
  • 网络Plaques;Patchiness;patchness
  1. 青藏高原东缘过路黄在资源交互斑块性生境中的克隆内资源共享

    Intraclonal resource sharing of stoloniferous herb Lysimachia christinae in response to reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients in the eastern edge of the Qing-Zang Plateau in China

  2. 资源交互斑块性生境中两种不同分枝型匍匐茎植物的克隆内分工

    Intraclonal spatial division of labour in two stoloniferous plants with different branching type in response to reciprocal patchiness of resources

  3. 改良PUVA疗法治疗慢性斑块性银屑病疗效分析

    Treatment of chronic plaque-type psoriasis with modified PUVA therapy

  4. 目的:探索用改良PUVA疗法治疗慢性斑块性银屑病的疗效和安全性。

    Objective : To assess the efficacy and safety of modified PUVA therapy in the treatment of chronic plaque-type psoriasis .

  5. 直肠不受累和斑块性炎性病变活跃不是UC-PSC患者的特征。

    Rectal sparing and patchy disease activity is not characteristic of UC patients with PSC .

  6. 克隆植物构型的可塑性有可能促进其对斑块性分布土壤水分资源的利用,因而具有一定的生态学意义。

    The architectural plasticity of clonal plants may enhance the exploitation of soil moisture resources , which have some ecological significance .

  7. 在该研究中,有293名斑块性银屑病患者、82名点滴状银屑病患者和202名正常人作为对照。

    A total of293 patients with plaque psoriasis , 82 patients with psoriasis guttata and202 control subjects were enrolled in this study .

  8. 这种环境诱导的克隆内分工行为有利于整个基株对资源交互斑块性环境的利用,是克隆植物对异质性环境的生态适应对策。

    This environmentally induced division of labor benefits the whole genet greatly , and thus is another adaptive strategies of clonal plants to grow successfully in heterogeneous environments .

  9. 资源斑块性分布是生境异质性的特征之一,适应于异质性生境,匍匐茎植物对环境资源表现了一系列可塑性反应。

    The patchy distribution of essential resources is one of the characteristics of heterogeneous environments . Adapting to heterogeneous habitats , stoloniferous plant demonstrated a series of plastic responses to resources .

  10. 在斑块性银屑病患者中,有着银屑病家族史患者与无家族史患者相比,基因型A/A和AA/AA的频率更高。

    The genotypes A / A and AA / AA were more frequent in plaque psoriasis patients with a positive family history of psoriasis compared to patients with a negative family history of psoriasis .

  11. 结果显示,过路黄和野草莓发生了环境诱导的克隆内分工,这种克隆内分工有利于克隆植物对资源交互斑块性环境的利用,同时克隆内分工对不同海拔梯度上克隆植物生长的影响可能不同。

    So . spatial division of labor may contribute more greatly to ability for the clonal plants to exploit environmental heterogeneity . Its effect on performance of clonal plants at different altitudes may be different .

  12. 目的:探讨代谢综合征(MS)与冠状动脉斑块易损性的关系。

    Objective : To study the relation between metabolic syndrome ( MS ) and vulnerable plaque in coronary artery .

  13. 炎性标志物与非ST段抬高冠脉综合征患者的多发性复杂狭窄(全冠脉系统斑块易损性)的关系

    Markers of inflammation and multiple complex stenoses ( pancoronary plaque vulnerability ) in patients with non-ST segment elevation coronary syndromes

  14. 通过检测血清hsCRP指标,初步探讨MS促进冠状动脉斑块易损性的炎症机理。

    Through detecting serum hsCRP norm , to discuss the inflammation mechanism of MS promoting plaque vulnerability in coronary artery .

  15. 基于EN-MSCT图像的心血管斑块危险性特征分析研究

    The Features of Coronary Plaque Based on the EN-MSCT

  16. 不稳定型心绞痛患者斑块易损性的血管内超声评价

    Evaluation of Vulnerable Plaques with Intravascular Ultrasound in Patients with Unstable Angina

  17. 不同类型的颈动脉斑块易损性与基质金属蛋白酶的相关性研究

    Relationship between Matrix Metalloproteinase and Various Carotid Plaque Vulnerability

  18. 景观斑块多样性增大,嵌块体形状更趋复杂;

    While the patch diversity has increased and complicated ;

  19. 用空间直观模型是否足以从斑块占据性资料中推断集合种群的动态过程?(英文)

    Are patch occupancy data sufficient for inferring metapopulation dynamics using spatially explicit patch occupancy models ?

  20. 目前发现对斑块易损性有影响的因素有很多,但无法全面地解释斑块不稳定的原因。

    Series of factors are found for affecting instability of the plaque , but none can perfectly explain the causes of plaque instability .

  21. 景观连通性模型可区分为点连通性模型,线连通性模型,网连通性模型和斑块连通性模型。

    The models for landscape connectivity are distinguished into model for line connectivity , one for vertex connectivity , another for network connectivity and still another for patch connectivity .

  22. 整体景观的面积多样性最高,而斑块多样性最低,说明面积分布比斑块数分布均匀,人为干扰十分强烈。

    The area diversity of holistic landscape is higher than the patch diversity . It is reveals that the area distribution is more even than number distribution of patches .

  23. 斑块连通性模型在黄河三角洲新生湿地的应用研究结果表明,斑块连通性与人类活动强度和景观多样性负相关。

    The application of model for patch connectivity in the new-born wetland of the Yellow River Delta shows that patch connectivity has a negative interrelation with human impact intensity and landscape diversity .

  24. 因为点连通性、线连通性和网连通性己有很长的研究历史,相应的连通性模型(连通度)己比较成熟,所以本文的研究焦点是尚不成熟的斑块连通性模型。

    Because the models for line connectivity , for vertex connectivity , and for network connectivity have been long studied and have become ripened , the model for patch connectivity is paid special attention in this paper .

  25. 浑河河岸稳定性属亚健康状态,亲水景观建设和与周围自然斑块连通性属不健康状态,水质属病态状态。

    The stabilization of the Hunhe riverside is in the sub-health state , the connection between the construction of the hydrophilic sight and the nature patch is in the unhealthy state , the water quality is morbid .

  26. 晚近,关于妊娠相关血浆蛋白A(PAPP-A)的研究发现,PAPP-A与斑块的炎性活动存在相关性,有可能作为斑块炎性活动的重要评价指标。

    Recently , pregnancy associated plasma protein-A ( PAPP-A ) may be recognized the markers of unstable plaques .

  27. 目的探讨低频高能超声溶解急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)闭塞相关血管或罪犯血管血栓及粥样硬化斑块的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of clinical application of coronary thrombolysis ultrasound ( CTU ) to the infarct-related artery ( IRA ) and criminal related vessels in acute coronary syndrome ( ACS ) .

  28. NONO蛋白在不稳定型心绞痛组和急性心肌梗死组的表达明显升高,揭示了NONO蛋白与斑块的易损性关系密切。

    The expression of NONO protein is higher in UAP and AMI patients than that of SAP patients , which indicates that NONO protein is associated closely with the plaque vulnerability .

  29. 各种斑块的多样性指数变化不明显。

    The change of diversity index of patches was not obvious .

  30. 冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块温度异质性及其检测的研究进展

    Thermal Heterogeneity and Detection in Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaques