
  1. 系统中用户Agent利用江苏省工程技术文献信息中心信息服务系统的支撑平台TRIP系统的文献日志进行挖掘,提取出用户的兴趣,建立了用户模型。

    User Agent uses TRIP system 's query log to extract users ' interest , and build users ' model .

  2. 本文在研究已有个性化信息服务知识的基础上针对江苏省工程技术文献信息中心信息服务系统提出并实现了基于Web挖掘的多Agent个性化信息服务系统。

    We have researched the knowledge of personality information service , and then proposed and implement multi-agent personality information system , which is based on web mining , for Jiangsu Engineering Technology Literature Information Center information service system .

  3. 论北京奥运文献信息中心建设

    On the Construction of Beijing Olympics Documentation and Information Center

  4. 论复合型学科文献信息中心

    On the document information center of poly-subjects Theory on Disciplines

  5. 文献信息中心≠信息咨询服务中心&冷静面对新世纪丛谈之三

    The Document Information Centre ≠ Information Consulting Service Centre

  6. 高等院校现代化图书馆学科文献信息中心建设

    Discussing the Construction uf Document Information Center of Modern Discipline in Academic Schools

  7. 深化文献信息中心功能。

    To deepen the function of document information center ;

  8. 国际和平文献信息中心

    International Centre for Documentation and Information for Peace

  9. 江苏省工程技术文献信息中心的建设与思考

    Construction of Jiangsu Engineering Technology Literature Information Center

  10. 创建高校学科文献信息中心实现高校文献资源共建共享

    Constructing University Discipline Document Information Center , Realizing the Co-construction and Sharing of University Document Resources

  11. 普通高校开发复合图书馆的现实选择&发展复合型学科文献信息中心

    A Feasible Choice to Develop Hybrid Library for Academic & To Develop Hybrid Subject Documentary Information Center

  12. 根据当前的信息服务环境,高校图书馆要按学科组建文献信息中心。

    According to the present information service environment , the document information center should be established according to the subject .

  13. 六安市与皖西学院有必要和可能共建共享皖西文献信息中心。

    It is imperative and possible for Lu'an government and West Anhui University to co-construct and share West Anhui documents and information center .

  14. 图书馆是高校的三大支柱之一,是高校的文献信息中心,是为高校教学和科研服务的重要机构。

    University library is the information centre of a university . It is the important organization serving for teaching and scientific research in university .

  15. 作为高校的文献信息中心,高校图书馆在教学和科研工作中有着非常重要的作用和地位。

    As the documentation and information center of university , the library of university plays an important role in teaching and research work of the university .

  16. 从信息服务到知识服务有助于图书馆和文献信息中心重新审视自身的优势。

    So from information service to knowledge service is help to the library and the centers of document information afresh examine the superiority of they have .

  17. 高校图书馆不仅是学校文献信息中心,也应积极融入社会,为地方社会经济建设服务。

    University library is not only the information center of university literature , but also merges into the society to serve for local social economic construction .

  18. 作为文献信息中心的高校图书馆,其服务内容、服务方式和服务范围等也相应发生变化。

    As a documentation and information center of the university , the library has to change the contents , patterns , and scope of its service accordingly .

  19. 论文阐述了江苏省工程技术文献信息中心在信息资源建设、网络服务平台构建等方面的总体构建思路。

    This paper elaborates the total forms constructing thinking of Jiangsu Project Technique Literature Information Center in information resource construction , network service terrace construction , and other respects .

  20. 为地方服务宜分阶段循序渐进,其最终目标是要将图书馆建设成为本地区的科技文献信息中心;

    Serving the locality ought to proceed by stages and its ultimate objective is building the library into the document and information centre of science and technology in the locality .

  21. 高校图书馆作为高校的文献信息中心和教育的重要场所,对大学生的创造力开发具有重要作用。

    The library in high school , as the center of literature information and important spot of education , plays important roles in exploring the creativity of the college students .

  22. 作为文献信息中心,高校图书馆在高校素质教育中的作用主要体现在促使大学生精神诸要素的全面而自由和谐的发展。

    As the center of the document and message , the affect of the university library in the university quality education is to promote the college students ' spirit elements completely developing .

  23. 高校图书馆是文献信息中心,是为教学和科研服务的窗口和基地,是高校工作的重要组成部分。

    The library of a university is a documentation and information center as well as the service window and base for teaching and research , which is an important part of a university .

  24. 本文以高等教育实施211工程为出发点,探讨了高等院校图书馆现代化学科文献信息中心建设的目标、结构及其功能。

    This paper takes the " 211 " project of higher education as the starting point , discusses the objection , structure and function document information center of modern discipline in academic schools .

  25. 通识教育是大学教育重要的教育观念和模式,高校图书馆是高校的文献信息中心和大学生重要的学习活动中心。

    The education of comprehensive knowledge is a important educational idea and mode of higher education , collegiate library is a centre of documents and info , also a main centre for collegiate learning .

  26. 图书馆是高等学校和社会的文献信息中心,是为学校和社会提供信息保障的学术性机构,其服务效率的高低优劣对用户的满意度有深刻的影响。

    Academic libraries are the documentation and information centers and the academic institutions which provide information guarantee for schools and society . The service quality level has a profound impact on satisfaction of customers .

  27. 图书馆作为高校文献信息中心与传播知识及精神文明建设的重要场所,其建设水平和工作水平与高校教学质量的提高,有着密切的联系。

    As a center of documentation and information and an important place for the building of spiritual civilization and and the knowledge dissemination . Libraries are closely linked with the improvement of teaching quality through good construction and high efficiency .

  28. 该校是我国重要的人文社会科学资料中心、信息中心和图书出版中心。学校图书馆设施先进,馆内藏书250万册(包括线装古籍40余万册),电子图书15.04万种,并设有“教育部文科文献信息中心”。

    The RUC also functions as a resource center for data , information , and publications in the humanities and social sciences in China.The University Library has advanced facilities and has a collection of 2.5 million books ( including 400000 thread

  29. 高师图书馆是一所院校的文献信息中心,它丰富的音乐资源、人性化的服务方式、以及优美舒适的环境对教师钻研教材、查找资料、教学科研、讲座座谈等方面给予了很大支持。

    Library in normal university is the document and information center , which has rich music resources , humanistic services and comfortable environment . It will be a great support for the teachers teaching , studying , looking for resources , and talking with each other .

  30. 在这一背景下,作为新建本科院校的文献信息中心&图书馆也面临着内外环境的深刻变革,如何使图书馆的建设与学校的发展相适应,对于高校的整体发展具有举足轻重的意义。

    As the newly built undergraduate Document Information Content , the library is facing internal and external profound environmental changes . So how to make the Library Construction compatible with the development of school , has a significant meaning for the overall development of colleges and university .