
wén huà shān
  • T-shirt;cultural shirt
  1. 忙着计算销售额的ClubT网络商店总裁三宅智博说:“新推出的‘我可不像你’文化衫供不应求。”他说这款T恤有望成为他们店铺开张以来最热销的产品。

    " We can 't keep up with orders ," said Tomohiro Miyake , president of online shop Club T , who was too busy to count sales , but added that the T-shirt was about to become his company 's best-selling ever .

  2. 我喜欢圆领文化衫。

    I like the tee shirts without a collar .

  3. 人人都穿文化衫。

    Everyone else wore T-shirts with slogans on them .

  4. 文化衫曾经在社会上流行过一段时间。

    T-shirts with signs used to be popular .

  5. 它是谁的文化衫?

    Whose T-shirt is it ?

  6. 文化衫曾经在社会上流行过一段时间。在人行道上吐痰是不文雅的。

    T-shirts with signs used to be popular . It is not respectable to spit on the sidewalk .

  7. 另有本色美术馆自有商标的文化衫,手提袋,书籍,陶瓷等精心设计纪念品。

    It provedes souvenirs such as T-shirts , handbags with the trademark of " True color " and album of paintings .

  8. 文化衫的信息传播与文化衫的消费行为紧密联系在一起,其中既有积极的意义,也有消极的影响。

    The information communication of T-shirt is closely related to consumption behaviors of T-shirt ; its effects can be both positive and passive .

  9. 标语T,也称“文化衫”,长久以来被视为一种向世界传达我们个人喜好的方式。

    Slogan T-shirts , also known as message T-shirts , have long been a means of telling the world what we care about .

  10. 其次,分析消费者对于文化衫的购买心态,从而了解文化衫在消费者心中的传播意义。

    Secondly , it analyzes the buying psychology of consumers , so as to understand the propagating significance of " T-shirt " among consumers .

  11. 而且从平面设计、装饰到现在年轻人流行的文化衫图案刻制等,版画的艺术形式也日益应运到我们的日常生活。

    The graphic design are various such as decoration arts of popular T-shirts logo Creation , printmaking art forms originated from our daily lives .

  12. 最后,回归网络中的文化衫现象,来具体分析这种文化的传播方式与影响价值。

    Finally , it comes back to the " phenomenon " of T-shirt in the network and analyzes the cultural transmission mode and its value .

  13. 本文对文化衫现象的弊端进行了简要的梳理与分析,尝试寻求解决冲突或减低危害的方式。

    This paper has conducted brief analysis on the disadvantages of the phenomenon of T-shirt and tries to find ways to solve the problem and reduce its disadvantages .

  14. 自助链接、搜索引擎、专家论坛、彩页、文化衫宣传及美国镜像等方式是进行系统推广的主要策略。

    Self-help link , search engine , expert forum , colorful propagandistic leaf , cultural T-shirt and American mirror image are the main policies to popularize the system .

  15. 您可以现金或支票的形式捐款至医科院肿瘤医院,捐款和文化衫领取的具体细节可咨询肿瘤医院。

    Your contributions can be made by cash or cheque to the Cancer Institute / Hospital ( CAMS ) . Details on donations and shirt pick up forthcoming with your reply .

  16. 在注意力经济理论的支撑下,本文还将人们网络生活中的文化衫消费热品纳入研究范畴,对其营销方式、附着的文化以及这种文化在网络语境中的传播含义进行了重新定义。

    Under the support of Attention Economic Theory , this paper also intakes " T-shirt " in the network into the scope of research and redefines its marketing approach , adherent culture and its propagating meaning in the context of network .

  17. 首先,通过对文化衫在我国的产生进行总结,为属于本文范式的文化衫概念做出定义;梳理文化衫文化的概念,确定研究对象的文化含义。

    First of all , through the summary of the production of " T-shirt " in China , it defines and combs the concept of " T-shirt " belonging to the paradigm of this paper and identifies the cultural meaning of objects .