
  1. 试论新形势下农科高职教育的必要性和紧迫性

    Discussion on Necessity and Urgency of Agricultural Higher Vocational Education under New Situation

  2. 新世纪高等农科人才素质特征、知识能力结构与培养途径的研究

    Personality Features , Knowledge Competence Structure , and Ways for Training of Qualified Agricultural Personnel in New Century

  3. 新时期高等农科教育要坚持数量和质量辩证统一,必须要紧紧抓住农业巨大的用人市场,适当扩大办学规模,同时调整培养目标,准确办学定位和确立办学特色。

    In new period , high agricultural education should take quality and quantity dialectical unify , getting hold of the enormous market of employment tightly , expanding the scale of the students properly , adjustment the train objective , and establishment the feature or features of running a school .

  4. 在市场经济发展和中国加入WTO的新形势下,农科大学生思想呈现出一些新特点。

    Under the new situation of developing market economy and entering WTO , some new characteristics in agricultural college students ' thoughts have been showed out .

  5. 新形势下提高农科研究生培养教育质量的思考

    Thinking about Better Educational Quality of Agricultural Post-graduate Under the New Situation