
  1. 请您的新名片上打印新的电子邮件地址。

    Please print your new email address on your new business card .

  2. 国门商务区:北京商务新名片

    Air Central Business District : New Business Card for Beijing

  3. 只要拿起我的新名片,他们看起来生意,字面!

    Just picked up my new business cards , they look the business , literally !

  4. 绿色:电力新名片

    The New Name Card of Green Power

  5. 等到有机会去中国做生意的时候,他决定制作含有中英双语的新名片。

    When the chance came for him to visit China on business , he decided to have new cards made up with both Chinese and English languages .

  6. 民用无人机是中国为数不多的能够引领世界发展的高科技产品之一,也是“中国制造”的新名片。

    Commercial use of UAVs is one of China 's few high-tech products that can lead the world 's development , and has been a new business card of " Made in China . "

  7. 它就是你的新“名片”!

    It is your new calling card !

  8. 如何运用传播学知识,将沈阳的新城市名片成功地传播出去,达到宣传沈阳、扩大沈阳城市影响力的效果,是这一部分的主要议题。

    To know how to spread out the " city card " successfully with communication knowledge , reaching an effect of publicizing the city and expanding urban influence , is the main topic of this section .

  9. 雕塑公园提升了城市的文化品位,受到市民和海内外游客的赞誉,成为北国春城新的城市名片。

    The park enhances the class of the city , and is highly appraised by the citizens and domestic and foreign visitors and has become the new visiting card of the city .

  10. 桌子里全是进行中的项目方案、新提案、业务名片&那些你通常会从在其位的男人桌上找到的东西。

    The desk was full of partially finished projects , new proposals , business cards & the usual sort of stuff you would find in a desk of a man in his position .