
sī dà lín
  • Stalin
斯大林[sī dà lín]
  1. 斯大林采取的措施使俄国经济实现了工业化。

    Stalin 's methods had industrialized the Russian economy

  2. 1948年铁托在和斯大林决裂后创建了一种独特的共产主义模式。

    Tito forged a unique model of communism after breaking with Stalin in 1948 .

  3. 斯大林坚持与德国外交部的无线电联系应该保持开放。

    Stalin insisted that the radio link with the German Foreign Ministry should remain open .

  4. 自从他1985年去世以来,他的遗孀一直致力于保存和发扬他的斯大林主义遗产。

    Since his death in 1985 his widow has carried the torch of his Stalinist legacy .

  5. 他在《极端的年代》(TheAgeofExtremes)一书中指出,斯大林主义恐怖导致的死亡人数更有可能

    In The Age of Extremes , he suggested that the deaths due to Stalinist terror are more likely

  6. 比如斯大林(Stalin)决定与希特勒(Hitler)结盟一事,他就把这件事的责任记在自由民主国家头上。

    He blamed the liberal democracies for Stalin 's decision to ally himself with Hitler .

  7. 他在《极端的年代》(TheAgeofExtremes)一书中指出,斯大林主义恐怖导致的死亡人数更有可能是8位数,而不是7位数。

    In The Age of Extremes , he suggested that the deaths due to Stalinist terror are more likely measured in eight rather than seven digits .

  8. 斯大林(Stalin)拒绝了他的提议。

    Stalin turned him down .

  9. 但在上世纪30年代斯大林(Stalin)的农业集体化时代,他的父亲被视为阶级敌人,他们家失去了自己的土地。

    But during Stalin 's agricultural collectivization in 1930 , his father was deemed a class enemy and the family lost its land .

  10. 斯蒂芬•科特金(StephenKotkin)这部规模宏大的传记《斯大林》(Stalin)可以作为埃米斯观点的最佳佐证。

    Stephen Kotkin 's monumental biography of Stalin could be presented as Exhibit A for the Amis thesis .

  11. 他援引了其他一些例子,包括罗斯福总统(FranklinRoosevelt)和他女儿安娜(Anna),1945年,安娜曾陪同罗斯福赴雅尔塔,会晤丘吉尔(Churchill)和斯大林(Stalin)。

    He cites other examples , including Franklin Roosevelt and his daughter Anna , who accompanied him to Yalta in1945 to meet with Churchill and Stalin .

  12. 然而,谈及20世纪另一个手上沾满鲜血的欧洲暴君斯大林(Stalin),问题就变得复杂多了。

    That problem , however , becomes a lot more complex when dealing with the other mass-murdering tyrant of Europe 's 20th century : Stalin .

  13. 无论是过去还是现在,世界上都存在很多这样的政权,在夺去了人的希望之后又植入绝望:1950年代的斯大林(Stalin)政权,2013年的德黑兰毛拉政权。

    Lots of regimes around the world , past and present , take away hope and institutionalize despair : Stalin in the 1950s , the mullahs in Tehran in 2013 .

  14. 《斯大林的女儿:斯维特拉娜·阿莉卢耶娃非凡而动荡的人生》(Stalin’sDaughter:TheExtraordinaryandTumultuousLifeofSvetlanaAlliluyeva),罗斯玛丽·苏利文(RosemarySullivan)著(Harper出版社,35美元)。苏利文的传记揭示出一个复杂而充满悲剧性的人物。

    STALIN 'S DAUGHTER : The Extraordinary and Tumultuous Life of Svetlana Alliluyeva . By Rosemary Sullivan . ( Harper , $ 35 . ) Sullivan 's biography reveals a complex and tragic figure .

  15. 一个月前,在自斯大林(Stalin)时期以来莫斯科红场举行的规模最大的阅兵式上,一位外国嘉宾与阅兵式上展示的令人生畏的武器一样吸引了世人的关注。

    A month ago , in the largest military parade held on Red Square since the days of Stalin , one foreign guest drew as much attention as the fearsome hardware on display .

