
The first chapter , we introduce the background and current situation of reaction-diffusion systems and pattern formation . And we briefly analyze the research of the Gray-Scott model and biological prey-predator system dynamics .
Mathematical Mechanism of Turning Pattern Dynamics
These are principal content of pattern formation which is an important branch of nonlinear science .
Pattern dynamics appeared as a transverse science form gradually along with the development of nonlinear science .
Optical pattern dynamics is mainly divided into two parts : laser pattern dynamics and pattern dynamics in optical resonator with nonlinear material .
Time-varying diffusivity is a major factor for the reaction-diffusion system dynamics . And also it is the hot and difficult research point of pattern dynamics .
It has become a hot problem to obtain solutions of nonlinear diffusion equations involving the fluid dynamics , heat transfer , biology , chemistry and pattern dynamics .
This thesis chapters and structure are arranged as follows : The pattern dynamics theory , reaction-diffusion system and the formation of spiral wave are introduced briefly in Chapter 1 .
In recent decades , the investigation of spatiotemporal pattern dynamics has become a hot topic of nonlinear science . The investigation can help us to understand the phenomena that occur in nature and human society .
In this paper we give the mathematical mechanism of Turning pattern dynamics , that is when a constant equilibrium point of ODE changes its stability property after diffusion introduced , Turning pattern would appear around it .
In this thesis , we numerically and theoretically study the dynamic behaviors of coupled spiral wave patterns in both oscillatory and excitable reaction-diffusion systems .
Therefore , study on the control of spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos is of great value of application . However , it relies on our thorough understanding of the dynamics of the spatiotemporal pattern to solve completely the suppression of spiral wave and spatiotemporal in cardiac tissues .
Dynamical behavior of the ( 1 + 2 ) D pattern formation
The spatiotemporal dynamics of patterned discharges is studied experimentally by an optical method .
This work gives useful reference for studying pattern formation dynamics . The Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Electrochemical Pattern with Spatial Coupling