
  • 网络Singapore Institute Of Management;Sim
  1. 根据最近南加州大学,圣路易斯华盛顿大学,新加坡管理学院和迈阿密大学的研究,道歉究竟有没有用要依据道歉到底够不够好。

    According to a recent paper by researchers at USC , Washington University in St. Louis , Singapore Management University and the University of Miami , it depends on if the apology is good enough .

  2. 新加坡财富管理学院正加速成为整个亚洲地区(而不仅仅是新加坡)的财富经理人培训中心。

    WMI is gearing up to be a training centre for wealth managers across Asia rather than just Singapore .

  3. ·作者是新加坡国立大学企业管理学院副教授。

    ( The writer is an Associate Professor at NUS Business School , Dept of Finance & Accounting . )