
  • 网络newly started projects;newly-commenced projects;new projects;new projects,newly started projects
  1. 从严控制新开工项目。

    We will strictly control the number of new projects undertaken .

  2. 新开工项目减少,结构趋于合理。

    Reduce the number of new projects , the structure more reasonable .

  3. 1999年我国铁路新开工项目简介

    Brief Introduction to the New Railway Projects Started in 1999

  4. --中国今年将严格控制新开工项目。

    China will strictly control new projects this year

  5. 针对各新开工项目的特点和要求进行安全培训,以及特殊工种作业人员的安全培训。

    Make safety training in the view of some new project , and training for authorized operation .

  6. 三是新开工项目普遍推行了招标投标制、工程监理制、合同管理制。

    The systems of tendering and bidding , project supervision and contract management have been adopted and standardized among newly constructed projects ;

  7. 随着房地产新开工项目的下行趋势加快,中国生产商正转向海外市场,销售其过剩的产能。

    With the downturn in new real estate construction projects gathering pace , Chinese producers are turning to overseas markets to sell their excess capacity .

  8. 他表示要“严格控制新开工项目”,并补充说,政府投资应当主要用来完成已经开工的项目。

    " The launching of new projects must be strictly controlled , " said Mr Wen , who added that government investment should be used to complete existing projects .

  9. 虽然固定资产投资头两个月增长强劲,但新开工项目投资出现同比负增长,预示未来投资增长可能放慢。

    While the first two months of fixed asset investment grew strongly , but investment in new projects appear negative growth year on year , suggesting growth may slow down future investment .

  10. 各级政府投资都要集中力量保重点,严格控制新开工项目,资金安排主要用于项目续建和收尾,切实防止出现半拉子工程。

    Government investment at all levels needs to be concentrated in the most important areas , and the launching of new projects must be strictly controlled . It should be used mainly for carrying on and completing projects , and we need to ensure that projects are not stopped midway .

  11. 2000年,国家在西部地区新开工10大项目,总投资1000多亿元;

    In 2000 , the State launched 10 major projects in the western region , with combined investment exceeding 100 billion yuan .

  12. 2001年,新开工了12大项目,总投资2000多亿元;

    In 2001 , another 12 large projects were launched , involving more than 200 billion yuan in total investment .