
xīn zhì xù
  • new order
新秩序[xīn zhì xù]
  1. 苏哈托的新秩序(NewOrder)政权结构类似一个金字塔。

    The political power structure of New Order seems like a pyramid .

  2. 从对Twitter的广泛认知,到人人感叹微博的魔力,在短短不到四年的时间里,微博所带来的微革命正在开创社会话语传播的新秩序。

    From the wide recognition of Twitter , to the discovery of the power of micro blog , in less than four years , the " micro revolution " which is brought by micro blog is creating a new order of the spread of social discourse .

  3. 冷战的结束带来了建立一个以国际合作为基础的世界新秩序的希望。

    The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation

  4. 他文章的主题是建立国际经济新秩序。

    The establishment of new international economic order is the essence of his article .

  5. 在我国加入WTO、市场需要新秩序、企业需要新规范、管理需要新方法的今天,将企业广告投入风险预警管理系统的建立提上管理议程,具有极为重要的现实意义与理论意义。

    As China 's entry into WTO , the market , corporate and management need new cosmos , new regulation and new methods . Therefore , the study of early-warning management system in advertisement investment has critical reality and theory meaning .

  6. 在巴尔干驯服斯洛博丹米洛舍维奇(slobodanmilosevic)之后不久,北约就把自己重新定义为一支捍卫全球新秩序的军事力量。

    Fresh from taming Slobodan Milosevic in the Balkans , NATO had reinvented itself as the military guardian of the new global order .

  7. 西方尤其是起初持怀疑态度的美国总统乔治HW布什(GeorgeH.W.Bush)终于意识到,戈尔巴乔夫所言当真他确实希望建立实现人类共同价值观的世界新秩序。

    The west , in particular an initially sceptical President George H.W. Bush , came to realise Mr Gorbachev meant what he said he did want a new world order , with common human values .

  8. 研究目的:为了建立更加公平合理的国际工程承包市场新秩序,有必要对目前国际上所广泛使用的FIDIC《施工合同条件》中买(雇主)卖(承包商)双方是否平等的问题作一番探讨。

    Research purposes : In order to establish a more just market for international project contract , it is necessary to discuss whether the employer and the contractor are equal or not under Conditions of Contract for Construction of FIDIC .

  9. 第三世界与21世纪国际新秩序

    The Third World with the New International Order in 21 Century

  10. 走向新秩序&世纪末的西宁城市建设及其现代化途径

    Xining Municipal Construction and Modernization at the End of the Century

  11. 市场建立新秩序;

    The new order of market establishing and the market enlarging .

  12. 国际金融危机与建立国际经济政治新秩序

    International Financial Crisis and Establishing New International Economic and Political Order

  13. 倡导建立国际政治经济新秩序;

    We should establish a new international political and economic order ;

  14. 建设生产性服务业新秩序。

    And fourth , establish new order for manufactural service .

  15. 美国的中东新秩序计划

    US Plan for a New Order in the Middle East

  16. 亚太地区合作与国际新秩序的建构

    Asia Pacific Regional Cooperation and the Adjustment of International Order

  17. 国际经济新秩序特设专家组

    Ad Hoc Expert Group on the New International Economic Order

  18. 对建立公正合理的国际新秩序的思考

    Thoughts on Establishing A New International Order that Is Fair and Rational

  19. 建立国家间的新秩序,以及为个人提供新机会。

    for new arrangements among nations , and new opportunities for individuals .

  20. 中印在建立国际新秩序中的合作前景

    China and India : Prospects for Cooperation in a New World Order

  21. 欧洲其它国家在世界新秩序中将处于什么样的地位?

    What of the rest of Europe in the new world order ?

  22. 国际新秩序、世界秩序与世界新秩序

    New International Order , World Order and New World Order

  23. 维护联合国权威和建立国际新秩序得到大多数国家支持;

    Defend UN 's authority and establish new international order ;

  24. 国内船分级管理:重塑中国航运新秩序

    Classification of domestic ships helps rebuild the new order of Chinese shipping

  25. 伍德罗·威尔逊构建世界新秩序的原因初探

    Research for the Reason of Woodrow Wilson 's Constructing the New Order

  26. 打破传统观念,建立新秩序

    The break of the traditional concept , the establishment of the new order

  27. 国际新秩序建构前景堪忧;

    The prospect of international new order is worrying ;

  28. 建立社会主义商品经济新秩序必须加强审计监督

    Establishing the New Order of Socialist Commodity Economy Must Strengthen the Audit Supervision

  29. 建立和维护国际新秩序的现实依据和行为规范&对十六大报告国际形势和对外工作部分的学习体会

    The Real Basis and Action Standard to Establish and Safeguard International New Order

  30. 新秩序的建构&湖南大学校园空间模式的跃迁

    Construct a New Order & Transition of Space Mode of Hunan University Campus