
  • 网络literary reading
  1. 最后,根据文读和白读的竞争关系,联系影响语言发展的诸多社会因素,预测五台片阳声韵的演变趋势。

    In the end , according to competitive relation of literary reading and colloquial reading , connecting with many social elements affecting language development , The author foresees evolution tendency of Wutai sub-dialects male rhyme .

  2. 文读形式和白读形式之间的竞争;重论文白异读与语音层次

    The competition between colloquial pronunciation and literary pronunciation ; Literary and Colloquial Readings and Language Strata Revisited

  3. 而在语言使用上,文读和白读并存、方言和国语兼用,是闽台两地闽南语区的共同特点。

    As for the language using in Fujian and Taiwan , both show the same characteristic that read sound and spoken sound exist side by side , and the Southern Min dialect and the Mandarin are used concurrently .

  4. 请点按下行连结键文以观读中文版。

    For a Chinese version , please click the link below .

  5. 第二章具体描述了南通话的音系及其文白异读的情况。

    The second chapter describes the phonetic system and the internal differences of Nantong dialect .

  6. 二,分析了文白异读所涉及的各种复杂的语音层次;

    Secondly kinds of complicated phonetic strata that are concerned with literary and colloquial readings are analysed .

  7. 探讨了移民因素对徐州方言文白异读格局形成的影响。

    Language and Dialect Immigrant influence on the literary and colloquial reading systems of Xuzhou dialect is also discussed .

  8. 粤东闽语与福建闽南方言文白异读比较研究

    The Comparison of Min Dialect in Eastern Guangdong Province and Minnan Dialect in Fujian Province in Literary and Colloquial Readings

  9. 作为一个文化与语言的输出者,中原官话较少外积型历史层次,缺少文白异读。

    As an " exporter " of culture and language , Central Mandarin has a comparatively small " outside historical layer " and lacks literary and colloquial readings .

  10. 谥议文也源于读谥之礼,但源起时间比诔文稍晚,其在形制上没有太大的变化。

    But shiyi is originated a little later than leiwen , and its form and structure has few changes .

  11. 本文的研究工作主要围绕着读码器的设计与实现展开,文中阐述了读码器硬件部分的设计;

    The primary work of this thesis is about designing and realization of Preventing-Forgery Code Reader . It includes the hardware system designing ;

  12. 因为当图式各个成分没有出现在文中时,读译者会自动调用先存的有关该文的知识填补缺省的图式,从而顺利理解全文。

    Because when there is no corresponding schema appearing in the source text , the translator will automatically use the stored knowledge in his mind about the text to fill up the default schema , thus he can have a comprehensive understanding of the text .

  13. 在《马氏文通》以后出版的汉语语法著作中,虽然很少使用读这一术语,但对《马氏文通》之读理论所揭示的汉语语法规律却继承了下来。

    Although later works on grammar abandoned this borrowed concept , they hold up to the grammatical rules revealed through its use .