
wén zhì
  • Wenzhi;civil administration;statecraft
文治 [wén zhì]
  • [achievements in culture and education] 指在文化、教育方面所取得的成绩

  • 汉武帝文治武功古今第一人

  1. 皇太极时期是清朝政权由武治向文治转变的重要阶段。

    The Huang Taiji Period was the important stage that the Qing Dynasty political power turned from armed administration to literary administration .

  2. 在靖难之役后,武当山皇家庙观,成为永乐皇帝大修文治的重要措施。

    After the battle of Jingnan , establishing the imperial temples and halls in Wudang Mountains became Emperor Yong-le 's important measures for civil administration .

  3. 朱元璋的办学思想根源于其文治思想。其育才观是一种实才观,具有朴素的辨证思想。

    His running principle was rooted by his civil thoughts , which was , in fact , one of actual ability with a rough dialectical ideal .

  4. 这些在海外建国的英雄们不再夸示武功,而是笃信儒家礼制,推崇文治。

    These heroes who have established their oversea state no longer display their military muscles ; rather , they are following Confucian rituals and carrying out a civilized ruling .