avoid under the new circumstances .

  3. 中国特色社会主义文化纲领是中国特色社会主义理论与中国社会主义现代化文化建设相结合的产物。

    It is the combination of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and cultural construction in the course of socialist modernizations .

  4. 现代新儒家是产生于二十世纪二十年代,以儒家学说为本位来吸纳、会通西学的学术流派。返本开新是其贯彻始终的思想文化纲领。

    New modern Confucianism , emerged in the 1920s , is an academic schism which is based on the theory of Confucianism and assimilates western sciences .

  5. 中国特色社会主义文化建设纲领刍议

    Notes on the culture programme of socialism with Chinese characteristics

  6. 教育和文化行动纲领

    Programme of Action on Education and Culture

  7. 即在党的十五大上制定的建设有中国特色社会主义的经济、政治、文化的基本纲领。

    The Party 's fundamental programme on Economic , Politics , cultural construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  8. 和平文化宣言和行动纲领

    Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace

  9. 以解放和发展文化生产力为核心内容的新文化发展观的提出是中国特色社会主义文化纲领在现阶段的具体化。

    The present of the new culture development view with the core content of liberating and developing culture productivity , is an actualization of the culture creed of the socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  10. 新文化发展观的形成及发展经历了社会主义精神文明理论的形成过程、中国特色社会主义文化纲领的发展过程。

    Its form and development go though the course of the spiritual civilization construction and the developing of culture creed of socialism with Chinese characteristics .