
  • 网络NATM;New Austrian Tunnelling Method
  1. 新奥法隧道施工过程对地面变形的影响

    The influences of tunnel construction process by NATM on ground deformation

  2. 新奥法的基本原理及在不良地质洞段中的工程应用

    Fundamental and Application in the Worse Geological Tunnel Section on NATM

  3. 采用BP神经网络对公路隧道新奥法施工过程中围岩力学参数的反演分析进行了研究,通过隧道有限元方法得到了网络训练样本。

    The back analysis is made by means of the BP neural network algorithm on the mechanics parameters of surrounding rock masses in a highway tunnel construction project by NATM .

  4. 结果证明,RFPA很好地模拟出采用新奥法施工的支护使围岩应力重分布的状况,直观表现出围岩应力的变化。

    The RFPA results demonstrate that the condition of the Surrounding rock stress redistribution after supporting by NATM construction .

  5. 74l2工程的试验洞,采用了传统的施工方法浇筑混凝土厚壁支护和新奥法(NATM)混凝土喷层加衬砌支护进行对比试验。

    Old construction method of wide-concrete wall is compared with new austrian tunnelling method ( NATM ) of sprayed concrete support in 7412 engineering test tunnel .

  6. 新奥法施工隧道拱顶位移估算方法的研究

    Studies on the Estimation Methods of Vault Displacement of NATM Construction

  7. 浅谈监控量测在隧道新奥法施工中的应用

    Shallowly discusses in the New Austrian Tunnelling Method construction the monitoring

  8. 新奥法一次支护的计算机辅助设计

    The Computer Aided Design of First Strut of New Austrian Tunnelling Method

  9. 压气新奥法隧道施工中的渗流分析

    Seepage analysis in New Austria Tunneling Method with compressed air

  10. 在软弱破碎地层中应用新奥法的一些问题

    Some Problems of Applying the New Austrian Tunnelling Method in Soft Fractured

  11. 采用新奥法施工隧道的应力分析特点

    Stress analysis characteristics of the tunnel constructed by new Austrian Tunneling Method

  12. 公路隧道施工现场监测是新奥法施工技术保障的重要组成部分。

    Monitoring measurement for tunnel construction is an important part of NATM .

  13. 根据流变学与地球动力学观点研究新奥法

    The NATM Studied from the Viewpoint of Rheology and Geodynamics

  14. 焦晋高速公路孤山隧道中新奥法的应用分析

    Analysis of the Application of NATM in Gushan Tunnel on Jiaozuo-Jincheng Highway

  15. 新奥法隧道防水失效探析和几点体会

    Failure analysis of waterproofing for tunnels with NATM method and some experience

  16. 新奥法施工是隧道工程的先进施工技术。

    NATM is an advanced construction technology of tunnel engineering .

  17. 大断面地铁车站新奥法施工监控量测

    The new Austrian method construction monitoring measurement of large section subway station

  18. 新奥法施工隧道掘进作业接尘量调查

    Survey of Exposed Dust of Tunnel Driving Working under Construction with NATM

  19. 对公路隧道新奥法施工监控技术的展望

    Prospects for Construction Monitoring Technology of New Austrian Tunneling Method of Highway Tunnels

  20. 新奥法施工技术及其在地铁工程中的应用

    NATM Construction Technology and Application in Underground Railway Project

  21. 隧道新奥法施工的空间效应分析

    Analysis on Three-dimensional Effect of NATM Operation in Tunnel

  22. 堰岭隧道Ⅰ类围岩新奥法施工技术

    On Construction Technique of NATM in ⅰ Grade Surrounding Tocks of Yanling Tunnel

  23. 新奥法在盾构竖井中的施工技术应用

    The Application of New Austrian Tunneling Method on the shaft for shield tunnel

  24. 高速公路隧道新奥法施工监控量测

    The Monitor Measuring of Highway Tunnel in Natm

  25. 近景摄影在隧道新奥法中的应用研究

    Photography and Existence Close range photography of tunnel

  26. 铁路隧道新奥法施工新实践

    New practice of NATM in railway tunnel construction

  27. 浅谈利用新奥法原理进行黄土隧道施工体会

    The Study on Using " New Austrian Tunnelling Method " to Construct Loess Tunnel

  28. 软岩及深部井巷支护与新奥法

    Support Methods in Soft Rock Roadway and Deep Roadway and New Austrian Tunneling Method

  29. 新奥法理论分析及工程应用研究

    NATM Theoretical Analysis and Applied Research in Project

  30. 因此,隧道监控量测是新奥法隧道施工的基础和前提。

    So tunnel monitoring measurment is the foundation and prerequisite of tunneling with NATM in .