
  • 网络Stuttgart
  1. 位于巴符州省会斯图加特市的绿党办公部门,看起来更像是在为抗议和示威作准备,而不是承担政府责任。

    The party 's offices in Stuttgart , Baden-W ü rttemberg 's capital , look readier for protests and demonstrations than for the assumption of government responsibility .

  2. 德国斯图加特市轨道交通车站公交衔接的布置案例剖析

    Case Study on Feeder Bus of Rail Transit Stations in Stuttgart , Germany

  3. 该湖是德国斯图加特市及其周边地区的主要饮用水源。

    Boden Lake is the main drinking water source of Stuttgart and other towns nearby .

  4. 著名的客观唯心主义哲学家、美学家、辩证法者,乔治·威廉·弗里德里希·黑格尔,出生于德国斯图加特市。

    The objective idealism famous philosopher , aestheticians , dialectics , George William Friedrich Hegel , Born in Stuttgart .