
  • 网络Singapore Institute of Technology
  1. 目前他们分别在上海交通大学(ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity)、新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)和尚德商学院工作。

    They are now at Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Nanyang Technological University and Sauder .

  2. 在过去两次的排名中均居第二的新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,简称N.T.U.)超过香港科技大学,拔得头筹。

    Nanyang Technological University in Singapore , second in the past two editions , overtook Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to secure the top spot .

  3. 纳丁是新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)科学家们的智慧结晶,其运行机制类似苹果Siri或微软小娜,她的外貌完全是按照其创造者纳迪娅·塔尔曼教授的样子为蓝本。

    Powered by intelligent software similar to Apple 's Siri or Microsoft 's Cortana , she is the brainchild of scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and is based on her creator Prof Nadia Thalmann .

  4. 新加坡南洋理工大学的成功崛起&创业型大学战略的实施

    The successful rise of Nanyang Technology University of Singapore & Strategy choice of entrepreneurial universities

  5. 这款应用由成都大熊猫繁育研究基地、新加坡南洋理工大学和四川师范大学的研究人员共同开发。

    The app is developed by the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding along with researchers in Singapore Nanyang Technological university and Sichuan Normal University .

  6. 我在新加坡南洋理工大学攻读会计学本科学位的时候得到了毕马威的奖学金,同时承诺为毕马威工作五年。

    I was awarded KPMG Singapore scholarship , which has a5 years bond , to pursue a Bachelor of Accountancy degree in Nanyang Technological University of Singapore .

  7. 另外,香港大学排名第42,大阪大学排名第50。新加坡南洋理工大学也以第95名的成绩榜上有名。

    The University of Hong Kong is the42nd and Japan 's Osaka is No.50 . Singapore 's Nanyang Technological University is also on the list at the95th place .

  8. 本文介绍了新加坡南洋理工大学的学校概况、入学要求、专业设置以及学费、与中国的合作项目等情况。

    This article introduces the general situation , admission requirements , major project , tuition and cooperative items with China and so on of Nanyang Technological University , Singapore .

  9. 最近他是新加坡南洋理工大学的高性能云计算以及加拿大皇家银行的测试和开发云方面的架构师。

    Recently he was the architect for the High Performance Computing Cloud for the Nanyang Technological University , Singapore and the Test and Development Cloud for the Royal Bank of Canada .

  10. 新加坡南洋理工大学的数百名大一新生最近被安排按不同性别成双成对地待在一起,其目的在于打破陌生男女约会人数的吉尼斯世界纪录,同时为新生提供熟悉环境、结交朋友的机会。

    Hundreds of college freshmen at a Singapore university met up with members of the opposite sex Wednesday in this record-obsessed country 's latest wacky feat & setting up blind dates en masse .

  11. 新加坡南洋理工大学的研究人员已经开发出可快速充电的二氧化钛阳极;马克o赫尔萨姆教授在西北大学的团队则通过加入石墨烯等材料,将锂聚电池阳极的失电子能力提高了一倍。

    Researchers atNangyang Technological University have developed a fast-charging titanium dioxide anode , and Mark Hersam 's team at Northwestern has doubled the capacity of a lithium-ion anode by interlacing materials like graphene .

  12. 新加坡实施职业教育的主要机构有新加坡国家工艺教育学院、新加坡国立理工学院、大学本科的职业教育。

    There are several organizations which provide vocational education , such as Singapore National Institute of Education , Singapore National Polytechnic , and vocational educa .