- phenocryst
The phenocryst Ne and Ar isotope compositions are significantly different from MORB but similar to the atmosphere , suggesting their derivation from subducting slab .
The groundmass has the same mineral components as phenocryst , and is composed of plagioclase , augite and olivine .
X-ray studies of alkali feldspar phenocryst from alkaline lava at tianchi , Changbaishan
Orthopyroxene phenocryst exhibits two different appearances on their BSE images . One has well developed overgrowth . The other is characterized by fine inclusions of plagioclase , without overgrowth .
Alkali-feldspar Phenocrysts of the Granitoids in Dandong Area , China
In some high-grade ores , phenocrysts adhere intimately to the pseudomorphs .
Some problems in the studies of porphyroblast inclusion trails
King George Island consists mainly of Tertiary volcanics which contain plentiful plagioclases .
The mixed magma at magma chamber crystallized microlites and the rim of phenocryst ;
Origin Study on Porphyritic Crystals in Coarse Feldspar of Yishan Granites in Western Shandong
Under different deformation conditions , porphyroblasts have different behaviours such as rotation or non rotation .
Analysis for Kinetics and Deformation of Porphyroblasts within Ductile Shear Zones and Numerical Modeling in Large Plastic Deformation
The snowball texture in quartz and K_feldspar phenocrysts is commonly observed in some Li_F enriched and raremetal_bearing granites .
The compositions of oscillatory zoning phenocrysts vary in the ranges of those for normal and reverse zoning phenoxcrysts .
Silicate phases exhibit a porphyritic texture in which pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts are embedded in a fine-grained groundmass .
There arc many xenolithes in granite body and the contact-metasomatic action is not evident between granite and wall rocks .
In general , for a magma chamber , is is believed that the growth rates of phenocrysts are the same .
Irregular fine grain assemblage of hypersthene , plagioclase and quartz at outer part of symplectic rims around porphyroblasts garnet is the post-peak mineral association ;
Hematite phenocrysts , up to 1 - 2 mm in size , can be seen to occur as euhedral laths disseminated in massive ores .
The results of electron microprobe analyses of homogenized inclusions indicate that magmas trapped in the early crystallized pyroxene phenocrysts are evidently more acidic than host rocks .
The immiscibility of fluids inferred by the inclusions in quartz phenocrysts resulted from the first boiling of magma and that in vein quartz from the second boiling .
The two biotite phenocrysts yield plateau ages of 13 . 5 ± 1 . 0 Ma and 13 . 42 ± 0 . 10 Ma , respectively .
The two series have different types of phenocryst , chemical composition , trace element pattern and ratio of isotopic element , but they show similar REE patterns .
Potash feldspar porphyroblasts occur in large quantity in the granite closely related to the gold ore deposits in the Zhaoyuan-Yexian area , especially in the Guojialing porphyritic granite .
Meanwhile the two plagioclase phenocrysts yield their plateau ages of 12 . 22 ± 0 . 05 Ma and 12 . 5 ± 1 . 3 Ma , respectively .
Some differences are found in O and C isotopic composition between phenocryst apatite and typical mantle materials , but the apatite is similar to that from the enriched mantle .
The fluid inclusions in the phenocrysts ( quartz ) show the features of the assemblage of saturated and oversaturated saline water vapor boiling fluid inclusions and are lacking in melt inclusions .
This fact and the existence of garnet porphyroblasts with growth zoning suggest that the eclogites formed at higher temperature ( 940 ℃) and pressure ( > 4.5GPa ) than those estimated by previous workers .
The texture and composition characteristics of the phenocrysts in the magma recorded the rate and process of the evolution and eruption of magma chamber from deep source and the transformation process after the positioning .
From the early to late stages the units had the following trends of change : foliation weakened , inclusions were reduced and their degree of flattening lowered and the preferred orientation of the phenocrysts disappeared gradually .