
  • 网络Stratford;Stratford-upon-Avon;stratford upon avon;strafford
  1. 斯特拉福德警方拒绝对是否已有人被捕一事发表任何评论。

    Stratford police refuse to comment on whether anyone has been arrested

  2. 使一个斯特拉福德的小孩上了ellen秀我妈妈很震惊哈哈谢谢你们

    just got a small town kid from Stratford on Ellen , My mom is in shock , Haha , Thank you .

  3. 在伦敦生活了八年的萨姆贝利(SamBailey)希望以一周2000英镑(合3100美元左右)的价格出租他在斯特拉福德的一套三卧室房子。

    Sam Bailey , who has lived in London for eight years , hopes to rent his three-bedroom house in Stratford for £ 2,000 , or about $ 3,100 , per week .

  4. 获奖者是来自东伦敦斯特拉福德地区的罗齐米勒。

    Rosie Miller from stratford , East london , received the award .

  5. 如今斯特拉福德最著名的景点应当就是举世闻名的皇家莎士比亚剧院。

    Perhaps the most famous resident of Stratford today is the world famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre .

  6. 事实证明这些商品很受喜欢,约翰·路易斯百货商店斯特拉福德分店的总经理诺埃尔·桑德斯说:

    It 's proven popular with the crowds . Says Noel Saunders , managing director of John Lewis Stratford :

  7. 悉尼科技大学的特丽莎•斯特拉福德博士研究了30个志愿者在咨询过程中大脑和心跳的状况。

    Dr Trisha Stratford , of Sydney 's University of Technology , studied the brains and heartbeats of30 volunteers during counselling sessions .

  8. 但斯特拉福德的交通线四通八达;从伦敦其他地点和多数酒店前往斯特拉福德主要车站都很方便。

    But Stratford has a well-connected transport system ; the main station is easily accessible from other points in London and most hotels .

  9. 交通部还发布了一个最拥堵重点路段清单,包括斯特拉福德车站、伦敦桥、金丝雀码头、加拿大水和银行区。

    TfL has published a list of the worst hotspots which include Stratford station , London Bridge , Canary Wharf , Canada Water and Bank .

  10. 在加拿大斯特拉福德的剧院表演过,传闻他的母亲曾经也参与了表演。

    He used to perform in front of the theatre in Stratford , Ontario , Canada where its rumored that his mom was acting in a play .

  11. 不过这项新研究对神经系统的活动进行了更进一步的研究。悉尼科技大学的特丽莎?斯特拉福德博士研究了30个志愿者在咨询过程中大脑和心跳的状况。

    But the new study goes further by looking into the activity of the nervous system 。 Dr Trisha Stratford , of Sydney 's University of Technology , studied the brains and heartbeats of 30 volunteers during counselling sessions 。