  16. 几个世纪以来,人们已在莫斯科地下藏了不少东西:拜占庭图书馆(Byzantinelibraries)、伊凡雷帝(IvantheTerrible)的秘密酷刑室和凯瑟琳大帝(CatherinetheGreat)的地下通道网,所以斯大林也想加入他们的行列也就不足为奇了。

    People have been hiding things beneath Moscow for centuries : Byzantine libraries , Ivan the Terrible 's secret torture chamber , and Catherine the Great 's underground canal network . So it 's unsurprising that Stalin got in on the action .

  17. 美国针对朝鲜最近的核试验及导弹发射,将对这个斯大林主义政权实施更严厉的制裁。巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)警告说,面对平壤的挑衅行为,美国不会继续其屈服的策略。

    The US is moving to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea over the Stalinist regime 's recent nuclear and missile tests , with Barack Obama warning that Washington would not continue a policy of capitulating in the face of provocative acts by Pyongyang .

  18. 伊凡雷帝(IvantheTerrible)和约瑟夫•斯大林(JosephStalin)是如此,彼得大帝(PetertheGreat)和弗拉基米尔•列宁(VladimirLenin)等激进改革者也不例外——后两人的专制程度不比前两人逊色,却因为打击精英而备受认可。

    This was true of Ivan the Terrible and Joseph Stalin . It was true , too , of radical reformers such as Peter the Great and Vladimir Lenin , equally authoritarian but widely approved of because their target was the elite .

  19. 在整个世界看来,现在斯大林象征着布尔什维克主义(A.J.P.泰勒)

    Stalin now personified bolshevism in the eyes of the world ( A.J.P. Taylor )

  20. SimonRussellBeale(如图)扮演了一个冷酷却又惹人发笑的斯大林,用西方粗喉音代替了他原来的乔治亚时期的口音。他世故圆滑,富于魅力,控制欲强,具有威慑力同时又反复无常。

    Simon Russell Beale ( pictured above ) is a chillingly hilarious Stalin ; substituting a West Country burr for the original Georgian accent , he is cunning and charming , manipulative , menacing and intellectually insecure .

  21. 斯大林的世界观更大程度上是由谢尔盖•涅恰耶夫(SergeiNechaev)概括的革命思维所塑造的:一切有利于革命取得胜利的事情都是道德的。

    His worldview was shaped more by the revolutionary mentality encapsulated by Sergei Nechaev : Everything that allows the triumph of the revolution is moral .

  22. 更不用说列宁(Lenin)、菲利克斯·捷尔任斯基(FelixDzerzhinsky)、托洛茨基(Trotsky)这些主角,还有那些年轻的布尔什维克热心分子们,他们在沙皇俄国与战争的废墟中跋涉,缔造出一个革命的国家,但最终却落入斯大林之手。

    Trotsky and the other young Bolshevik zealots who somehow navigated through the rubble of czarism and war to create a revolutionary state , only to hand it in the end to Stalin .

  23. 斯大林的世界观更大程度上是由谢尔盖•涅恰耶夫(SergeiNechaev)概括的革命思维所塑造的:“一切有利于革命取得胜利的事情都是道德的。”

    His worldview was shaped more by the revolutionary mentality encapsulated by Sergei Nechaev : " Everything that allows the triumph of the revolution is moral . "

  24. 斯大林对于这个相当生硬的回答抱以和蔼的一笑。

    Stalin received this somewhat abrupt response with a genial grin .

  25. 斯大林民族定义之我见

    My Views on Stalin 's Definition of Nationality or Ethnic Group

  26. 斯韦特兰娜的头两次婚姻先后破裂&而斯大林认为是女儿的责任。

    Her first two marriages failed – and Stalin blamed her .

  27. 艾森豪威尔于3月28日直接向斯大林递送了这一决定。

    Eisenhower relayed this decision to Stalin directly on March 28 .

  28. 斯大林称女儿为我的小麻雀,令我无比快乐的小东西。

    Stalin called her my little sparrow , my great joy .

  29. 斯大林模式:未能正确处理同资本主义的关系&苏联解体原因新探

    The Stalin Model : Failure to Handle Correctly Relations with Capitalism

  30. 但是很多人说斯大林是一位历史人物”。

    But many people say Stalin was a historical figure . "