
  • 网络snyder;Gary Snyder;Wesley Sneijder;Kirk Snyder
  1. 真正的富裕是一无所求。&斯奈德

    True affluence does not need anything . & Gary Snyder

  2. 杰克•克鲁亚克写了这个作为对加里•斯奈德建议他写下第一本经书的回应。

    Jack Kerouac wrote this in response to Gary Snyder 's suggestion that he write his first Sutra .

  3. 斯奈德是美编总监,他查出来这是搬箱子的家伙干的之后,把我招去做图书封面;我则教他学习如何使用Mac。

    Mr Snider , the art director , found out it was the box guy who had done it and hired me to do book jackets ; in return I taught him how to use Macs .

  4. 去年8月,亚历克斯·C·斯奈德(AlexC.Snyder)——在网络论坛上名叫Axcho——辞去软件公司林登实验室(LindenLab)的工作,开始售卖自己生产的类Soylent产品,比如Schmoylent和Schmilk。

    Alex C. Snyder , known on Internet forums as " Axcho , " quit his job at the software company Linden Lab last August to sell his own variants of Soylent , like Schmoylent and Schmilk .

  5. 因此,这部由扎克•斯奈德(ZackSnyder)执导的影片让人产生了这样一个疑问:我们是否聪明到会张开双臂接受这样一个形象的程度。

    Therefore the movie , which was directed by Zack Snyder , raises the question of whether we 'll be smart enough to receive such a one with open arms .

  6. 美国设计师托德·斯奈德(ToddSnyder)说:“‘工装裤’的长盛不衰在于它的实用主义。”自1992年起,斯奈德陆续在盖璞(Gap)、J.Crew和拉夫·劳伦(PoloRalphLauren)供职。他和库奇内利一样,都喜欢将工装裤和轻便上衣搭配。

    Cargo pants ' longevity is all about their utilitarianism , ' said American designer Todd Snyder , whose resume includes stints at Gap , J.Crew and Polo Ralph Lauren dating back to 1992 , and who shares Mr. Cucinelli 's fondness for pairing cargo pants with a sport coat . '

  7. 斯奈德这样有潜力的球员却被浪费在板凳上等着生锈。

    Snyder is like wasted potential rotting on the bench .

  8. 阿尔斯通和斯奈德都将成为出局者。

    Alston and Snyder are the odd men out .

  9. 斯奈德是好莱坞众多独自创作或与人合作剧本的作家之一。

    Snyder is one of many in Hollywood who write or co-write screenplays .

  10. 让我惊讶的是,斯奈德表示同意我的观点(算是吧)。

    Snyder surprised me by saying that he agrees ( sort of ) .

  11. 斯奈德和她的同事最近验证了这一理论。

    Snyder and her colleagues recently tested that theory .

  12. 不同的回归&华兹华斯与斯奈德自然观比较

    Different Back to Nature & Comparison of Nature View between Wordsworth and Snyder

  13. 斯奈德说,朝鲜政权面临的最大危险来自内部。

    ' The biggest danger to the regime remains from within , ' Mr. Snyder said .

  14. 别再只想着扎克·斯奈德的《超人:钢铁之躯》或是基努·里维斯的《太极侠》了。

    Forget Zach Snyder 's Man of Steel or Keanu Reeves ' Man of Tai Chi .

  15. 斯奈德给耶鲁制定的发展计划显然不包括提供性价比最佳的项目。

    Snyders growth plan for Yale is certainly not to offer the best value for money .

  16. 接着,斯奈德把芝加哥大学的商学院变成了全国最好的商学院之一。

    Snyder then turned the University of Chicago business school into the top-rated program in the country .

  17. 斯奈德所翻译的寒山诗和他寒山式的生活方式使他成为美国的寒山。

    His translation of Cold Mountains Poems and his Han Shan 's lifestyle make him American Han Shan .

  18. 斯奈德回想起大约一年前订单开始猛增的时候说。

    Mr. Snyder said , reflecting back about a year to the time when orders started pouring in .

  19. 选取斯奈德的禅学因缘为切入点,全面梳理了斯奈德近禅的原因和他的寒山情结,以期深化斯奈德研究。

    This paper investigates why and how Gary Snyder studies and practices Zen Buddhism and his Han Shan complex .

  20. 斯奈德说,最精彩的是当英雄发现他真实的身份和使命时的转变。

    The best , says Snyder , involve a transformation as the hero finds an authentic identity or mission .

  21. 退休后我们的一大问题就是变得过于自我,斯奈德对《国际先驱报》说道。

    One of the problems we have being retirees is we become too self-involved , Snyder told the Herald Tribune .

  22. 虽然23岁的斯奈德是名富有创造力的球员,但他却和罗本不是相同类型的球员,因为他更多打的是中路。

    Although a creative player , the23-year-old Sneijder is in a different mould to Robben as he plays more centrally .

  23. 另外,斯奈德对荒野是地方的阐释革新了西方传统的荒野观。

    Besides , Snyder has an evolution of Western traditional notion about the wilderness by regarding the wilderness as the place .

  24. 斯奈德最近刚从中国回来。中国有73家财富500强公司,这些公司几乎全部从事制造业。

    He recently returned from China , where almost all of the nations 73 Fortune 500 companies are in commodities businesses .

  25. 第二部分分析了斯奈德生态观的三个形成渊源:以自然为伍的生活方式,美国本土文化以及东方文化的影响。

    Part two analyses three origins of Snyder ' secological views : American Native culture , Oriental culture and his life style .

  26. 现在,斯奈德希望给耶鲁带来同样的华丽转身,但这几乎肯定要有损它的好人堡垒的名声。

    Now hes hoping to pull off a similar turnaround at Yale . That will almost certainly require shedding its do-gooder reputation .

  27. 我作为一名龙套橄榄球运动员来到洛根希望在新教练布鲁斯.斯奈德

    When I arrived here in Logan , as a " walk on " football player hoping to earn a scholarship in new coach .

  28. 加里。斯奈德的诗歌是以荒野自然为背景,指归一个自然的王国。

    Gary Snyder 's poetry is a song of the earth , focusing on the realm of nature and putting the wilderness as the setting .

  29. 最终斯奈德翻译的24首的寒山诗被编入美国外国文学史和文学选集中,完成了其经典化的过程。

    The 24 Han Shan poems translated by Snyder eventually make its way into the American foreign literature and anthologies accomplishing its way towards canonization .

  30. 本文试图从模因的视角,根据模因的传播复制规律对寒山文化传播现象进行探讨,对斯奈德翻译的24首寒山诗的经典化过程进行阐述。

    This thesis attempts to explore the transmission from the perspective of memetics and canonization of the 24 Han Shan poems translated by Gary Snyder .