
wén xué fān yì
  • literary translation
  1. 从CatintheRain两个中译本的比较看文学翻译

    On Literary Translation through the Comparison of Two Chinese Versions of Cat in the Rain

  2. 该章最后一部分对文学翻译批评,特别是Gonewiththewind各中译本的翻译批评作了批判性回顾。

    The last section is a critical review of the literary translation criticism and that of the Chinese translations of Gone with the Wind , in particular .

  3. 文学翻译标准的相对性,从根本上来说,乃是由原作作者所决定的。

    Basically , original works determine the relativity of literary translation .

  4. 论译者在文学翻译中主体作用的必然性

    On the Necessity of Translators ' Subject Role in Literary Translation

  5. 标记理论和文学翻译的风格标记

    A Theory of Markedness and the Stylistic Markedness of Literary Translations

  6. 接受美学对文学翻译策略的启示

    On the Inspiration of the Reception Theory on Practice in Translation

  7. 文学翻译中文化缺省补偿的一个原则

    One of Principles of Compensation for Cultural Default in Literary Translation

  8. 接受美学与文学翻译之间有着紧密的联系。

    The aesthetics of reception and translation studies are closely related .

  9. 因此,文学翻译不同于非文学翻译。

    Therefore , literary translation is different from unliterary translation .

  10. 关联理论在文学翻译实践中的应用

    Application of Relevance Theory to the Practice of Literary Translation

  11. 但在这短短的一百多年中,中国文学翻译却得到了蓬勃发展。

    In this period , Chinese literary translation boomed quickly .

  12. 文学翻译是一种独特的主体感受活动。

    Literary translation is a special perception of the subject .

  13. 文学翻译指导原则的新视角

    A New Perspective of the Guiding Principle of Literary Translation

  14. 科技翻译与文学翻译的分野与汇合

    On Divergence and Convergence of Scientific Translation and Literary Translation

  15. 关于文学翻译中语用意义等效的研究

    A Study on the Equivalent Effect of Pragmatic Meaning in Literary Translation

  16. 从读者接受的角度看文学翻译对等

    Literary Translation Equivalence from the Perspective of Reader 's Reception

  17. 戏剧翻译是个特殊的文学翻译领域。

    Drama translation is a special field of literary translation .

  18. 文学翻译不仅是语言的转换,还是文化的转换。

    Literary translation is a cultural transformation as well as linguistic transformation .

  19. 故之,它对中国文学翻译的启示意义不可低估。

    Therefore , its enlightenment on China 's literary translation is profound .

  20. 文学翻译译者的地位及自我定位

    The Position and Positioning of the Translator in Literary Translation

  21. 文学翻译研究通常与文学、语言学、美学联系在一起。

    Literary translation is usually related to literature , linguistics and aesthetics .

  22. 接受理论与文学翻译的多元化标准

    The Pluralistic Criteria of Literary Translation in the Context of Reception Theory

  23. 这些策略和方法使得文学翻译具有了创造性叛逆的特点。

    These strategies make literary translation bear the characteristic of creative treason .

  24. 从文学翻译历史使命的角度看翻译策略的选择

    On Translation Strategies from the Perspective of Historical Task of Literary Translation

  25. 技术的异化&当代日本建筑的技术表现谈谈文学翻译中的归化与异化

    Discussion on the Naturalisation and Dissimilation in the Literature Translation

  26. 文学翻译中再创造性叛逆是实现忠实的手段

    Re-creative Treason in the Way to Faithfulness in Literary Translation

  27. 儿童文学翻译多由创作儿童文学之人兼为。

    Translation of Children 's Literature was often mixed with creation of it .

  28. 文学翻译中的目标读者取向原则

    On the Target Reader Oriented Approach to Literary Translation

  29. 文学翻译的主客体关系研究

    A Study on the Interrelationships between the Subjects and Objects in Literary Translation

  30. 词典翻译与文学翻译对比研究初探

    A Comparative Study of Dictionary Translation and Literary Translation