
xīn míng
  • New Name;nome novum
新名[xīn míng]
  1. 用新名保存活动文档。

    Saves the active document with a new name .

  2. 那些无意识的梦,我们赋予它们的是新名

    New is the name we give to unconscious dreams

  3. 文件或目录的新名,必须为不存在。

    The new name for the file or directory .

  4. 他舍弃了他“奴隶”的名字,改用新名:穆罕默德里。

    He dropped his " slave " name , and adopted a new one : muhammad ali .

  5. 至于耶稣的「新名」,我们知道,它必充满荣耀。

    As for Jesus ' " new name ," we know it will be full of glory .

  6. 今年的人气新名包括:男孩名杰登、艾塞克和芬利;女孩名艾瓦和萨梅尔。

    Rising stars in 2007 were Jayden , Isaac and Finley for the boys , Ava and Summer for the girls .

  7. 因此,2010年度管理废话奖的首个奖项是一个崭新的奖项:冠以普通名词愚蠢的新名奖。

    Thus my first award in the 2010 Management Guff Awards is a brand new category for Daft New Names for Common Nouns .

  8. 国有农地承包合同是国有农场经济体制改革过程中形成的一种新名合同。

    State-owned rural land contract is an economic system in state-owned farm to reform a kind of new a contract become in the process .

  9. 并赐他一块白石,石上写着新名。除了那领受的以外。没有人能认识。

    I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it , known only to him who receives it .

  10. 太监长亚施毗拿给他们每个人起了个新名,而这些名字都与巴比伦人所拜的偶像有关,但以理他们一定觉得很不舒服。

    Then when Ashpenaz , the king 's chief official , gave them each new names that were related to the false gods of Babylon , it must 've troubled them .

  11. 列国必见你的公义,列王必见你的荣耀。你必得新名的称呼,是耶和华亲口所起的。

    And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness , and all kings thy glory : and thou shalt be called by a new name , which the mouth of the LORD shall name .

  12. 如果目标是一个文件,那么(单一)源必须也为文件,而源文件的副本使用目标名作为新名,替换任何现有的具有相同名称的文件。

    If the target is a file , then the ( single ) source must also be a file and a copy of the source file is made with the target name as the new name , replacing any existing file of the same name .

  13. 键入新文件夹名并按enter。

    Type the new folder name and press enter .

  14. 新疫苗名为FluBlock,它的制作不需要卵细胞。

    The new vaccine called Flu Block is made without eggs .

  15. 无法编写这样的Java应用程序,让它在双击具有新扩展名的文件时自动打开。

    You can 't write a Java application that opens automatically when you double-click on a file with a new extension .

  16. 输入新操作名getQuote并单击OK。

    Enter the new operation name getQuote and click OK .

  17. Show和Family.Show据推测将会迁移到微软新的名为软件+服务蓝本(Software+ServicesBlueprints)倡议项目里。

    Video . Show , and presumably Family . Show , will migrated into Microsoft 's new initiative called Software + Services Blueprints .

  18. GIS型避雷器的电位分布解析结果与日本新榛名变电站使用避雷器的解析和实测结果都相当一致,满足技术协议要求。

    The analysis result of potential distribution for the GIS lightning arrester is consistent with that used in Japanese substation , which satisfies the requirements of technical agreement .

  19. 上述这些重大变化促使Gazprom同意通过新的名为PowerofSiberia的管道系统向中国供应天然气。

    These big changes drove Gazprom to agree to supply China via a new pipeline system , called the Power of Siberia .

  20. SQLAzureFederations将支持一种新的名为FILTERING的连接,用于处理federateddata并提供了重新分区的组件,该组件将支持完整的可用性。

    SQL Azure Federations will support a new connection called FILTERING used to work with federated data and provide the re-partitioning component which will support full-availability .

  21. 我定义了一个新的名为createbook的函数,该函数构建book对象,并由用于每本书的模板调用。

    I defined a new function called createbook that builds the book object and is invoked by the template with each book .

  22. 您需要添加一个新的名为“customerId”的自定义属性来支持新的查询要求。

    You need to add a new custom property called " customerId " to support the new query requirement .

  23. 美国银行-美林公司(bankofamerica-merrilllynch)亚太区并购业务负责人已宣布计划离职,成为最新一名退出该问题银行的高管。

    The head of Asia-Pacific mergers and acquisitions for Bank of America-Merrill Lynch has announced plans to leave , becoming the latest senior executive to quit the troubled bank .

  24. 随后演示的一个新服务名为MusicBeta。

    Next a new services from Google was demoed called MusicBeta .

  25. Hershfield研制了一种新的名为pEG-Uricase的降尿酸药现在临床试验中。

    Hershfield developed a new uric-acid-lowering drug called pEG-Uricase , which is now in clinical trials .

  26. 这款索尼新产品名为ReaderDailyEdition,将在12月投放美国市场,售价将比亚马逊的基本无线设备Kindle高出100美元,但其触摸屏有7英寸,Kindle的屏幕只有6英寸。

    The Japanese electronics group 's new Reader Daily Edition , which will hit the US market in December , costs $ 100 more than Amazon 's basic wireless Kindle device , but offers a seven-inch touch screen , larger than the Kindle 's six inches .

  27. 在服务器上,现在由新的名为RnRMgr的Demino任务来实现空间/资源事件处理。

    On the server , a new Domino task called RnRMgr now handles rooms / resources event processing .

  28. 阿里巴巴的新服务名为TmallBoxOffice(以下简称TBO)。该集团表示,TBO将与美国流媒体服务Netflix和美国付费电视网HBO类似。目前,Netflix尚未拿到在华运营的牌照。

    Alibaba 's new offering is called Tmall Box Office , a service the group said would be similar to Netflix , the US streaming service that has yet to receive a license to operate in China , and HBO , the pay-television network .

  29. 单击新宏名旁边的“操作”列中的单元格,再单击下拉箭头,然后单击“openform”。

    Click the cell in the action column next to the new macro name , click the drop-down arrow , and then click openform .

  30. 有时,像genisofs这样的新命令名会替代一个旧命令名,但旧名称(mkisofs)被保留作为对新命令的链接。

    Sometimes , a new command name , such as genisofs , will replace an older command name , but the old name ( mkisofs ) is kept as a link to the new command .