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  1. 同文馆是徐继畲实践其思想的再一次尝试。

    Tong Wen college was another try to practice his thought .

  2. 同文馆创办前的中国学校英语教学

    Studies on English Teaching in Chinese Schools Prior to Tong Wen Guan

  3. 京师同文馆英语教学历史研究

    Historical Studies on the English Teaching at the Imperial Translators ' College

  4. 论京师同文馆的高等教育性质台北帝国大学及其出版物的研究

    On Imperial Tung Wen College as A Higher Educational Institution

  5. 北京瞽叟通文馆与中国盲文体系的初建

    The School for the Blind of Peking and the Tentative Foundation of Braille System in China

  6. 从京师同文馆之创设看西学东渐在中国

    See learning from the West Culture in China by the foundation of the Capital Foreign Languages Institute

  7. 中国近代教育溯源&以1900年之前的京师同文馆为视角

    Trace to The Source of Chinese Modern Education & Angle of View from Jin Shi Tong Wen Guan Before 1900

  8. 京师同文馆的建立标志着我国近代教育的启动,其英语教学是我国近代外语教学的开端。

    The establishment of the Imperial Translators ' College launched the education and foreign language teaching causes in pre-modern China .

  9. 把西方近代先进的分年制教育制度介绍到中国,为同文馆设置了中国教育史上第一个分年制课程;

    They introduced western modern advanced grade system into China and founded the first curriculum system in the history of Chinese education .

  10. 文章的首先介绍文学侍从官员的演变过程,这分为三个一阶段:弘文馆学士阶段、集贤院学士阶段、翰林学士阶段。

    First , the essay introduces the changing story of the literary Retinue Officers , which can be divided into three periods .

  11. 京师同文馆是中国教育的一次巨大革新,是中国近代教育的起源。

    Jing shi tong wen guan is an enormous innovate in the history of Chinese education and the origin of Chinese modernize education .

  12. 唐人所编大型总集《文馆词林》在中国亡佚已久,日本则藏有若干古抄本;

    In the past there was no copy of Wen Guan Ci Lin published in China that includes all the materials collected in Japan .

  13. 人们一般认为中国学校英语教学肇始于京师同文馆。

    It is generally believed that teaching of the English language in China began with Tong Wen Guan ( The Imperial College of Translators ) .

  14. 从洋务初期京师同文馆开始,到戊戌时期大学堂仕学院,都提出了让官员入学堂学习西学、新学的思想,只是由于守旧派的阻挠未能付诸实施。

    From the capital Tong-wen house to the Official House of Capital University in Wu Xu Period , the thought to make official studying new science at school was put forward .

  15. 京师同文馆创办于1862年,是晚清最早的洋务学堂,也是我国自行创办的第一所外语学校。

    The School of Combined Learning , set up in 1862 , was not only the earliest school of foreign affairs , but also the first government school of foreign languages .

  16. 从京师同文馆创设角度看西学在中国的进入方式,西学在中国的认同状态,西学在中国的文化土壤,由此可见“中体西用”思想并不能使西学在中国得到系统地传播。

    From the point of view of Capital Foreign Languages Institute 's foundation , we can learn the entry mode , the identity state and the culture soil of West Culture in China .

  17. 他积极对同文馆进行改革,期望通过对西方的学习,可以培养出适应近代社会要求的人才,以图民族自强。

    He actively reformed this place , expecting that through learning from the west , could educate talented people who adapted to the requirements of our modern society , only for national self-reliance .

  18. 文史交融宏微相济&评吴夏平《唐代中央文馆制度与文学研究》

    A Blending of Literature and History with Combination of Macroscopic and Microscopic Views & A book review on The Research about the System of Central Literature Institution and Literature of Tang Dynasty by Wu Xiaping ;

  19. 中国有英语教学,始自1862年同文馆之建立。

    The teaching of English in China started with the establishment of the Interpreters ' College in 1862 as a response to the pressure of Western imperialist powers , but also for the purpose of China 's self_strengthening and modernization .

  20. 对国家农业图书馆2002~2004年中外文馆藏图书以及2002~2005年的中外文原版期刊中的农业科学、生物科学和食品加工三个领域的文献进行了统计与分析。

    The statistics and analysis of the documents in the disciplines of agricultural sciences , biology and food science and technology were conducted by using the books purchased in 2002-2004 and periodicals purchased in 2002-2005 from foreign countries in the National Agricultural Library .