
  1. 更多的毕业生纷纷涌入“新一线城市”,诸如东部城市杭州,其在9月份举办了G20峰会。

    More graduates are flocking to the " new first-tier cities , " such as the eastern city of Hangzhou , where the G20 summit was held in early September .

  2. 曾湘泉称,预计更多求职者将流向新一线城市。

    More job applicants are expected to flow to emerging first-tier cities , he said .

  3. 近日某在线招聘门户网站对90168名毕业生进行的一项调查显示,40%的求职者对在国内新一线城市里工作感兴趣。

    A survey among 90168 graduates by an online recruitment portal showed 40 % of job-seekers are interested in working in China 's emerging first-tier cities .

  4. 在帖子中,这名大一新生称她的学校位于新一线城市,而她妈妈给的2000元生活费太少了。

    According to the post , the new college student said her school is in a new top-tier city and complained her mother gave her too little , 2000 yuan .

  5. 成都、重庆、武汉、郑州和西安通常被认为是“新一线城市”,这些城市一季度招聘活跃度都较好。

    Chengdu , Chongqing , Wuhan , Zhengzhou and Xi'an , generally regarded as the " new first-tier cities , " have all reported active recruitments in the first quarter .

  6. 在用人需求增长最多的信息技术/互联网行业,新一线城市和三线城市的用工需求量分别增长了121%和82%,远高于全国平均增长的60%,而一线城市的需求却出现了负增长,降幅为2%。

    In the IT / internet sector , which saw the highest employee increase , employment demand in emerging first-tier cities and third-tier cities increased 121 % and 82 % respectively , much higher than the national average level of 60 % , while demand in first-tier cities saw negative growth , with a fall of 2 % .

  7. 将人才视为创新和经济增长的主要动力,中国的许多城市,尤其是新一线城市,推出了如提供住房补贴在内的优惠政策。这一举措也符合中国经济增长平衡发展模式的要求。

    Perceiving talent to be the major driver for innovation and economic growth , a wide range of Chinese cities , especially new first-tier cities , have rolled out favorable policies , such as offering housing allowances . The move is also in line with the call for a balanced development pattern for economic growth across the nation .